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Everything posted by Aventurine

  1. after rene got buffed his owns from the very first moments
  2. Virus detected :-\
  3. nc feats downloading patch atm, gl with ur server but stop double posting modify ur main post
  4. Server sux a new char has 300kk and 1000 ss cost 100kk more than buying s grade gear... 100x mp pots,hp pots also cost 100kk ...... :(
  5. Np's Its fine ;D
  6. ROFL this happend me twice 1 time: 3 oppoment left 3 mins later the 4 left and the 5 was afk 2 time: 4 allies left and stood into an 5v1 rly funny it took them like 29 min to win that :/
  7. Jax/Akali/Fiddlesticks/Malzahar/Master Yi/Pantheon/twisted Fate/Twich/Warwick/Xin Zhao ;D
  8. ehh since last update exhoust has been changed now it decreases ur damage and damage from spells and slows u It would be nc to update ur post ;)
  9. H megaliteri plaka ine pws oloi p to dokimasate ke dn epiase xasate stin oly ke xasate ta points sas tzama xD
  10. yep but i said an hybrid build urs is totaly an ap build.. and yep most of the times i play kata i get fed early game so yes im kinda rambo xD but after the team fight takes place i rush in cast ulti last hit ppl and/or shumpo to a minion or to a safe target and bb
  11. LOL? they do just used this build on anivia had 1200 ap...
  12. i dont like feats but i wish u good luck :P
  13. +1 απο μενα.
  14. Twich isnt OP espacially after his ulti's nerf Bro LoL ashe is a ranged carry she is supposed to stay at the back of a fight and stun squishy targets and kill them thats what she does ... carrying her team... :|
  15. Lux is all about her ulti great farm providence due to her 25 sec cl at lvl 16 also her slow deals lots of damage and her shield is great for supporting ur teamates on team battles and avoid dying from ignites or ulti's like karthuses one or vlads :P
  16. My most epic Moment was when i got my first pentakill with Yi and had a score like 58/3/3 :D
  17. Every champs worths his own way.. :P Other supporting their teamates other carrying them other tanking for them depeded on what role u want to pick .. :D a/w every champ owns if he is played well even ashe and soraka .. :P
  18. Agreed about Hextech Disagreed that he sux as a chaser he has his leap stike + Phantom Dancer + boots = 450 speed Its rly easy get away or chase down oppoments with jax :D But a/w u have ur stun and enormous amounts of damage they wont get away ;) P.S. I build him 1: Dorans shield(for the beggining) 2: Ninja tabi boots 3: Guils Rageblade 4: Hextech Gunblade 5: Phantom Dancer 6: Madred's Bloodrazors and in doran's shield slot i get Black cleaver :) try it out ;)
  19. EBDA MoRiA/ByakuyaKuchik1 30/30 US/EU I mostly play carries and dps's rarely i tank too xD
  20. Well i beliave kata is better as a hybrid(AP>AD even as hybrid) and by that i mean 3 hextech gunb./sorcerers shoes/rabd. deathcap/Rylai's Crystal scept Unless u r doing good were u get Mej. soulstealer instead of a third hextech :P
  21. Have u ever tried Veigar with 5 archangel staffs + 1 rabadon deathcap + 100-120 last hitted minions with Q ? 1600 AP FTW ?xD
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