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Everything posted by sparkling

  1. L2 is dying, slowly but surely
  2. Do you think it will be worth a while?
  3. What is wrong with java anyways? I've played on asterios before and it worked perfectly
  4. is there any way to stop people from ddosing?
  5. how come you people still arguing obvious it is aden
  6. it won't die any time soon
  7. oh wow, that sucks that they are lying!
  8. really? where did you get that info?
  9. 9k online
  10. really? then I am sorry for making a mistake
  11. Well I heard it is OFF but you know, people lie to get you there sometimes so dunno
  12. http://asterios.tm/index.php? opened tomorrow 7k+ ppl
  13. List Of RU Clans That Are Coming RunAway GetFight Хулиганы 1stWorld FactoryFear Good Fight League Renaissance Варвары Spartans Korobok Мафия 2HSQUAD PK Альянс Enemy Innsmouth LEGION People Can Fly Silmarillion SentLine Prisoners Of Fate
  14. New RU server called EMBER http://asterios.tm Rates 10x April 23 at 12:00 am Moscow time Freya The server will be geographically located in Russia, which will greatly reduce the ping. Minimum donate - premium accounts = increase your rates by 1.5 times. Number of players anticipated: 7000+
  15. wow everyone likes freya, thought there are a lot of IL supporters
  16. wow , seems like a great guide
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