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This subforum is about aion private servers, im just updating my own thread about my own aion private server, so i cant understand why you call it "spam". Maybe you are just searching more "post" for you and i should advert moderators about it?
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r493, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: Fix Spawn in Krotan it should only get spawned in Siege fix Abyss gate. fail safe for anti hack Fix for some bind point Player motions like retail fix for motion learn A bunch of quests for Inggison & Gelkmaros Some NPC´s fixes Fix items for quests Fix for StormWing Fix for some Items Fix for Wrapped Items Add More Quests Fix NPC Spawned at Siel Western it should only be spawned in Siege Add NPC DAEVA´s Event in Sanctum add compresses items. Quests fix Fix some spawns Fix some NPCs Fix for wrapped items Fix a lot of NPCs walk speed Fix Theobomos Lab Entrance Coordinates Fix for Daeva's Day Event add geodate for 2.5 server add road between locations little fix for Siege Spawns second part of siege, retail like siege times. Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, ZC, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now the best emu software.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r396, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [456] Fix TRIBE for Shugo in Tigraki Island [455] turning EC more robust again :) [454] some safety protocols in empyrean crucible. [452] Add some items description, Add NPC for quest, Add some Orichalcum_key quests Fix NPC coodinates at Tigraki island [451] Fixed display item is. [450] Artifact Effects and Messages when capture. [448] fix carve signet from aion core. should fix skill ripclaw strike [447] fix and update datapack. [445] Fix for Spirit Master skill (Spirit Substitution) [444] Some Esoterrace chests [443] Fix for Dual Duelling from our old src [440] final part of range attack hack. [439] range hack protection, first part [438] anti hack protection for teleport hack. [437] Fix for Bind Spawn - Verteron Citadel [436] Fix for Taloc Hallow Instance Cooldown [435] Fix for Macro Update [433] fix Mentor XP [429] Mentoring implementation [428] Fix Trap Skills and NPCs in addition of Sare Commit [427] + Add Usercommand .divorce with Kinah Price Or Item Price Or Both.. [423] fix NPE in pet feed [421] fix fortress general killing [419] Explosion of Rage I,II,III,IV Seething Explosion I,II,III,IV they never miss [418] fix assassin sprinting mp use [417] FIX stats npc,add titles. [413] fix npc in Gelkmaros. [410] update npc_templates. [409] fix bags skills Ripclaw Strike I,II fix npc_walker. fix spawns. fix pets and titlles. [408] Fix for some npcs [407] now balaur will attack players when surkana is destroyed [406] Another missing npc for quest SPY [405] fix drop chance for Queen Mosqua [404] Fix for Dredgion Score [403] Missing npc for quest Token [402] Fix for Aetherogenetics Lab Exit [401] Fix for quest/udas_temple/_30005HealMeKillMe.java moved to script [400] fix spawns Heiron. [398] More fixes for Aetherogenic LAb & Alquimia Research center Addding more npc to kill at Udas Temple for counting quest Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, ZC, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now the best emu software.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r396, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [396] fix for Aetherogenetics Lab Exit [395] Fix for Alquimia Research Center Exit [393] Fixed abyssRank [392] fix some NPE/Error in EC [391] Missing Boss Normal mode [388] some failsafe for beshmundir [386] fix hide effect [383] Beshmundir temple more retail like [382] + Fix Rift Level Checking.. + Moved check for Unstorable Custom Config [381] Divine Instance more retail like EC [380] fix dp rates [379] fix centurion permissions [375] add skills npc Empyrean. [373] EC 100% working [368] trap code optimize [367] auto fix Z using geodata [364] optimize spawns load for empyrean crucible [363] bind point from eltnen in sanctum.. lol - removed [362] fix break power [361] fix Grimmson Z [359] EC 100% functional we still need add some features [357] fix for some npcs fix goto empyrean [354] "fix"/warn for bad item/template in player inventory [353] + Toll Give Task Event (Not using Database now.. Let it Update normaly using ... [352] hand of Reincarnation I can target self if in group [350] Fix for IngameShop Gift option. [349] fix buff of Chastisement of Darkness I,II,III,IV [348] fix traps hide. should be retail like now [347] fix for BackDashEffect when having