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About BloOdDiamOnD

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  1. Ok solved, pack has nothing to do with it after all it was Server related (hosted in france with high ping) I tried several packs on the domain server and still had the same issue. I have tried the files on other pcs and works perfectly now. lock it.
  2. @Tryskell @Rootware No unfortunately i checked and changed the whole validate posititon code , tried the l2j's one, mobius one also but still nothing , this issue is very strange What could be another possibility for this?
  3. Can someone help me on this? https://maxcheaters.com/topic/235805-movement-bug/
  4. Hi i am using fandc - mythras source and currently i have this movement bug issue - i have geodata installed - i tried to disable geodata but i still have the same issue When i click somewhere to move for example i am getting camera relocation and backstep movements Also when i try to hit a mob it stops on the first hit Here is a video explaining the issue!
  5. Hi am looking for a hi5 cancel return buffs system but i cannot find it anywhere I tried anarchy's but it seems way different Keep in mind that the cancellation is different in hi5 due to formula calculations Thank you!!
  6. on html did u replace the %objectid% with the npc?
  7. It does not teleport the players in the arena and there us a nullpointerexcpetion for createDynamicInstance
  8. I did it like this i guess will work like that?
  9. Hello i have installed l2j event egnine the one that is shared from u3 games but i have an issue with my dynamic instances I mean the whole event egine recognizes the instances as String but on Mobius project its like an Intiger but if i change a single thing i have to change the whole coding i guess to String, is there any way that i can parse this ? or change at least this one to Intiger or etc? And if i change the file from String to Int it requests the instance instead so this options does not work I could use some help on this because i am willing to learn not just randomly requesting to do it.! Thanks !
  10. I know this post is old but i tried to adapt it in l2jmobius highfive. I made a lot of code changing - implementation but i cannot figure out this one and its really bothering me.. If someone can help me out i will appreciate it. Thanksl!! As you can see there is no method getKnownList() in L2Npc.
  11. some more info added.
  12. Server is LIVE now ! So join the game and enjoy PVP-Battles. www.l2quittance.de www.l2quittance.de/forum/ Server information Enchant Rates: - Safe enchant: 4 - Max enchant: 12 - normal rate : 70 - Blessed rate: 85 - Elemental rate: 90 - Max element: LvL 4 Npc's Custom: -Gatekeeper Global in every Town -Npc Buffer in every Town -Gm Shop in Giran -Classe Master with instant Noblesse in every Town -PvP - Pk Ranking npc -Olympiad manager npc -Tittle color manager npc Other Info: - Raid boss jewels in shop - Current currency: Apigas / Gold Knight (clan rep coins) / Golden apiga - 1 golden apiga = 4k apiga - Oly start at 18:00 GMT +2 - Oly cycle: 1 week - Oly duration: 6 hours - 1 safe area, 1 farm area (2 teleports), 1 pt area (GCM drops), 1 custom boss zone - buff slots: 26+4/12 - classes 90% balanced - Custom cancellation system: Only works inside oly, not outside.d. - Clan Raidboss zone (Drops Gold Knight's [1GoldKnight=5k Clan rep.])
  13. Lineage 2 Pavilion PvP Server .. www.l2-pavilion.xdot.eu Join now!! ^^ High Five PvP Server... Rates: XP/SP: x500 | Adena: x1 | Drop: x1 | Party XP: x1 Enchant: 70% | Blessed: 100% | Safe: +4 | Max: +16 Buffs duration 3 hours | 36 buffs slots | 18 dances & songs slots. Npc's: Custom Gatekeepers Scheme Buffer Gm Shop PvP/Pk Manager Augment Manager Server-Info Others: GoD Armors PvP/PK Colour Name system Clan Leader Colour name Attribute system Heroes every week Castle sieges 2 weeks | Territory War 2 weeks 3 sub max | Max Sub lvl: 85 Auto TvT Event every 1 Hours with special reward Hide and Seek event LastHero event Offline shops Unstuck: 20 seconds Auto Learn Skills Auto Learn Forgotten Skills GeoData Vote Reward [10GA / 10 GCM]
  14. Lineage 2 Invoke is a high rate pvp server with High five client and no lag, no bugs at all !! Join to our community.! server site: www.l2invoke.tk ! Join ! Rates: XP/SP: x2000 | Adena: x2000 Drop: x20 | Party XP: x2 Enchant: 70% | Blessed: 90% | Safe: +6 | Max: +18 Buffs duration 3 hours | 45buffs slots | 25 dances & songs slots. Npc's: Custom Gatekeeper Scheme Buffer Gm Shop PvP/Pk Manager Warehouse Manager Agument Manager Farm/PvP Gatekeeper Noblesse Manager Grand Olympiad info manager Others: Attribute system Heroes every week Castle sieges 2 weeks | Territory War 2 weeks 3 sub max | Max Sub lvl: 85 Auto TvT Event every 1 Hours with special reward Death Match event LastHero event Offline shops Unstuck: 20 seconds No custom items Auto Learn Skills Auto Learn Forgotten Skills GeoData Pvp/pk system Easy Farm areas Rb Area
  15. any guide how to use it ;P?
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