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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Already shared by alexkiss
  2. Well, as my title says i'm selling L2OFF Gracia Final server files. La2.gr used those files for the latest server that Demonas opened. He is selling those for 600 euros. For more information add him on skype: la2.gr
  3. kalitera eine apo ftp ;)
  4. afu ta anevaseis, prepei na pas sto admin ke na to dialekseis os current theme! ama ta kaneis sosta ke to epileksis ke os current theme ke dn sto vgalei tote simenei oti exei provlima..
  5. Ego thelo na rotiso, ektos apo to posa deineis, ean eine homemade o server i dedicated! Auto eine olo to thema pistevo..
  6. ets eine as pume theme/"nametheme"/files of theme (ama thes na to anevaseis apo ftp) allios mporeis apo to admin panel tu smf.
  7. Ontos aplo ke xrisimo gia ta newbies, gj btw i think dn eime siguros oti to exoun ksanakei post anyway
  8. Nothing special, thanks for sharing it anyway
  9. I'll give it try, seems good gl anyway
  10. You can find this on configs, i think general.properties
  11. Plironeis kapu sta 100 euros, an eise anilikos prepei na exeis sigkatathesi apo tus goneis s ke diavazeis kanonika ola ta simata arxizoun apo 250 ke ftanoun sta 100 euros analoga ti perneis
  12. You must be kidding right? There are only two html files fssss Anyway let's keep it clean Btw, i know how to create things like these but i'm so bored sharing here for karma=/
  13. Well, i don't want be annoying but this share doesn't deserve +1.. Anyway gj
  14. Oh hell, someone kill him! Gt kaneis ke ksanakneis tis idies erotisis afu vlepeis oti su exoun idi apantisi 304930 atoma.. Su lene steile photo na su pun tin gnomi tus lol Btw eine S-I-K-O-N-O ke D-E-D-I-C-A-T-E Dn eine diskoles lekseis, pistepse me.
  15. NE pistevo eine provlima, apo tin stigmi pu fenete oti eise kero sto forum ke ksereis pu eine..
  16. www.l2crimson.com
  17. Search button: On Anyway http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=151699.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=157707.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=151791.0 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=214103.0
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