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Posts posted by Extreamer

  1. I am not selling them i say it again ))))

    those are free ( just texture )

    Free as part of your "pack" which you charge for. Therefore you are selling the package as a whole. For your sake remove it and ask the client if he wants ripped features from other servers as well as mobs. That way they have a choice. 

  2. Dear LightFusion my features have nothing to do with l2sublimity, all those features you see there i have made them myself in the past for my old servers. The topic starter is mad on me because i am simply using a npc texture.

    And anyway i will say it again, nobody care about textures, everyone care about gameplay and server stability. My system folder will be shared free with the public once one client will wish to test the server, am i right? So stop all this useless drama, is for nothing...


    I don't think you understand that you stole his work. STOLE aka, he created it and under no right you had the right to use it and sell it. He didn't gift you or gave you the approval to sell this work. Therefore, you have no rights to it at all.

  3. I already mentioned In one of my other posts which I will leave the link below this topic, I am looking for an individual with advanced set of skills. Some of the tasks that I will require from this individual will be beyond my capabilities, so it needs to be someone with a good understanding on java/python and sql. I am not looking for any "pro" developer who charges tonnes of $$ for simple tasks. I know what the costs are and I am not willing to pay an over inflated amount. People who have basic knowledge in java please do not waste yours and my time as I am capable enough to do basic coding.


    The individual must be able to be fluent in English and have a good reputation on this forum as well as other forums. Any attempts of scams will not be tolerated. 


    NOTE: I will NOT pay you a full amount in advance. The payment will not be a Gift to friends or family/donation, so forget that. Each transaction will be crystal clear and every job will be noted down.



    Any queries or enquirers please leave a message below or in PM.



  4. Just one thing. You should rephrase the webdesigner role as what you are looking for is not a webdesigner.

    You need a webdesigner and a full-stack web developer. Designing and web developing are two separate professions that rarely if not almost never go together.


    Good luck with your project.

    Of course, I forgot to edit that part when I submitted the topic. But thanks for the correction. Updated.

    Good luck with your project. You seem to be after this seriously :)

    Thanks man hopefully I will find some decent bodies that want to create a fun c6 project. Not up for money making right now. I want to bring nostalgia back fully with a new spiciness to it. I have some amazing ideas.

  5. 10rilc9.png

    To whom it may concern,

    I am looking for talented individuals who are willing to join me in a HI5 project MID/PVP. I recently graduated, so I will now have time and money to fullfill my passion in opening a stable and strong server, that will potentially last for the next months and years.

    The project will be based on l2j and with the current problems that are related to the pack I will be willing to fix. The project and the concept will be released very soon. Anyone who is interested, please reply in the PM with your CV and your experience in L2. I do not wish to hear back from any "pro developers" not a fan, and I will simply ignore your message. Genuine skills and if you have basic knowledge then say so straight away. I do not wish to waste both mine and your time.

    These are the positions I am looking for:

    Core Java developer x1:

    *Advanced knowledge in programming and performing tasks which I cannot personally do.
    *English must be either really good or perfect
    *Paid based on tasks that I will require. (Prices for each tasks of course can be negotiable)

    Webdesigner/ Webdeveloper x1

    *Advanced knowledge in php/mysql programming and designing
    *English must be either really good or perfect
    *Paid based on the website and the features

    Game master x2

    *Advanced knowledge of the game and the needs
    *Understanding the needs of the players and performing weekly balanced events.
    *Being able to provide Q/A for all new players
    *English must be really good - Second language such as Greek/polish/spanish/Russian is welcome
    *Paid based on performances and players satisfaction - Weekly performance checks. (negotiable)

    Client Developer x1

    *Advanced knowledge of designing costumes/armors/weapons and monsters
    *Advanced knowledge of client related issues and protection
    *Advanced knowledge of encryption and decryption of items
    *English must be either really good or perfect
    *Paid based on the tasks that he/she will receive (negotiable)

    Everything else I will take of myself. Again any questions, please make sure to forward it to me. Greatly appreciated.

