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Posts posted by Extreamer

  1. i cant understand why u need 2 servers?i think u should make a poll and ppl decide what they will play...later if ur 1st server is stable with some ppl online u can make the other server also!


    greed. $$$


    HAHAHAHAHA Check out the website guys, the flag counter is definitely not a JPEG image  :happyforever:

  2. Can you explane me what did you mean?



    About the armor & weapon set is a point of view for anyone.

    Also about the Anti-bot protection as i already told you we will buy the anti-bot solutions from Asmodeus.


    P.S : Thanks for your help !

    The farming is boring, there is no variation ( make some fun instances in random zones for cool drops both for solo and parties)

  3. We are not trying to copy anyone, L2Perseus is a server with HF buffs on Interlude..On our last server we have the custom tutorial video..We are do this job since 2009. We dont need to copy anyone.

    Thanks for all your reports and you will see our update list soon..

    P.S We dont fix pvp armor yet for that they doesnt have description.


    I do not copy anyone, lets see if it will works.


    Well maybe not intentionally, but you did. There is far more issues with your server.


    No instances

    No variation in obtaining items.

    The armors do not match the weapon looks.


    What pack are you using? 


    Get that anti bot sorted out, or otherwise your server will be infested with bots and die within couple of days. Make it more interesting or people as soon as they get top gear will leave.


    P.S this is me being nice and trying to help you out.

  4. I joined the beta, check it out for a while and here is what I got to say about it:




    Good concept of the server, the customs are quite cool (shared of course) but that's fine.


    Farm zones and mobs are retail which means that the server is not over customized.


    Now Here are the negatives:


    bot is fully working ( shity captcha system is a no no)


    Far too many shared NPC with some stupid effects, lagging the main town


    The customs are not properly set, When upgraded to pvp set the set is not fully matching the description.


    Lazy Farm zones, 5 minute job and done.


    Hundreds of buffs = good luck balancing the classes.


    In regards to classes they haven't been touched at all by the looks of it.


    The PvP upgrade of the armor's does not state what exactly are you getting out of them. Pointless in my opinion.







    This server is trying is hardest to copy L2Perseus. It failed miserably. The Starting animation, the guide etc. all copied. Some texts doesnt match the armors given.




    Will me and my clan be joining? Most likely not. The server seems rushed and its definitely not a beta stage. Look up what Beta stage means. This is 100% alpha stage. Definitely not finished and rushed.


    If the negatives will be fixed. I will happily join the server as it has a good concept.



    Lineage II Drug server machine is ready.

    Tomorrow i will announce the OFFICIAL beta opening!





    Did you get a good anti bot or still going with the captcha?

  6. Hope this too,but still believe that a non botting server will die fast even it has all the population of the world.

    If its a mid pvp server,  I am expecting: instances, interesting quests, and a lot of farm zones, Decent farming ways (pvp/PVM)


    Thank you mate.


    Check out the video with Anti-Bot solution.


    Watch Now









    yeah just as a thought simple captcha, by passable by adrenaline and clickers. Plus it will be extremely annoying as a pop up. People will leave. As I said before, either have no anti bot and let bots run free or get a decent anti bot solution which is both client side and server side.

  8. In fact this is not a program anti-bot fix.

    This is a general anti-bot fix.

    What i mean?

    When X player kills "Y" mobs a pop-up window opens to the character with a Random question , if this player don't ask for 2 minutes then the player will be kicked automatic.

    If the player give wrong answer also will be kicked.


    so basically a shitty captcha system, it will stop the newbies from botting, but people with a bit of knowledge on adrenaline will be able to bypass it.

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