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Posts posted by Extreamer


    Dupes? Shut up if you are clueless moron, Kamaloka is a code of 1k lines+ I just had a mistake where players could re-enter more than once in one day, they got banned and the bug was fixed the next day.

    But yeah I don't expect people that use shared codes to appreciate my work, coding 1.000 lines of code for an Engine inexistent to IL in 2 days is a piece of cake right?






    This will prove to your retarded head that Im not Harken, If the server was mine I would do my topic presantation with my main profile, remeber it reached 15.000 views in 1 month when I posted it as xdem


    Retards that own other IL servers that can't even be 1% of L2AEPvP can only throw hate



    1k lines ^^? Alrighty whatever you say lord ;) more like 3 days. anyways pointless arguing with you :) GL with the server

  2. Watch your mouth , you're talking for a project I created I never ever opened my mouth for the garbages you sell on Marketplace


    lol. You know I am right :) otherwise the server would still be up. So many people duped items from kamaloka and so on.


    Besides you are not opening it so why get all rage mode :)?

  3. We have never deleted your post, think about it what would be the point :) ! But thank you for best wishes.


    Regarding your comment vampir, we are not using L2J as in the open project, we are using a privatized project.


    add the code and say if works for help you. i have not tested 


    Go to:  aCis_gameserver\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance


    and add these lines:


    after: private TradeList _buyList;

    add: private int quakeSystem = 0;



    after: // Icons update in order to get retained buffs list


    add: quakeSystem = 0;



    after: public void onKillUpdatePvPKarma(L2Playable target)

    add: quakeSystem++;
    switch(quakeSystem) {
            case 5:
            ExShowScreenMessage case5 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 5 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is Geting Started!");
            MagicSkillUse MS5 = new MagicSkillUse (this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
                sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");            
            case 10:
            ExShowScreenMessage case10 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 10 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is Dominating!");
            MagicSkillUse MS10 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 15:
            ExShowScreenMessage case15 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 15 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is Having dinner! ");
            MagicSkillUse MS15 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 20:
            ExShowScreenMessage case20 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 20 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is on a Killing Spree!");
            MagicSkillUse MS20 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 25:
            ExShowScreenMessage case25 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 25 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is on a Range!");
            MagicSkillUse MS25 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 30:
            ExShowScreenMessage case30 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 30 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is Unstoppable Killer!");
            MagicSkillUse MS30 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 35:
            ExShowScreenMessage case35 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 35 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is on Terror Mode!");
            MagicSkillUse MS35 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 40:
            ExShowScreenMessage case40 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 40 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is On Fire! Somebody help him!");
            MagicSkillUse MS40 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 45:
            ExShowScreenMessage case45 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 45 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is unbeatable!");
            MagicSkillUse MS45 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 50:
            ExShowScreenMessage case50 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 50 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is Reaper's left hand!");
            MagicSkillUse MS50 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 55:
            ExShowScreenMessage case55 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 55 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " has a real pvp spirit in him!");
            MagicSkillUse MS55 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 60:
            ExShowScreenMessage case60 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 60 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ "  is pvp lord!");
            MagicSkillUse MS60 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 65:
            ExShowScreenMessage case65 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 65 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is on pvp frenzy! Stop him!");
            MagicSkillUse MS65 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 70:
            ExShowScreenMessage case70 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 70 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is a f**ing pro gamer!");
            MagicSkillUse MS70 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 75:
            ExShowScreenMessage case75 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 75 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is about to get record!");
            MagicSkillUse MS75 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 80:
            ExShowScreenMessage case80 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 80 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is becoming a legend!");
            MagicSkillUse MS80 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 85:
            ExShowScreenMessage case85 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 85 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " is out of his mind! Everyone, get him! ");
            MagicSkillUse MS85 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 90:
            ExShowScreenMessage case90 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 90 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " OMFG! He's getting drugs on his char! 90 PvPs!! ");
            MagicSkillUse MS90 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 95:
            ExShowScreenMessage case95 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 95 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " Losing connection! Someone, stop this disaster ");
            MagicSkillUse MS95 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 100:
            ExShowScreenMessage case100 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 100 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " Chuck Norris has a son! ");
            MagicSkillUse MS100 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 105:
            ExShowScreenMessage case105 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 105 kills in a row", 10000);
               Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " Is Everybody's God ");
            MagicSkillUse MS105 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");
            case 110:
            ExShowScreenMessage case110 = new ExShowScreenMessage("You reached 110 kills in a row", 10000);
            Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers("" + this.getName()+ " System overload. Cant announce nothing more for this crazy guy");
            MagicSkillUse MS110 = new MagicSkillUse (this, this, 721, 1, 5, 0);
               sendMessage(getName() + " HP, CP, MP restored, a present because you have 5 more kills!");