obstacles [346] fix skills: - break power I,II,III,IV - summon wirlwind I,II - Divine Chastisement I,II,III,IV - Cry of Ridicule I,II - Tremor I,II [343] small change in EC reward [341] EC 2 new npcs [339] Add many skills npc. [338] Fix for quest/eltnen/_1042KeeperoftheKaidanKey [337] EC Stage 9 little changes on npcs [335] PETS Emotions [334] EC STAGE 10 missing npc and EC changes. thanks Shinji and me. [333] EC Stage 9 missing npcs [332] EC STAGE 8 missing npcs [331] Some changes for EC [330] Updates to Emypyrean Spawns [329] npcs for EC stage 5 round 1 and round 4 Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, ZC, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now the best emu software.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r328, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [326] Fix for quest/eltnen/_1033SatalocasHeart.java [325] fix for quest/eltnen/_1039SomethingInTheWater.java [323] Fix for quest/eltnen/_1042KeeperoftheKaidanKey.java [320] + Advance Stigma Free config [319] cast speed boost is capped at 70% now. [318] Fix for Indratu Fortress Instance and PETS. [316] update npc_skills [314] + Add Scorching Event + Add Custom Giving TOLL Event + Trade Untradable + Store Unstorable + All Remodell + Some DUPE Prevention.. [304] More EC npcs [303] more EC work [302] EC NPC SPAWNS & NPC SKILLS plus sql data [301] fix for EC [297] + Fix Couple AP Rate [296] +FIx Creating Char [295] + Implement Custom wedding (+ Couple Rate) + Advanced Survey system [292] stone skin first step in fix [291] mac address system [289] Little fix for Indratu fortress [288] player is going underground Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, ZC, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now the best emu software.
We are using now new sources, we take some good things from an old java emu proyect, thats the reason we start our revisions from 0. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r284, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [284] Fix for instances cooldown ps. [283] Fix for Esoterrace Exit as PORTAL [282] adding id's to instance, should fix some cooldown problems [281] cooldown of EC is 22h [280] fix EC. more retail now. You are teleported to event, but mob spawn only start after you talk with shugo.. we still need to find first room and intro movie. [279] fix player appearance save.. was switching eye/lip color [278] handle death in EC [277] fix spawns [275] add quests for guilds. [270] sysadd command = give items to all player in server asmo/ely update in EC so it can end and give medals (for testing purpose only) [268] base empyrean crubible service implementation. not completed. [267] hide effect bug fix [266] from Open_aionxemu player_titles.xml [265] fix duel exploit [264] add cooldown arena. [263] Arena - Started work(need add service). [262] fix & optimize legion permissions (fix legion WH permissions too) [261] small fix for legion brigade appoint [260] return skill is not affected by casting bonus [259] second wind I heal fix [257] little fix spawns in Eltnen,npc_walker. [255] Greater stigma quest/_script_data/greater_stigma_quest.xml added. [254] Fix essecetapping aether tapping. [253] Some Quests from our old AE [252] cast speed ex improvement [251] fix possible exploit + player does not need to relog to see credits [250] fix quest bound for inggison, would not start for everyone [249] fix quest and spawns [248] fix quests and work order delivery (worked ok in my test server) [247] fix quest, problem happens with geo data one [246] update drops. [245] add drop mobs in loc 300250000_Esoterrace,add little npc. [244] Fix for quest _2041HoldTheFrontLine in Morheim and add a little info for _2947FollowingThrough quest [243] fix parry/block relation [242] fix for skills with no casting speed boost [241] add drop full for sql,in xml not full drop need add. [240] fix for duplicate npc spawned at Krotan [239] fix for quest/sanctum/_19004PeriklessInsight.java [238] update skills for 2.5 [236] fix npc spawn [235] Empyrean Crucible fix and add portal. [234] Pandaemonium's Protection I [233] add DP rates. [231] in retail, siege npc do not auto respawn until siege ends [225] first step for fix broker [224] root cuts off glide in retail [219] Fix on authors [204] Reshanta Coin Fountain for Elys and Asmos Fixed [203] add more mobs and npc skills. [202] Fix artifacts, they all give proper buffs/skills [201] fix splendor of purification [200] little fix spawns Pandaemonium,npc_walker. [199] fix salvation I [198] Fix for Inggison & Gelkmaros Coin Fountain. [197] Fix level restriction for Noshana training camp since in 