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Everything posted by AkaDumanisT

  1. hello fanboi, but you had bad intelligence.
  2. you are just fucking an idiot.
  3. This guy 'Krea' is two-faced. He is pmed me http://prntscr.com/abta6n but i dont answer him.Cuz he isn't my equivalent.
  4. Krea sometimes things not gonna happen like you imagination . And this time is like that for us. cuz of lot of techinal issues happen. and we cant do anything because all of them was hardware's.
  5. i believe him :P
  6. You are seriosly kid . Just writing writing writing .
  7. krea who re you and whats problem with me ? also i dont know who re you.
  8. reset your cache please.
  9. And saitx is real one if you have got his contact you can speak with him. Or we can prove this.
  10. Well, all features copy paste from Ramazan's server? - That i made all appeal features and first appeal staff members was me (developer) and ramazan (sponsor-owner) . You can ask to ramazan anything else. And about niggastolemybike -Nobody dont care about one kid except you.
  11. 9445 Remote Buff Token a, A Token that will support you with magical buffs without the need of a NPC buffer from vanganth files.
  12. if you're using vanganth files, it has buff coin id called '9445' .
  13. whats wrong with pack?
  14. thank you friend :-*
  15. I am so glad to see such a trust at us. With team like this, the success is guaranteed.
  16. First of all i dont know why Moderators of maxcheaters posting Screenshots for other people to show the server bad im gonna report him since there are rules aswell. Second i posted on my own Forum to make it clear why i gave this Niggastolymybike items for 6 hours till i get home and set up the new protection. I have nothing else to say since my community is still stable and understood my decission. Have fun try another method to destroy my server.
  17. nice adversitement mrpro :)
  18. hai dickhold .
  19. Are you l2moderator or dickhold niggastolemybike?
  20. Thanks for support us.
  21. NiggaStoleMyBike got banned due DDOSing the server. He asked me for items which i gave him to stop the DDOS till my new Protection i ordered comes. So 20 minutes ago my new DDOS Protection came so i banned him now. It was just to make u guys play and waste some time for the new Protection. Enjoy your stay have fun
  22. trusted im working with him.
  23. thanks mate :)
  24. We have got stable 500+ on @nights , mornings 250+
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