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Everything posted by okae

  1. New Christmas Event ;)
  2. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r445, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [445] Fixed logic problem in Flying Reconnaisance. [444] fix for Dredgion dialog when approach a rift [441] fix npc & add npc_walker in Pandaemonium. [437] fix npc & add npc_walker in Pandaemonium. [436] add npc_walker in Pandaemonium(beginning). [435] upgrade npc_walker. [434] Fix double drops,add Dark Poeta droplist. [433] Added missing Lab Researcher Spawns. [431] Pandaemonium Q2938_SecretLibraryAcess. [429] Fixed Silentera Entrance (asmo and elyos) [428] Fixed some more npcs and added a spawn [427] Gelkmaros Field Warden NPC fix [426] Fixed lots of Gelkmaros NPCs [424] Fixed Adma Stronghold entrance (level required is 46) [423] Fixed Missing Poppy Quest. [422] Added Raninia NPC Spawn in Heiron. [416] Fix Agehia in marchutan [415] Fix target relation [414] Fix dispeldebuffeffect - should fix some skills like Iron Skin Tested and wor... [413] fix Apostate Warmonger(215679) - to much exp [412] Added christmas spawns [411] Fixed and added lot of quests [410] Udas Temple fix. [409] fix Hit Mantra I - 1998 (working 100%) [408] Fixed some more quest npcs [407] Updated goodslists Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
  3. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r404, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [404] add & update drop. [401] Added and fixed some spawns [400] Crit Spell / Crit Spell resist initial implementation. Seems to be working ok... [399] Fix quest 3208 [398] fix ARTMONEY(replaced jail for throwing out of the game). [397] spawn shield generator [396] Fixed AI MoveToHomeDesire [395] fix quest fail + movie 10020 Proving yourself to Outremus [394] Fix Boon of Strength I - was not giving m. acc. [393] fix for stigma removed problem. [392] first quest for Steel rake [390] Cosmetic - added some missing npcs ELITE and BOSSES that we had before. [388] Fix summon skills. Now says target is too far instead of using skill out of r... [387] Fixed some npcs and reduced some spawns [386] Fixed and added lots of quests [384] SM_FRIEND_RESPONSE fixed [383] Fixed Beshmundir Temple's Spawns [382] Animation fixed. [380] Fixed and added some quests [379] Fix some skills [378] Fixed pandae spawn [377] Fixed quest 2410 and fixed some mobs [376] Fixed quest 2408 [374] Fixed Trade list Edita and changed a pande spawn [373] Fixed Secret Library & The Crandale District Teleporter's from Pandaemonium [372] Fixed Omegas clones and Ragnarok's Slime and Parasite [371] Fixed Azoturan Fortress entrance and exit [369] Fixed quests 1073 and 4321 [368] STIGMA_ADVANCED_FREE slots. [367] Npc AI,npc_shouts. [365] Admin GPS command [364] free fly fix [363] Added Omega's and Ragnarok's drop. [361] fix taloc item use exploit. [360] add pets_warehouse. [357] Fix SUMMON BUFFS. Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
  4. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r355, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [353] fix NPC 68042 (Horned Arachna) - too much exp [347] Fixed experience in party. [345] Fixed Sealing the Abyss Gate to allow Solo/Group [344] Reduced the spawns from Aerdina instance [343] update npc_skills. [341] Fixed Tursin Loudmouth Boss and the Abyss Gate in Aerdina [338] Fix For Eracus Temple Entrance [337] Fixed lots of quests [335] Fixed Macunbello's skills [334] Fixed some more npcs [332] First Implementation of Shield Effect [329] Fixed all Beshmundir's Temple NPCs [323] Added and fixed lots of quests [322] Corrected Watch Bodyguard's level [321] Legion chat and some more Opcodes fixed [320] Added an inggison spawn, fixed the random time of the skill fear nad correcte... [319] OPCODES fixed [318] Fix DispelEffect. [315] Added Ancient Treasure Boxes [313] remove portal abyssgate altguard and verteron [312] repair quest crushing conspiracy [311] 215679 Fix Exp too much [310] Resurect Opcodes Fix [308] ReflectorEffect fix. [305] Some fix for NRG mess [303] Doors opcode fixed [302] Kromede Entrance conflict with Kromede Exit fix [301] Chests added [300] Added CHEST npc type [299] new big pack quest 164 new quest event quest + daily quest enjoy [298] Bodyguard_fix error during execution cause invalid attibute used. [297] Added quests 10020, 2383, 2414 and 2427 [296] Bodyguard I fix [294] Heiron respawn time [293] Seizure Arrow I - 627 Bug: Not draining 50% MP and HP from the target. Fixed [292] Some inggison quests fixed [290] Kromede Emergency exit fix [289] Fix kromede exit portal and door [288] Haramel NPCs fixed [287] Haramel fix, still need to fix npc_templates. Entrance at Verteron Entrance a... [286] Fix lots of npcs in gelkmaros [284] rebuild quest 20026 with movie like retail [283] Fixed and added lots of quests [280] Bodyguard I Fix Target: Selected Target Templar was absorving all damage from... [279] Added and fixed haramel quests and fixed some npcs from heiron [278] water, wind ,fire, + firetemple retail door entrance and exit + portail [277] Mantra + Remove altered opcode fixed [276] Fix Protector and Cowardly Cellatu II [274] Fixed Q2654 and 20022 [273] Fix double drops & add drop in Inggison(part II). [271] _18602NightmareinShiningArmor fix. [269] Spawn Protection Fix [268] Skill Usage Restriction in some transformations tks Nizidramaniiyt [267] Fixed lots of quests [266] Fix double drops & add drop in Inggison(part I). [265] Fix Protector Artifact Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