  6. The server side development has started!


    Rapiers and Crossbows will be usable by all classes!

    They are obviously applicable only on very specific builds.




    Next on development will be the brand new APCxAI engine that will fully replace the old one.

    The old one can be seen on the video bellow, it was partially implemented on C6 AEPvP



    There is no reason for rapiers and crossbows to be used by all classes if the damn animation is the same as a bow, it's pointless and it looks horrific. Unless you manage to make new animations for each skill, then it's honestly pointless to do so. 

  7. The server side development has started!


    Rapiers and Crossbows will be usable by all classes!

    They are obviously applicable only on very specific builds.




    Next on development will be the brand new APCxAI engine that will fully replace the old one.

    The old one can be seen on the video bellow, it was partially implemented on C6 AEPvP



    There is no reason for rapiers and crossbows to be used by all classes if the damn animation is the same as a bow, it's pointless and it looks horrific. Unless you manage to make new animations for each skill, then it's honestly pointless to do so. 

  8. I started to properly review servers based on their economy/class adjustments/features/online/gm support. Each category will be scored out of 2 points. 2 being amazing and 0 being awful. Each score would be justified based on the play time there.


    So far I reviewed the following, however I did not use the formula yet.








    Frank's servers, you know what they are by now





  9. Here are my thoughts about this server, after playing for 2 days.




    Following the same Hi5 run of the mill server in regards to features, you will find nothing special and nothing different from any other pvp server apart from custom armors/ weps which might be good for some.


    Farming is decent, not too hard until getting to tear 4.5 which i will get to in a second.


    That's about it.




    No anti bot of any sort. Meaning I ran l2net, l2tower etc. Yeah you can use it and farm, thats what I did.


    After you get tier 4, it starts getting messy. You need to obtain mad amount of farm in order to reach 4.5 and 5th tier ( whatever the hell that is). Where as donations I would say are cheap as chips, so yeah obviously it's easy to get everything day one if you want to spend some cash... I wouldn't waste money on this server and just play without paying.


    No adjustment to classes on full buffs at all. Daggers hitting 5-6k whilst on +16 with elegia gear, cooldowns of skills are retail, debuffs are retail as well by the looks of it, so nothing really lands apart from kamael debuffs.


    The developers have no idea what they are doing in regards to fixing simple things such as mp/hp/cp toggle cooldown issue... easy fix yet they are struggling to sort it out. typical.


    Server has been rushed by the looks of it, in regards to farm/class adjustments/ economy and so on. 


    Fake online counter x3 I forgot to add. Check l2net for real online.





    TL; DR


    If you want to play the server, i suggest you stick l2tower on and farm up to tier 4 and then you might have some fun. Do not spend any money on this server, you will waste it. Unless they start fixing things and running things through properly.


    Clases to pick - Any dagger/ Doombringer / GK & duelist of course.

  10. I played on the server for about 5-8 hours.





    + plenty of pvps... However I will get to why this server is so bad.

    + active community ( most of them are garbage latinos with no respect)

    +stable and lagless server

    +Plenty of nice features in regards to the shop/buffer/teleporter/events and the arena system (Flawed majorily due to the points below)



    + This server is P2W ( I do not care what you say as an excuse) You can't get +20 unless you donate or trade ( You need to get tons of pvps, vs people who are fully +20 geared, good luck)

    +Community is active but fucking garbage. I rather play on a server with 20 online who have some manners.

    +You can donate pretty much for everything. Hence why it's P2W, I understand it is a pvp server, but epic jewels etc. are so fucking hard to get, unless you join a zerg clan and you still might not get a chance to get them. (Having pvp is pointless, unless you fight with newbies.)






    Do not join this server if you dont want to spend a dime. You need to spend around 30-50 euros to play and compete vs everyone else.

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