    Disregard that answer, it's complete BS.


    Again you will need someone to spend some time changing the code for your needs and then adapting it for acis. Nobody will do it for free.

  5. For some time I have a funny though running across my mind. In the not that distant past, one of best ways to determine real server online, was amount of users on forum, topics and posts. Been going through top servers (eg. on hopzone), and there are many things they have in common:

    1. 90% of them are just some l2j forks, with changed rates and maybe some other options. Best case scenario: +some free mods available eg. on max cheaters.
    2. They have less active users on forums than multiple servers being far behind in the toplist, and supposed online.
    3. From what I red on their forums, all in many cases share same bugs. Amount is also pretty similar.
    4. I've noticed a lot less activity in general on forums about L2. Is it only me?

    L2 is dead?


    To answer your question I would have to write a book.


    To the point... L2 is dying but it is far from dead yet " at least on the eastern european side/russia ". Regarding western europe it died after Gracia.


    The reason why it died is pretty simple. Back then people just made home made servers every day, people wasted their time playing them, players ditched l2 and moved onto something else or went back to play the free official.


    Also this current community is just... Abysmal. Overflowing with greeks and occassionally you get couple of polish players and some brazilians/romania players.


    I am not afraid to say it, Greek community is killing the l2 with making servers from leeched packs / shared packs having 100000 partners and then leaks everywhere. Also there are tons of people that just do it for the money as a living " WHAT THE FUCK " yes some people are dumb enough to put every single penny and try and make a living out of a private server.


    They buy cheap ovh VPS and describe their server with a "powerful dedicated" or even some worse reseller. Ripped Websites/features just makes things even worse.


    Nobody can come up with some good ideas and if they do aka "mmoplay" they get slated because it's bugged as shit.


    Back in 2008 the community didn't care about some bugs, what they cared about the most is the ability to play on it and have fun. I think now people misjudge the word "fun" and/or don't have a clue of what it means anymore.

  6. Besides if you want " balance " good luck ! There is no such thing. One class will definitely be stronger than most or some, whatever you try to do. Instead of nerfing classes boost others so then every class has something to say in pvp.

  7. i had to agree with this.


    I advise you to try our open beta and see what you think then.


    Can you please explain to me why OFF files are better than Java, is it because they are called " official " so everyone thinks they are better.


    Well let me explain to you the difference between "OFF" files and Java files.


    "OFF" files are coded C++ language whilst Java is.... Java. People say that "OFF" files are more stable. Lies. the official leaked c4 files were more stable back in the day. But after C4 "OFF" files became extenders of the original C4 leak. Hence all the formulas/quests and so on are just as much guess work as Java files do.


    Java however is on constant updates. Infinite amount of mods/fixes/addons can be made whereas C++ has it's limitations.


    Java files > "OFF" files anything from Interlude up. Java offers more stability more configurations and quick fixes.



    I hope that clears up some of the ridiculus statements made by people that "OFF" files are better than Java.




    Note: Pay attention to the way I used speech marks.


    Thanks and see you on open beta!

  8. If you were not really happy about the fact that you got a couple of files shared, you wouldn't even mention it. 


    You would just say: "Great pack, I tested a couple of revisions and they all seemed good! Good job Nevermore!, GLWS!"


    See the difference?


    Btw its not his community board but luna's he just leeched it :)

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