2.5 with Mentor = we can go in and also fix level max cause its lvl 55 max not 60 :p [196] Added 2.5 Expander and fix old one [195] Appearance fix for database [194] Fix For plastic Surgery tested by myself and work based on character create sequence [191] fix blind effect [190] fix for DialogId, tested and working 100% [189] little fix spawns Sanctum,add new traider in kaisinel,npc_walker. [188] fix,add spawn npc to Morheim(begining) [185] fix legions abyss rank [184] spirit absorve fix [183] update items. [182] add Gather for loc 300250000_Esoterrace. [181] fix name npc and stat 798444-798445,add quests for here. [180] Essoterrace Packet [179] Fix on Essoterrace Windstream (retail Sniffing) [178] add spawn new traiders. [177] add items for 2.5 client. [174] Packet for Stigma remove fixed [163] Fix for quest/pandaemonium/_29004VeldinasCall.java tested and working. [162] fix titles [159] motions 2.5 100% retail like. tested and working here 100% [158] fix quests (dialog id from 33 to 34) [157] fix quests (dialog id from 33 to 34) [155] fix ascension: sometimes munin/pernos would not show up [154] Fix DialogID "25" to "26" [153] Quest Fix for ascension Asmo + Ceremony [152] Quest Fix for ascension ELYOS + Ceremony [151] Fix Esoterrace Portal Heading [150] implemeted geodata for back dash effect [149] Fix for Elyos ascension [148] Just a fix for Esoterrace Instance [147] fix set title [143] add portals in new loc,add items for 2.5(armsfusion service work). [142] fix pets. [141] Fix for Stigma [140] Fix for new instances. Esoterrace % Empyrean Crucible fix [137] correct msg from legion ranks [135] fix legion rank change (for deputy and volunteer) [134] add spawn loc 300250000_Esoterrace and add npc. [133] fix legion mysql store procedure [132] sql change for new legion ranks [131] Legion part 2 [130] m. boost cap is 2700 now (gogo nuke) [129] Legion Default Value fix when creating it [127] legion fix [126] legion Database update [124] legion fix first step (for testing) [121] Fix of autorestart [119] fix ally functions (kick, appoint, leave, etc) [118] fix coin/relic reward [117] fix ally name using mage group fix [116] fix ally [113] Fix For 2.x.x.x Server Version [111] added modifiers for items. [110] add names for loc. [108] fix hide skills (in 2.5, assassin can use buffs. hide II = 2 buffs, shadow walk and wind walk = 3) [106] eracus temple fix entrance [103] add new npc for 2.5. [101] add new loc and npc for 120080000_Marchutan_Academy. [97] fix spawns 110070000_Kaisinel_Academy. [96] add little new npc. [95] fix authors project. [93] fix items for 2.5 add desc=" ",to be continued.... [91] all dialog should be ok now [89] fix quest dialog id from 17 to 18 (first part) [84] should fix client crash on bad bind point [83] fix plastic surgery [81] Added Spawn for New map Kaisinel Academy map 110070000 [78] Added Example for Motion [77] Pre-Add of New Packet for Motion Have to enable them when packet is done [76] First fix for group but not sure if its 100% his fix (for name) [73] Fix for Player Search [71] Cosmetic - Map´s name [69] add new pets. [65] 2.5 Data * Goodlists * Items * Modifiers * NPC Shouts and Trade lists * … [62] fix gender change / plastic surgery dialog [61] spawns/Monsters/220070000.xml fix [60] fix inventory [59] + Fix Doubled Map + Fix Prison services [57] 2.5 Map [56] Inggison New Windstreams + Fix from Sniffing [54] Some Quest DialogID fix still have an issue on Item collecting process [52] last Step, fix for Quest DialogId from "25" to "26". Reshanta [51] 9th Step, fix for Quest DialogId from "25" to "26".Haramel/KromedesTrial/Taloc/Udastemple [50] 7th Step, fix for Quest DialogId from "25" to "26". Gelkmaros & Inggison [49] 6th Step, fix for Quest DialogId from "25" to "26". Abyssal_Splinter/Beshtemple/chantradred/daevanion/relic [48] 5th Step, fix for Quest DialogId from "25" to "26". Beluslan & Heiron [47] 4th step, fix for Quest DialogId from "25" to "26". Eltnen & Morheim [46] 3rd Step, fix for Quest DialogId from "25" to "26". Brusthonin & Theobomos [45] Second Step, quest dialogId fix from "25" to "26" Altgard & Verteron [44] Firts step quest fixed for dialogId "25" changed to "26". Ishalgen/Poeta/Pandaemonium/Sanctum [43] fix debuffs in 2.5 :) [42] more dialog fix [41] fix dialog for 2.5 [38] add npc 217167 ,217168. [37] add Vip rates. [36] Added 2.5 gelkmaros Windstream [35] Now We are able see title/rank and added some new info [10] fix for chat server Dist [9] add geodata for geoserver. Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, ZC, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now the best emu software. pd: Aion-Empire 2.6 is comming...
