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Posts posted by Extreamer



    Its the best server but it lasts 4 months, the word "failed" is a stereotype. I had crazy fun the first months this server opens, but Im 25 now, not 15 and I get bored fast.


    gtfo sheeps




    4 months failed server, sure..


    Oh no, you are showing a print screen of people with high pvp's, Well done. I turned on l2tower in gludin and I had over 500 pvp's there in 2 days, purely because everyone botted hahaha! It's not a stereotype but the truth.

  2. Yhea you know whole of my history, too bad that a retail server with 3k online you have to fight for the farming spots

    think about pvp server with 3k on you shouldn't able to move... so cut the crap

    Looks like you are missing a brain indeed. End of conversation.


    Tried out beta period. This is the hi5 server of 2015

  3. 3k? are you serius?...

    pvp server with 3k real online and i'm santa claus, oh wait i'm not...

    You haven't played in the rpg club servers or any popular russian server. There is absolute thousands of them

  4. http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2

    no one here reach 1k real online

    L2 is dead, hopzone that was the biggest thing to consider when you lf for a new server is basically dead as fuck

    And you guys talk about 15k online

    Get real and stop with this bullshit a server with 1k real online is a lot more bigger then the server you guys are used to play

    #WakeUp #2015FakeCountersAreTrollingYou #StillSleeping? #OMG15KONLINE


    This is not twitter to add hashtags. Adding russian community to the project will increase the online to at least 3k if you know where to advertise. Russians just got into l2 and it will not die any time soon

  5. Cool stuff but June...I mean cmon ;p


    There is a plan to open it earlier, I am currently deciding on what pack to base it on, which anti bot to use and so on.



    Information edited

  6. With xdem's permission, I want to sell the event engine coded by him for L2AEPvP a few years ago. Its without a doubt the best, lightest and the most expandable private game engine ever made for Lineage. Its originally coded on aCis 260 rev.



    Coded for 260 rev? That is over 100 revs old, the amount of things that aCis changed in their timeline is insane.

  7. It is not a fail but also nothing special. You just have modified user.ini (you call it wall... ???  since it's wireframe mode).


    About autoclick? ACP 2.0.5 is best.

    Enchant Plugin (not script) you took for FREE from:


    About augment, well if you have 500 LS is can be usefull... On L2DW it is not easy to get even 30 LS. 

    If you have so many good "scripts" pls show us video, on which you farm, and your scripts handle with captcha... Oh wait noone did it FOR FREE on l2tower forum so you haven't :/


    This server has not any protection, but their captcha system is very good and it's impossible to farm afk on bot.



    Captcha is bypassable really simply by auto clicker. nothing special.

  8. you think its fail ? you think i'm using only fast enchant ? i have other scripts working fine at your server script for augment's and wall and a lot of scripts ! anyway if any one interesting add me on skype: Pwnerx1

    for coin's at game or Pay.

    For a *legendary server* I expected some sort of protection in-game, but there is none. Everything works, from PHX to L2Tower, to zRanger and Adrenaline, to even old L2Net.

  9. Here is a good idea. No idea if its doable or not.


    Make all debuffs configurable in % chance all in one config. So for example. All classes simple debuffs = configurable %. Advanced debuffs like curse of abyss = configurable %


    An item that will open up the browser and automatically go on the voting site for you ( simple to do )


    Give monsters day/night configurable boosters in damage, health, skill set and so on.


    By the way keep up the project, I will support it as long as it stays free for everyone!

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