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Everything posted by AkaDumanisT

  1. Hello community, we decided to create a special Event before our Grand Opening. Rules are simple, you have to follow them exactly and you will have the chance to take our rewards. Copy the informations from HERE also add our grand opening date Share it on Facebook, forums, sites (as Topzone, Hopzone, L2j.lt, L2top.ru etc) Post images as a proof that you made promotion for L2Appeal. Our rewards for you: +4 Advanced Weapon Weapon S grade +7 with Special Ability Any S grade Armor Set Good luck to all of you! Warm Regards, DumanisT
  2. thank you call your friends www.l2appeal.com is coming back !!
  3. 18 Days left! www.l2appeal.com All clans planning to start L2Appeal should register forum and join clan event !! http://forum.l2appeal.com
  4. CLAN SUBMISSION All clans planning to start L2Appeal should register here. CLAN BONUS 10.000 CRP for each clan. Example claim; Clan name : L2Appeal Leader : DumanisT Members : 2 Recruitment : Never Website : www.L2Appeal.com Warm Regards. DumanisT
  5. first post updated.
  6. what you mean?
  7. thank you so much, in few days we'll focus on adversitement.
  8. but not fake we're real.
  9. thanks but i try to connect mssql from my hostng company not as localhost
  10. Hello everyone; i have got weird problem about php - mssql connections . if someone skilled about this can help me ? thank you-
  11. thank you so much :) thank you :) i hope you'll like it. nice to see you again you're welcome :)
  12. l2appeal.com check it out .
  13. https://youtu.be/zMOBT3Qabvo Lineage II Appeal - @2011
  14. Website : www.l2appeal.com Forum : http://forum.l2appeal.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/l2appeal/ Exp : x50 Adena : x100 Drop : x3 Spoil : x5 Weapon Enchant Rate ; +3 to +7 : 60% +8 to +12 : 50% +13 to +20 : 40% Max Weapon enchant is +20 Armor Enchant Rate ; +3 to +6 : 50% +6 to +10 : 30% Max Armor enchant is +10 Start-up characters ; Every newly created character starts on lvl 1 with the following items in his inventory; Full "best" No-Grade gear + basic consumables A mask that gives passive nobless for 90minutes. (either you wear it or not) When you created a new character; you will have " Return " skill as auto. it will helps u to go main town easily. Auto Potions use : MP / CP / Greater CP on -50% missing ; HP -> on -90% missing Buff slot is 20 untill 52 level , after the 52 you will earn a passive skill auto ( Divine Inspiration lvl 2 ) for 24 buff slot. Finally you can earn +2 buff slot with buy the Ancient Books from ( Token Manager ). Infinity shots to reduce SS lag. Toogle skill that prevents grief buffing. Buffs that go through Anti-Buff toogle skill are : Body of Avatar, Blessing of Noblesse, Heroic Valor . Offline Shop and Gold Bar system. Skills that increases weight capacity, inventory, craft, trade and storage. Advanced Armors Advanced Weapons NPCs ; Armor Shop Weapon Shop Misc Shop Buffer Global Gatekeeper Class Manager Merchant of Mammon Exchange Shop (Leolin) Clan leader name is semi-grey Maximum clans in one ally is set to 2 clans All clan penalties are removed Npc Buffer, General Gatekeeper and Warehouse are set in all clan halls. Castle Registration NPC's are available in Main Town. ​ Olympiad will starts 1 weeks after server launch. Olympiad period is 1 week. Olympiad restrictions will be discussed. Team vs Team - every 6 hour Available Siegeble Castles : Aden , Giran , Rune , Goddard. Crown of Lord and Normal User Crown gives special stats. Every castle is being sieged every two weeks, every weekend there will be two sieges on Saturday and Sunday. Class change; First, Second and Third class change information can be found at Class Manager in the Main Town. When changing to 1st and 2nd class you will be receiving a reward pack with help-out gear to match your level. Third class requires 20kk adena. When changing to 3rd class you will be receiving a Giants Book that will enchant your skills.. Subclass; Subclass quest is auto. (Can be found in the Class Master) Noblesse Quest Noblesse Quest is retail. Hellfire Oil can be found in the Misc Shop or retail quested. Moonstone: Pouches unlock items on a x3 amount with 80% chance. Monastery of Silence ( Solo Zone ) Read more... The Cemetery ( Solo and Party Zone) Read more...
  15. so what happen ? @maxtor
  16. dumanist@w.cn
  17. dumanist@w.cn
  18. i did i can proof its my account
  19. its changed.
  20. hey as title says somone stolen my account , i need it to back ; http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/46799-dumanist/ thank you
  21. true story.
  22. prefer l2j cuz l2 of seems like expensive.
  23. i'll share my store about l2 off soon xD nice work xD
  24. hi everyone as title says what i want. im looking for something special. leave offers. thanks
  25. can you add me from skype ? seifer_realm is my skype.
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