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r870, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [870] master alchimy quest not full retail but working other quest master comming later [869] More Beshmundir Temple fixes [868] Some Beshmundir Temple improvements and fixes, Some Kromedes Trial fixes, Enraged Mastarius fixed [866] Description: This patch allow you to limit item count (by quality), and overall item drops (by a scoring system) and this by a mob rank (hero/legendary/elite/normal), dissabled. [865] forgot course cloud II in condition [862] Alliance fix [861] Gelkmaros Quest Rise of Living Stone fixed [860] should log hackers that use no animation hack. [858] they do not share same cooldown stack (at least from what i saw) http://aion.yg.com/skill/all-seeing-eye-i?id=918 http://aion.yg.com/skill/searching-eye-i?id=917 [856] broadcast player loot to party members [855] Kromede some fixes, me and Sare are working on it, more improvements to come. [854] fixed Eye Candy skill for kromede :) http://aion.yg.com/item/silver-blade-rotan?id=164000141 [853] to much problems for time space and jump when only 4 meters up. [852] fix stone skin typo, fix skills like zikel's shield [851] fix bug: if you are solo pvp, u can win to much AP if your abyss rank is high [850] add more quests,add series quests(crafting,5 stigma).Need fix Beshmundir Temple Controller to perform these quests 30303,30203. [849] fix remove shock again.. It was not removing open aerial Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r847, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [846] Some chamges to Beshmundir Temple, now the boss can be looted, also added Key at droplist. [845] NPCS Boatman at Beshmundir Temple implementation [844] Some changes related to doors and npcs at Beshmundir temple [842] in retail, when you pull target, his casting will cancel [840] fix dublicate quests. [836] change in stone skin. its like unwavering devotion. [835] improvements in leap effect and MoveBehindEffect (should be smother when removing targeteers) [834] fix EnchantService. [833] add controllers instances,+ add items for 2.5,+ add pets for 2.5,+ fix spawn in instances,+ fix many npc,+ fix portals and some others little changes. [832] simple move back effect + healing servant optimization [831] SimpleMoveBackEffect used in skills like fang of assassin, push the target back 2 meters. [829] in retail, when stone skin is on, you will not suffer physical abnormals [827] FIX: dispel in general should be retail like. Now healing pot will not remove skills like ankle snare. what is missing: some skills need more than 1 dispel to go out.. [824] quest/altgard/_2022CrushingtheConspiracy and quest/reshanta/_2073CapturedComrades some changes Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r823, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [823] fix blind leap slow/snare dispel [822] item extraction for echant [821] First step - Gelkmaros npcs shop for tokens - more to come [820] when you crit and have a 2h wep, u can cause stagger or stumble. For now i set 20% chance. [819] ranger should be able to see his own traps now [818] fix dispel/healing pot effects. Now they will not remove food/mantra when removing skills like root. [817] fix ranger traps. now they become invisible after a few seconds like in retail [815] +fix goodlists +fix item_sets +add npc_skills +add more titles npc +delete double gatherable +fix spawn. [812] 2022_CrushingTheConspiracy quest Fixed - The portal was sending to Aerdina instance that was wrong and also the spawns were incorrect. [811] Added Video to quest 2053AMissingFather [809] + Implented crit and double crit feature for professions + Implented correct animations for crafting critical + Fixed Asmodian/Elyos ascension quests more retail like + Fixed legion warehouse storage + Added all missing recipes to recipe_templates.xml & item_templates.xml + Fixed Haramel instance 90% Retail like + Changed mob-aggro to be more retail-like + Add Some Relic Quest + Add Config For DP Reward + Fix XP/AP/DP Overflow Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r808, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [807] quest/reshanta/_2073CapturedComrades.java implementation, I hope everyone lik... [806] Fix Dual Client/ Double Login Exploit.. [805] dredgion part two...to be continue [804] fix taloc asmodian entrance fix npc for quest A Missing Father [803] fix stats npc,mobs in _Beshmundir_Temple. [802] fix boost heal in class. Base should be 100 and not 0 [801] Fix Spirit Hypnosis IV Wind Pvp Duration [800] Action BRAND´s working now [799] check