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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Afu exeis anoiksei ta ports, des auto edo Pistevo me auto dn xreiazese tpt allo..
  2. Well, it's very easy, go to the right xml file, find the production and in the ingredient change it. That's all, hope to help you.
  3. http://www.4shared.com/file/4v46uJaR/ProjectLoop.html%22
  4. He said that he did all that guide says, so..
  5. that's awesome downloading!
  6. Well, i don't know what's goin on. I don't have problem.
  7. For the first i gave credits for the second i forgot. Did you install Java jdk 7/subversion? Did you set JAVA_HOME path?
  8. Kane oti su leo edo http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=218577.0 Btw min valeis code!Kane prota to compile ke meta vale oti code thes.
  9. Hello dudes, many guys ask me how to compile the last revision of l2jserver freya client. MELLERIX did some changes and if you want to compile this project you need some more programs. I'll show you step by step how to do it. First of all we need the latest version of Eclipse --> Here Java JDK 7 --> Here Subclipse 1.6.18 --> Here(You have to choose the version of your windows) Subversion 1.6.17 --> Here(You have to choose the version of your windows) JAVA Let's start, first of all we have to install the java files, is too simple, next, next, next finish and done :) After this we have to set up the JAVA_HOME environment variable in your computer. [*]Right-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop and then click Properties. [*]Click the Advanced tab. [*]Click Environment Variables. [*]Under System Variables, click New. [*]In the Variable name field, enter JAVA_HOME. [*]In the Variable value field, enter the installation path of the Java Development Kit. [*]Click OK. [*]Click Apply Changes. (I took the image from wso2.org) Ok with this. SUBVERSION Now we have to install the subversion! It's the same, next, next, next, finish and done. :) ECLIPSE After this, we must install the subclipse. L2jServer recommend to enable this option. Window -> Preferences-> Team -> SVN -> Console When Subclipse has been installed, press on: Window -> Show View -> Other and select SVN Repository. Anywhere in the white space of the SVN Repository window, Right click Choose New -> Repository Location Put this in the Url field http://svn.l2jserver.com/trunk/L2J_Server Then press Finish Right click in the GameServer Repository and select Checkout. Note:You will do the same from the other Urls After Checkout is done... Expand the directory tree to find the build.xml of the GameServer Right click on build.xml -> Run As -> 1 Ant Build Now it will compile the GameServer to a ZIP File on your workspace. That's all, i hope to help you! Credits:Vampirenios for the compile http://trac.l2jserver.com/wiki/Eclipse for photos Me for some parts
  10. LOL http://lineage2dreams.com/destiny/information/ Check the first line!
  11. I wont to advertise or sth like this, but check this server ;) http://lineage2dreams.com/
  12. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=196409.0 Change the title, it's only a buffer
  13. Gracia Final for sure, many succesful l2OFF server are g3 ;) Btw i like the graphics.
  14. Poli kali duleia, to exeis gia freya?
  15. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=212810.0 If you mean this.
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