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Everything posted by FinalGod

  1. Εγώ που πέρασα μια βόλτα από εκεί προχτές μ είπαν ότι έχει ακόμα κάτι φιλαράκια.
  2. Φιλαράκι μου ακολούθησε κλάδο τέτοιο σε ΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΗ και πλήρωσε ντούκου 4,000
  3. All votes that were having Dami's name were edited.
  4. Not a bad idea but as trance said Maxtor is already planning this and he started working
  5. Yes but those people ain't bots kiddo....If you log bots everyone will understand it. Anyway no point speaking with ya better with my dog,mine brain.. End of conversation.
  6. ΓεμίσεταΤου Heroin όλα εύκολα του φαίνονται και πάντα σε μια ώρα τελειώνει.
  7. We have introduction boards.welcome btw.
  8. Even if u are not that clever I really understand you AMD I am with ya but I can't do smt for this....
  9. Εκεί δεν το παίζουν ιστορία.Είτε είσαι δονατορ είτε όχι το ίδιο είσαι για αυτούς...
  10. Who is mad actions proved it.What can I say u in that case.do the same in order to be happy...
  11. Can you please quot the hating?I explained you via pm that even if he did this I can't disqualify him.He did not break any rule.
  12. Και μετά λες για αίσθηση ματιού.
  13. Exactly.I hope Mathew would have understood it.
  14. Topic ain't the proper one for that issue.Although what's my ++++ from all these? U said several times that there are not people that can win him and so on..What has this to do with my ass..U were refering to the one who disqualified dami.I was the one so......I did not even participate to the event . And u attacked in a way cause u were flaming those who disqualified dami.
  15. And you are what?His lawyer or better his pussy? I did not say the opposite he made one of the best tags but rules are rules.Failing to obey them will cause into the disqualification. As for the skills this is not the right topic to be discussed but funny how in the past u were admiring me for my skills and now that I disqualified your friend u stated flaming me. Now stop the flames and let's quit it here I don't want to fight with ya cause for me your are still q friend. That was my last warning....
  16. Γενικά λέω.Δεν μου φαίνεσαι και πολύ διαβασμένος
  17. Γιατί το λες αυτό;;
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