if player is online in HealCastorOnAttackedEffect [798] should fix NPE in skillUseDesire... [796] + Fix Damage Bug + Update geoEngine-0.1.jar [795] remove duplicated spawns.. [792] fix curse of weakness 99%.now it will: - have pvp cap like retail - damage is shown to effector and effected - can be dispelled by illusion and cleric skills - damage is added to aggro, TODO: - healing pot should not be able to dispel it - animation is not quite right.. - refactor in those type of skills so we do not need to repeat code (reflector effect) [791] Tigraki NPC ASMO TRADELIST fixed TODO -- Dredgion Request Icon [790] exploit fix: prevent users from using skills from same stack (ex: inferno I,II,III) [789] + Fix Legion Warehouse + Created Task For Pet Feed, Fix Animation (Incomplete) + Fix InventoryPacket..For Player Dc'ed when Using Private Store.. [788] fix curse of weakness [787] fix ascencion quest [785] Fix for pets, now we are able to summon them [783] Fix for character creation error [781] bind point further fix [780] fixed: kromede entrance [779] fiz kromede inner portal. [778] Prevent player getting stuck when bind point does not exist [777] fix and add pets. Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now. Note: some important changes have been done at Abyss points rate, more info about if will be added at news section soon.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r776, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [776] fix items. [774] fix bind_points. [772] update npc_walker in Sanctum. [769] + Add StatSwitch effect + Fix Skill Power Break I, II, III, IV + Fix Skill Resurrection Loci + Some Exploit Prevention on TradeService, EnchantService + Fix AI AttackDesire, MovingToHome HealHPMP + ObserverController Avoid Stack overflow + Fix ItemStone Sql Integrity Constrain Violation Exeption [767] + ADD BOOST_HEAL Stat Enum + Implemented Rental Service / Expired item + First Test Pet Feed + Add Mcrit Stat to summon + ADD Some System Message + Fix Duel Service + Fixed Player Stat 50+ [766] update drop npc Stormwing. [764] little fix spawn in npc. [763] fix spawn in npc and added ( Nochsana Training Camp, Asteria Chamber, Sulfur Tree Nest, Dredgion, Kysis Chamber, Miren Chamber, Krotan Chamber, Udas Temple Up/Low, Beshmundir Temple, Taloc's Hollow, Haramel, Kromede's Trial, Aerdina, Geranaia, Aetherogenetics Lab, Azoturan Fortress, Theobomos Lab, Ataxiar Vanpern Obelisk, Bregirun, Nidalber, Alquimia Research Center, Adma Stronghold ). [762] add skill Divine Gasp II [761] fix spawn in Instances and added ( Ataxiar vanpern obelisk ) [760] fix spawn monsters and added ( Aerdina, Sanctum underground arena, Bregirun, Triniel underground arena, Silentera canyon ) [759] fix spawn Gather and added ( beshmundir temple, Talocs Hollow, Haramel, Debrys of abyss ) [757] Prevent Error Bind Obelisk.. [755] Some Item Fix and AI Fix.. [754] clean errors,add new npc. [753] litlle fix portal and npc. [752] add new location. ( Arena L Lobby ) [751] fix traiders. [748] + GEODATA First Implemetation ( dissable by default, need more test ) + AbyssShop fix, Event, Custom Shop Fix.. [745] Wedding System.. If player married.. and they grouping.. they will get bonus ... Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r776, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [776] fix items. [774] fix bind_points. [772] update npc_walker in Sanctum. [769] + Add StatSwitch effect + Fix Skill Power Break I, II, III, IV + Fix Skill Resurrection Loci + Some Exploit Prevention on TradeService, EnchantService + Fix AI AttackDesire, MovingToHome HealHPMP + ObserverController Avoid Stack overflow + Fix ItemStone Sql Integrity Constrain Violation Exeption [767] + ADD BOOST_HEAL Stat Enum + Implemented Rental Service / Expired item + First Test Pet Feed + Add Mcrit Stat to summon + ADD Some System Message + Fix Duel Service + Fixed Player Stat 50+ [766] update drop npc Stormwing. [764] little fix spawn in npc. [763] fix spawn in npc and added ( Nochsana Training Camp, Asteria Chamber, Sulfur Tree Nest, Dredgion, Kysis Chamber, Miren Chamber, Krotan Chamber, Udas Temple Up/Low, Beshmundir Temple, Taloc's Hollow, Haramel, Kromede's Trial, Aerdina, Geranaia, Aetherogenetics Lab, Azoturan Fortress, Theobomos Lab, Ataxiar Vanpern Obelisk, Bregirun, Nidalber, Alquimia Research Center, Adma Stronghold ). [762] add skill Divine Gasp II [761] fix spawn in Instances and added ( Ataxiar vanpern obelisk ) [760] fix spawn monsters and added ( Aerdina, Sanctum underground arena, Bregirun, Triniel underground arena, Silentera canyon ) [759] fix spawn Gather and added ( beshmundir temple, Talocs Hollow, Haramel, Debrys of abyss ) [757] Prevent Error Bind Obelisk.. [755] Some Item Fix and AI Fix.. [754] clean errors,add new npc. [753] litlle fix portal and npc. [752] add new location. ( Arena L Lobby ) [751] fix traiders. [748] + GEODATA First Implemetation ( dissable by default, need more test ) + AbyssShop fix, Event, Custom Shop Fix.. [745] Wedding System.. If player married.. and they grouping.. they will get bonus ... Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r750, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [748] + GEODATA First Implemetation + AbyssShop fix, Event, Custom Shop Fix.. [745] Wedding System.. If player married.. and they grouping.. they will get bonus ... Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r744, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [744] Add System Message for Trading check. [741] Skill duration for all boss = divide/2 [740] Added New Map for 2.5 this wont affect 2.1 server since no one will able move to those map. For instance ID it will be added when we have more info [737] Fixed surveys. [735] + Extract Action Exploit FIx + EnchantService Exploit FIx + Chat Faction Delay + Road Observer Exploit fix [734] + Optimizing IngameShop + Fix Inventorypacket + Some Null sanity check.. + Fix Resurrection Others changes/updates: -Player initial data have been changed, now new players have some new items when they start. -New event mithril coins -Ingame shop have been remodeled, now you can buy only the best consumables in game. Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now. IMPORTANT!! In order to have Ingame-shop working, you will need to download and use our new files, check it HERE
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r733, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [733] Prevent Error NuLL. [732] Fix Item ObjectId 0 sorry guys. Kinah Exploit Check. [729] GetLastMac. [728] Fix Skill Stat Wrong Name.. [727] Fortress Gate & Fortress Gate Artifact Implement. ( need check ) [726] update npc_shouts. [723] MySQL5LegionDAO.saveNewAnnouncement added LegionId exists check. Admin command Announce, announce faction, announcements added double quotes in syntax help. PlayerEffectController.checkDuelCondition. Item.setEnchantLevel, fixed to max 127 for tinyint. PetTemplate.getWarehouseFunction, NULL sanity check. DropService.resendDropList, Player state fix. ToyPetService.summonPet, PetFunction object NULL sanity check. [722] + Fix Private store + Fix Item Creator (Now You will See Creator Name in Crafted Item) + Optimized Banned MacAddress + Optimized Command Event.. [721] Implement Item Creator... [720] Banned Mac Address Implement [717] + Added AdminCommand //startevent + Added UserCommand .joinevent Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r716, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [716] Amendment SM_VERSION_CHECK packet To prevent replication pro Increase small back 15 seconds to choose again entered the game [715] Added missing quest "A Monument Rubbed" + NPCs (elyos advanced stigma quest chain). [71]] update compressed_item. [709] fix & add traiders. [706] add 6 dance 2.1. [703] Advanced Stigma & Stigma Antihack Thx ZeroSignal + Fix Dual Wield EnchantService [701] Skill Strike Fortitude Spell Fortitude [697] cast speed and attack range display fix [696] Fix resurrection Loci Teleport to caster. [694] + Implement INGAMESHOP Part1 [693] Fix Skill Call Gryphu + Fix Skill Healing Servant + Fix SkillStat Wrong name + Fix Ai Attack / Healing / ReturnHome + Implement Strike Fortitude + Implement Strike Resist + Fix Prevent Bug Dual Client Force Quit + Fix Alliance Service See Alliance Member [690] add traiders. [689] fix items. [687] Updated to Advanced Surveys System [683] update items & npc traiders. [682] add npc_walker in Beshmundir_Temple. [681] litlle fix spawn in Abyss. Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r679, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [679] + Fix Remove Spirit Substitution When Summon Released+ Fix Duel (Prevent Double Duel)+ Fix Abyss Transform Effected By Fear and Other Buff. [678] -4942ProvingProficiency >> Wrong design -Item Boost MP, and Fp [677] remove shock for OPEN AERIAL.. [676] fix npc & add npc_walker in Beshmundir_Temple (part II). [674] add ChangeAction Improvement [673] some NPE fix [672] - potions are not affected by boost heal in retail. [671] fix & update recipe. [670] Optimized Road Observer, It's bugged If Another Race Passed Trough And then Use Scroll Or Return [669] Gwenspena Use Kinah.. [668] Transform Inquin Fix [667] summon healing servant improvements [666] cleanup,fix double