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Everything posted by FinalGod

  1. Τραγουδίστρια Πατρινή
  2. Πρώτον δεν συγκρίνονται με την καμία.Πρέπει να είσαι τελείως ανώμαλος για να σου αρέσει αυτή παραπάνω από την Ειρήνη (φώτο που έβαλα) Δεύτερον prove me ότι είναι από Αθήνα.
  3. Hello guys. Well as you already know SOTM works like this now...... We have 3 winners that are awarded with 3 awards. I was thinking oif we change it a bit...... i have 3 plans in my mind. Plan 1 Let it as it is now , 1st award,+1 karma and place at the Wall Of Fame 2nd award and place at the Wall Of Fame 3rd award and place at the Wall Of Fame Plan 2 Having 3 winners but this time like that 1st awards,+1 karma and place at the Wall Of Fame 2nd place at the Wall Of Fame 3rd place at the Wall Of Fame Plan 3 ONLY 1 winner 1st award,+1 karma and place at the Wall Of Fame You can vote these options through the poll. Note that the result of this poll is not meant that it will be applied.I want to see what's your thoughts Poll will be running for 5 days. P.S. keep the topic clean from spam and flames.Breaking this will cause to your instantly (without warning) punishment.
  4. κοιτάξτε τι βγάζει η πάτρα
  5. So noob basically this is not only for webmasters but for hosting a game too right?
  6. Μαλακα fanky τι στον πούτσο...μέχρι τώρα όλα δύσκολα τα έχεις βρει...έχεις ανοίξει καθόλου βιβλίο; Τρολλ
  7. Wrong section dude.Go and post it @monetization boards.
  8. Ήσουν καθαρός ή είχες πιει κανένα μπαφο?
  9. Μετά θα κοιτάξεις μήπως γίνεις μέλος σε gfx forum.Σ προτείνω το pimped-pixels.net. Όχι τόση μεγάλη κοινότητα φιλική όμως και πρόθυμη να εξυπηρετήσει.
  10. Ωχ.Πάλι σε γλενταγανε χτες?
  11. Θα μου κλάσεις τα καμπανελια πουστη κοντε.
  12. Ibarra now why respect you so much.You are mature enough yo face your mistakes. Voqus yeah
  13. Well even if I respect you a lot and I like your designs I could have done any other action.I'm sorry
  14. Έλα μια βόλτα από εδώ ρε πουστη απεκη να δεις. Ποιος είπε ότι δεν ασχολήθηκα με μπάσκετ
  15. Nevermore περίπου γιατί είμαι 2.05 ύψος Dev εσύ αsics δεν φορούσες?
  16. Ok matthew removed from the sotm as he requested for.
  17. And what's your problem?We can't force them not to vote him. Rosalie you are right.xDamian disqualified.
  18. Do it and you will be disqualified..........
  19. Not sure about the text and your effects but I really like your blending.
  20. Hey this is your best so far........nice colore and lighting. Not sure about the text though.
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