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Posts posted by Extreamer

  1. When i bought it,the best Designs was made from Fasart,and i hire a Web-Designer to make me a design inspired from Fasart style back then.. 

    Website has been used multiple times. You sold it multiple times before.


    Don't have any servers with the website, because they all failed sadly. Buy at your own risk. 


    If you are looking for good designs at affordable prices, message snoopi or Strain.

  2. That is your opinion, i've spoken with countless people at petitions every each one of them saying that our server is balanced.


    About the fake number part, grow up guys it's something every server does.. you really think these 2-3k numbers are real? L2Damage had 300 players on and his counter said 2k, i mean, we just added 60 players at .online for the opening, i really can't see the big deal, when everyone is doing it and everyone knows about it. I wouldn't accept it if we added something like 200 or 300.

    incorrect. If you really think that ' every server' fakes their online, you are delusional. At least if you do a fake npc count, make sure not to make it obvious. Successful servers do not need fake online counter, which again shows you what people that make servers from mxc are really capable of.

  3. You are pathetic and you do not deserve my attention. L2Khaos was online since 2006 - 2015, do you still think that people will believe words of a non-factor? To make my self clear, you are the non-factor guy.


    Take your time, use it somewhere else because here you're wasting your time, nobody cares what are you saying, nobody cares who you are, and nobody wants you to be part of the staff.




    This is you, don't make me waste my time prove you're this guy.

    lol... some cold water is needed!

  4. Thank you for your understanding. I can see where you are coming from as well. I know we can't keep everyones interest, however we have a lot more stuff to do then most servers. So even if your an old player, there is usually a good amount of things to do to keep your interest. Weather it be achievements, or Events, or trying to get all our unlockable cosmetics, or exploring classes they wouldn't normally play due to our assist PvP system and more.


    Also, there are a lot of people in the L2 community who need/seek a non wipe server. For example, people in the military who are gone for 6 months or more at a time. or people simply undergoing a life change, moving, getting a new job etc. Or people who just simply need to take a break and get into a new game release. Most other servers, you are gone for 6 months or so.. everything gone, its wiped, or the server has died, and its not a good feeling.


    We actually try to welcome all our new players, see if they have any questions, and give them advice if they are open to it. We also tell them about our 6+ year online and 0 wipe record. The response from this is unbelievably positive. It gives people faith int he server, that it actually has a future, and they don't have to worry about their items disappearing.


    I am grateful that you are going to give it a shot, i hope to hear what you think!


    Yes, I got welcomed by one your gm's, his responses were rather scripted, going down the list ensuring that every box is ticked, even though I commented not once but 3 times, that I am fine with the tips as I read the entire guide and played here before. I gave him a tip that he shouldn't be so scripted, but he continued which rather annoyed me, and in that way he completely blanked in what I had to say, which was insulting in a way. I understand that tips are a great way to help a new player out, but when someone's is confident that they know 90% about the server, he shouldn't carry on with the scripting, it's just insulting, it actually really annoyed me that he didn't get the point. Apart from that so far:


    The community is average, 150-300 unique players ( aka no boxes, offline shops etc). You get the usual cunts, and some nice people. You can tell that not many greeks play there, it's not an easy server, you have to farm, attend events and be active. 

    The gameplay is unique for sure, hundreds of things to do, in order to get your gear, which is good. New players do get bonuses, although those bonuses at higher levels seem... useless, and not satisfying I guess, but again you can't be too generous.

    So far I realized that in PvP Tanks are incredibly powerful, by powerful I mean pretty overpowered, and it was on a limited event before you say anything about my gear not being +++. Apart from that, it is pretty decent. End game is not that special, it is just farming, pvping, going to events and doing achievements, typical l2, which I guess is good in a way.


    Server is heavily modified, is it a good thing... Yes... and no. Yes because it feels different than your classic 1 month close servers, l2revenge, l2axel so on and so forth ( basically garbage servers ). No, because i can see that some players with lower IQ will definitely get lost in the amount of options you have, hundreds of menus and plethora of classes that you can choose from, cause they have been reworked.


    Definitely join, if you are up for a challenge, because the server has everything you need from a mid/pvp server.

  5. Thanks for posting :)


    Note, we have NEVER wiped.


    I have already posted why, but ill copy/paste it:


    First and foremost wipes are generally used to exploit users and draw in players. Wipes are great for servers that are unbalanced and not properly designed, thus needed th restart for everyone to be even again. Due to low quality servers using this tactic over and over again, most people are brainwashed into thinking wipes are good. However, wipes for the most part are bad, and you are getting screwed over.


    Hmm, we are definitely not empty, nor do we need a new start/fresh start, we are more successful in our 6th year online, then any other year, and we continue to do better each and every time, thus proving we don't need it. Also you should consider the following:


    During peak hours we generally have 450+ online, on weekends more like 550+, take note there is like 100 to 150 shops though.


    However, generally speaking our online counts should not be compared to other servers directly. 99% of servers have fake online counts/use immoral tactics to boost their online count such as the following:


    1: Fake online counts in general, just the owners putting fake values into their online counts


    2: Allowing botting/or not caring enough about it, also boosts online counts, making it where the server looks like it has more players


    3: Actually coding fake players for the server, they look like normal players, but generally stay in town and move around time to time.


