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Everything posted by okae

  1. welcome and good luck ;)
  2. :( only 63 post i have, sorry but... i dont want spam but... any1 can send me this guide?
  3. lol... i want a INGAME BOT ( IG ) for l2 syner** this site is protected with BACK ICE SYSTEM.... so... i want a IG bot for this site...any1 can help me?
  4. hi, anyone have a IG bot for this site? i try with hack back ice but dont work :( any1 can help me?
  5. one of the best games for pc without dude :P
  6. hi, can you send me walker for l2 synergy? i want ig walker.
  7. thx for your share ;)
  8. there is lot of post to reply, we dont need to spam only post :)
  9. l2 ;)
  10. cs 1.6? :S i play css & cod4 mmm both of two games are really funny but i think we can compare it.
  11. mmm i think i need 4x"my current pc" to play this game :P
  12. good music havent name for me ;)
  13. haha we need to be more patient :)
  14. i only want to explain you the point... i think you understand me but you are so haughtiness... and please, did you search correctly in google? or you search only in ps3 webs?.... you need to be more impartial. pd: no more comments for me in this thread i am tired to explain things to blind people... //spanish biendo que eres argentino te escribo en español asi podras entenderme mejor, tio solo trato de decir que es absurdo que alguien diga que la ps3 es mejor q la xbox por q se ve de puta madre en su plasma... tocate los webos, y si pones una 360 no se veria igual de bien? es absurdo ese comentario, si o si.... y por favor mirate bien como se ve una y como se ve otra, si encuentras las diferencias avisame....
  15. lol very funny :P
  16. i playing games on ps1 too ps2&3, 360, nds, xbox1, nitendo64, megadrive... i can say that i play on all this; enjoy games is better play with 1 TV Plasma ? BIG LOL try to play with 1 TV plasma in xbox360, or ps1, or megadrive.... why people post with his heart and not with his intelligence? pd: in two-three years sony will be better i think.... because the blue ray is better than a simply dvd.
  17. big lol... everything is better in ps3.... no comments... you work in sony?, dont lie.... dont you see the graphics looks the same in both machines? why you dont compare it? you have a lot of urls to see it, search in google and later post here.... dont you see i can play a lot of games with 360? can you bought lot of games for you ps3 too?; xbox games are too few? BIG LOL have more than ps3 and you say few for xbox? another lie... the unique advantage in ps3 is definitely that you can play online for free NO MORE ADVANTGES AT THE MOMENT, open your eyes, be intelligent or at least dont lie.
  18. vista su***you can work more with a simple calculator... if i need to choose, then... xp sp3.
  19. i cant w8 more to play this game, i hope the "hacked" version come out soon too :P
  20. lol the game looks really cool :P
  21. omg why people like ps3? people are so rich? can you play hacked games with blueray yet?, can you wasted 500E in one console? did you really see the diference betweenn xbox360 and ps3 on screeners game? xbox360 without any dude.
  22. lol i remember when i play kotor2 in xbox console; Really nice game to play.
  23. no, the music is killing us with the high prices.... :P
  24. welcome and good luck with your cheats ;)
  25. jeje thx to all people, you are all good ppl :), and dont worry if i found something this is the firs forum to know it ;)
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