spawn npc at inggison map [664] update items & npc traiders. [663] little fix npc_templates. [662] fixed - Healing Conduit I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r661, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [661] some arena/coliseum improvements [660] if u miss 1 target in aoe, chain fails too. if u do not hit anyone, chain fails too [659] if skill is resisted/evaded, chain is aborted [658] sleep storm can be affected by boost cast speed after aion 1.5 [657] 1 more bodyguard fix :P [656] http://aion.yg.com/skill/trap-of-clairvoyance-i?id=794 seems range is 30m [655] implemented damage godstone. Need to check retail system better ... [654] fix arena. Should be working like retail.. [653] in retail, player fall down if is in glide and receives root [652] check if skill can't be affected by boost casting time. [651] reflector fail safe [649] Advanced Survey System [648] fix npc & add npc_walker in Beshmundir_Temple (part I). [647] protect effect exploit, need's to check Z too.. [646] leap effect optimization. [645] added skill http://aion.yg.com/skill/word-of-destruction-ii?id=2259 [644] FIX Spirit Substitution, Buff Doesnt Removed After summon Die,FIx ASPD bug, Added Check to Backset Weapon and Weapon Type [642] dredgion user command fix [640] add & update quests Tigrak,Gera [637] add skills mobs. [636] chantra dredgion + some dredgion fix's [635] Added the missing Nobody Dance [634] missed some energies skill template [633] fix energies (2nd part) Now all anergies should have magic attack. TODO: energies size depend on skill lvl (maybe wrong npc id?) check if energie stat/npc_id is equal to retail show damage of energies in log and above target [632] fix spirit master energies based on atracer work. (1st part) [631] reflect skills 100% retail. show damage on log and give kill/ap/exp/drop to caster [629] Beshmundir Temple Spawn hard mode (part 1) [627] fix skills like: http://www.aionarmory.com/spell.aspx?id=2010 [626] fix summoning alacricity - it just turns summoning servants and summons instant Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU, AL and AxEMU because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r593, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [591]Fixed some inggison mobs, quest and some spawns [590]fix set title command [589]update items. [586]add more skills mobs. Lot of them. [585]fix bodyguard - it should protect only the target [584]FIX: Penance I,II,III,IV [582]Fix Not able to socket fusioned items [581]update goodslists & npc_trade_list 2.1-2.5. [580]update quests. Lot of them [579]adding key. [578]add more skills mobs. Lot of them. [577]Fixed some inggison mobs and Enraged Veille and Mastarius . npc: Elder Narikiki,Padmarashka,Shulack Necksnapper,Shulack Necksnapper,Shulack Shaman,Shulack Shaman,Shulack Herbalist,Shulack Herbalist,Shulack Watchwarden,Shulack Gatekeeper,Shulack Hunterkiller [576]Fixed mob stats in Taloc's Hollow. npc: Celestius Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
we got more players everyday ;) You can buy your premiun or VIP membership by credits, you can buy credits ( donate ) or just vote for us in order to obtain credits. playable, enjoy.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r575, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [575] Added 23 missing spawns in Lower Udas Temple: [573] Fixed some drops and npcs ( lot of them ) [572] Dredgion Update (90% complete). [571] Fix on NPC AI. Now monsters cannot get "stuck" and exploited. [570] Fixed some beshmundir quests: [Group] Cleansing the Temple, Aye, That's the Rubbing [568] fix buff's not working for group members in alliance. [567] update goodslists 2.1-2.5 [564] started adding new 2.5 npcs [563] Fixed a portal: Abyss Gate and added a quest: A Monument Rubbed [562] update goodslists 2.1-2.5 [561] fix npc & add npc_walker in Inggison (part I). ( lot of them ) [560] update npc_trade_list [559] Fix From AC For Dual Weapon Add bonus Parry And Magic Acc OverPower [558] Scorching Summer Event ( not enable by default ) [556] - Item_templates fix - 188050983 < change item test - Change item Implementation [555] remove double spawn on the Ascension quest. [554] in retail you can fly with transform candy [553] Fix: Tendon Slice I and Tendon Slice II (does not break), Signet Burst if under lvl 3, only gives damage [552] fix Dark poeta npe. Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r551, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [551] fix item lost [548] Fix duel exploit. [546] Fixed some mobs and added others ( lot of them ) [545] Fixed binding points, 700022, 700023, 700257, 700256, 700021, 700255 [544] 110070000_Arena_L_Lobby [543] new map info have Blank space that had to be upgrate when we have more info [541] GMList added [540] Added npcs in npc trade list, Juimonmonerk, Fayrunerk, Laichinchinerk, Muirunerk, Muirunerk, Ozur, Maponus, Cinnia [538] Fixed some portals: 730168, 730197, 730200, 730201, 730216, 730356 [535] Add roads between locations,staticdoors. [534] Fixed some NPCs and updated the droplist, npc: Reaper Squad, Gigantic Box, Suspicious Box, Ladacus, ; droplist: Banished Farhir, Ladacus, [533] Fix: Advanced Dual-Wielding I, Advanced Dual-Wielding II, Advanced Dual-Wielding III, Advanced Dual-Wielding IV, Advanced Dual-Wielding V [532] fix skill Sensory Boost I (was not giving evade correct value) [531] Some Fix From AC [530] Fix off hand SKILL damage (assassin/glad skill damage was the same with 1 wep or 2 wep). I think it is not yet 100%, but it is a start [526] Fix Call of Condor I [518] fix Illusion I [515] - Pet Rename Implement, Bug Attack Another Fix, Bug ASPD Another Fix, Dupe Bug Fix Alot [514] Fixed pandaemonium obelisk Obelisk [513] fix some drops ( more than 3000+ ) [512] update,add items is 2.1 ( arround 3000+ items changed ) Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r511, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [509] Fixed a portal in kromede [508] Fixed a lot of mobs and added 1 spawn and we need to make the second one when... [507] quests 29041,29042,29043 - 19041,19042,19043 nuts. [506] Fixed some stormwing skills, fixed a spawn, fixed the instance id from Shadow... [505] Traiders nuts,summer.Tested 100%(work) [504] sysmail fix: replaced "@" with "-" send race. even if you typed @asmodians, i... [503] Fixed wrong NPC types in mobs in Eltnen and Heiron. [502] Fixed a skill and fixed some drops [501] Fixed a mob and added some drops that we were missing [500] Fixed some npcs and spawns Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r499, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [499] Another Bug Attack Fix - Spell Damage Calculation Fix Mboost 10 point = 0.8% ... [498] Damage Bug & Defense Bug 100% Fix [497] update npc_templates. [496] update goodslists. [495] add npc. [494] update,add items is 2.1 [493] Stormwing should be HERO [492] Crafting FIX. Goes up to 549 now (waiting quests for 550). [491] Fixed Legion Warehouse [490] Critical Spell Fix, AI Fix State [489] DarkPoeta Generator´s Core [488] Fixed Dark Poeta instance. General now spawns after all Generators are down. [487] fix npc & add npc_walker in Heiron. [486] Fixed wrong Tribe Data on Titirunerk the Two Faced for "Someone Superior". [485] Added 5 missing Big Wine Barrels on Steel Rake for "A Promise to a Customer". [484] fix npc & add npc_walker in Morheim. [483] Fixed A Suspicious Call and Price of Good Will Quests. [482] Fixed Changesets 468,473 and 474 (Eltnen Portals to Reshanta and Geranaia). [481] Added Assistant's Journal NPC in Theobomos Lab instance for "Project Drakkanh... [480] update npc & add npc_walker in Theobomos. [479] update npc & add npc_walker in Theobomos. [478] Fixed some npcs, spawns and a quest [477] Fix PlayerGameStat [476] Prevent DUPE BUG.. [475] Player Passkey BAN Changed From Ban IP to Ban ID [472] Fixed stigmas again [471] fix npc & add npc_walker in Theobomos. Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r470, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [470] Fixed wrong entry lever requirement on Theobomos Lab Instance. [468] fix npc & add npc_walker in Eltnen. [467] Firecrackers. *~ Happy New Year!!! ~* [466] Fixed minor glitch. [465] Stigma Last Slot FIX [464] Fixed some npcs, a spawn and some quests [463] add gatherables. [462] Fixed so it updates the var [461] fix npc & add npc_walker in Altgart. [460] Fix Previous Commit And Add Walker For Npc Quest Balaur Conspiracy.. [459] Add WalkerID and RandomWalkId to QuestService addNewSpawn for Better Quest.. [458] Added Balaur Conspiracy Quest. [457] Fixed Some Spawns and npcs [456] update npc_walker in Gelkmaros. [455] update npc_walker in Pandaemonium. [454] fix npc & add npc_walker in Verteron. [453] fix npc & add npc_walker in Beluslan. [452] fix npc & add npc_walker in Gelkmaros. [451] Fixed Beshmundir Entrance (it is a group instance) [450] - FIx Previous Update + Implementation Title Card (Title that have expired ti... [449] Fix Bug Attack n Bug Defense Using Exchange Service Replacing Current Equip w... [448] Fix Silentera Canyon Entrance at Gelkmaros and Inggison [447] DUPE Fix... [446] Some dredgion edtiting but have to improve the state into spawn xml and remov... Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.