    4: Other servers often reward their players for advertising on other servers forums and social media pages. Which is highly immoral. They call it an advertising contest.


    5: Other servers hire/create bots to go into other servers and spam advertisements (via in game mail) so they don't get caught as quick, as normal shouts etc.


    6: A lot of servers set up their website to force you to automatically like their Facebook page with out your knowledge, thus exploiting their traffic for thousands of dollars worth of free advertising.


    7: Wiping/Closing/Renaming: As most people know, a lot of servers wipe/have seasons to encourage people to come back to "re-balance" the server. If a server really needs this to make it more playable, its not a well designed server. Wipes are a way to compensate for design flaws. People are also brainwashed into think wipes are good, cause they generally play bad servers to begin with. Servers should be designed for the long term like ours, that's why we are still around after 6+ years. Wipes are another way to spur donations as well, also closing/renaming is common among the private server community, which is of course is a scam as well. So you will replay/reinvest in a server you already played that will disappoint you again.


    8: DDoS attacking the competition: Some servers are well known for DDoS attacking other servers especially on opening days, or siege day to make them lose players. Especially servers that share the same demographic as their own.


    We don't use any of these cheats/exploits/immoral tactics. And most servers are really not as big as they claim to be due to the use of one or more of these. So try to take this into consideration before choosing a server you a play.


    TLDR: Wipes are for servers not properly designed for the long term, and generally used by admins to exploit their users to spur activity and donations. The general population is brainwashed into thinking they are good due to the fact that most servers are not that good, and need it to balance the server out due to poor design. Wipes create distrust between players and the staff too. Also, we have proven through out time we don't need wipes, over time we have become more and more successful. Opposed to servers who do wipe that slowly die out and then eventually wipe again.

    Well I see your point. But I was tell you the point again. Old players get to the point where they have everything, there is no point for them to play... so they leave, come back from time to time to pvp. I know yours is highly customized but 6 years without wipe, can have negative effects which I stated above. Although you have shown that you have the understanding of why wipes can have a negative effect as well, which i must praise you for. At the end of the day, you own it :) I will carry on playing it, purely because there is so much effort put there. I will start again fresh and see whats going on. and I will further review it!

  6. A Wipe would be so beneficial for your server, it has been years since it has been wiped. It would make new players more interested to join. I know you have bonuses and that, I started to play here again, but you know, wipe has more benefits especially in how long you had the server on for!

  7. hahaha Working on it :D Multicraft x100 ^^

    Not interested in that server.


    Well the point is what you want to play .. for example if there is a server with high population that mean player competition will be bigger ... player competition bigger=botters .. where is botters and high population servers there are russian ... but on the other point of view to avoid that you must play a low population server .. but low population server(low rate at least) sux ... so the only think to do it go play a game like l2 dex with russians and bots .. dont care about them .. if you are a solo player make your fun .. make a spoiler and go get them .. there are no a dream server with no bots or russian nowdays .. (low rate about russian at least)


    Yeah I know. I want to play with a decent population of 100-400 people. A classic server with 3/4 boxes max. or even 50-70 players if the server has been up for long enough. Low community = people with together more.

    if u find one share that link plz :D


    atm im playing l2mid

    Yeah I did as well. Biggest waste of my time ever. Never again.


    You like Multicraft Servers with new Features x2 Bonus Zones .. New Things Perfect Gaming Like Old Times .. ?

    Already answered it.


    I'm waiting for this one


    Yeah I've seen it however, I can smell failure with this one for some reason.

  8. I've been looking around for a long time now, couple of weeks. Seen some new ones l2mid ( what a tragedy ) tried l2dex, full of fucking russians and botters. Not interested in Hi5 purely because there is just too much going on. If someone has any suggestions drop a message here or in the reply below.



    Please do not link me to...


    Home made servers,


    Servers with fucking NPC BUFFERS! and donations that kill the server.(l2mid fucked up)



  9. I will join this server when it opens, purely because I know that you are a skilled guy, slightly big headed, but well that's usually what you get when you are good at something and when most people on here are not. Hopefully it is less donation based than last iterations.

  10. I tried this server out. 


    The stats are insane, the casting speed/attack speed is mad. Remind me of l2spirit. Also Top armors/weapons for donate coins ? I know you can get them by raidbosses but for solo players this is a dumb choice.


    You can get everything with donate coins, Yes as soon as I logged in, you can tell who is a donator and whos not. Simple as that. L2Tower works perfectly, I managed to farm with about 4-5 bots constantly. Good try with Guard mobs, didn't work, simple adjustment to the range of the bot, and it was really easy to bypass that stupid "anti" bot.



    Regarding the message, You got killed by a Mob "noob" how old are you admin, come on. Good ideas with the server, just an poor outcome of it.



    New players getting pked by higher players, well that's not a surprise but still jokes. Greeks 90% Lithuanians 9% and 0.9% latinos.



    Do not play this server, unless you want to donate, or you are in one of the 3 nationalities I mentioned and is a noob to l2.

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