  5. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r264, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [264] Fix double Ishalgen_droplist. [263] New Build + Opcode fix [261] 2.1 Server Version [260] Import of initial Work of 2.1 Thank Kaipo and Vya for fixing packet that was ... [259] fix tahabata portal exit coords [257] Fixed All Kromede's Trial NPCs [256] Darkpoeta Part 3: Prevent groups to use points from last run [255] Added spawn of npc Supervisor Nyvedija (213933) in Instances/320080000_Draupn... [254] Darkpoeta Part 2.1: Code cosmetic/more logical rank calculation [253] Darkpoeta Part 2: Rank requirements retaillike (source: http://www.aion-forum... [252] Added quests 1614, 2505, 2549, 2564, 2633, 4011, 1540 [251] Darkpoeta Part 1: Points much more retaillike [250] little fix,delete double droplist Poeta. [249] LeapEffect implemented (now blind leep should work) [248] Reduced run_speed_fight from spaller echtra from 13.0 to 9.0 so it doesnt bug... [247] fix & upgrade droplist Poeta. [246] Fix double drops,add Kysis Chamber droplist. [245] delete double drops. [243] retail spawntime for Veille & Mastarius [241] Initial implementation of ProtectionEffect/Bodyguard. Will be some conflicts... [240] Fix Secret Port Entrance [239] Kromede´s Trial last quest, drops and spawns fixed. [238] Added Kromede´s Trial Map. [237] Fixed Ragnarok and Stormwing Stats [236] Fixed quest 1940 and added 1935 [235] Fixed quest 1940, added 1937 and fixed some sanctum [232] Fixed some things from npc_templates [231] Fixed some quests and added a lot [228] Fixed a double Taloc's Hollow Elyos, made taloc's guardian as a portal and ad... [227] dp endboss doublespawn prevention [226] Fix Z coordinate for Kimeia and portal [224] delete double drops,fix Reshanta drop(to be continued). [223] Upgrade droplist Left Wing Chamber,Sulfur Tree Nest,Right Wing Chamber. [221] Upgrade droplist Kysis Chamber,Asteria Chamber,Chamber of Roah. [220] fix & upgrade Dredgion droplist. [219] fix & upgrade droplist Dark Poeta. [218] fix Eltnen portals to abyss and Geranaia [216] Fix spawns for Balaur Conspiracy [212] Inggisson Balaur Npc at Fortress door Fix [210] Fixed Abyssal Splinter Instance. [209] Fixed quests in sanctum and pandaemonium [208] Fixed some NPCs defenders for Inggison and for Abyssal Splinter [207] Bind point Hanarkand Observation Post added. [206] Fix quest so npc Sulinia dialog works (799017). [205] Fix Taloc's Hollow Asmodian Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
  6. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r204, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [204] Implementing flight checks to stop players flying in nofly zones. [201] Correcting Second Wind to 35% heal and 35% health increase. (From 50/50) [200] Fixed stats level 50-55 [199] Added quest The Riddle Poem [198] Fix quest Proving Proficiency, Luck and Persistence and added Trading Down and Stone of Mabolo [196] added item overflowCheck [195] 6_Stigma_slot improvement [194] Update for SM summons [193] Added quest In Search of Zirius [191] Morheim retail like respawn time [189] Shields Enchantment fix. Fix negative kinah from broker... [187] Fix for Eltnen Abyss Gate, added correct staticid="1107". [185] Fix for NPC Kailaus in Inggison, quest impacted tested and working fine. We n... [183] Fix for (Clymene) NPC Stigma Tuner in cloister_of_kaisinel (Sanctum) Quest imp... [181] Fix Marabata Barrier Skill Duration 20 Seg [180] Fix Portales Fix Grand Chieftain Kasika Fix Veille Fix Sematariux Entrance Fi... [179] Added quest What's in the Box? and fixed another [178] Added Quests Fugitive Scopind and In Search of Zirius [177] Fixed quest Altgard Duties [176] Added quests A Very Old Letter, Opening Doors, Paper Trail and The Balaur Report [175] static id for steel rake door, true anchor escape exit [173] Weather Fix [169] xml spaces cleaned up. and quest Recognition of the Preceptors itemid fix [168] Update Portal Templates [167] Fix quest Call of the Governor [166] Fix quest An Antidote to the Lepharists, A Light Through the Trees, The Shugo Fugitive and A Clue Left by the Dead [165] some summon stats corrected + xmls cleanedup [164] Fix double entry of spiritmaster template, update item_sets and pet_skills an... [163] welcome html changed. and bind point price and loc correction [162] Fix prison id check [159] WorlMapType and LF/DF Prison [158] Fix Ascension Asmodian [156] Fix quests Wanted: Pirates and Sororunerk's Whereabouts [153] Fix quest A Flute For the Fixing [152] Fix portals, updated goodslists and npc trade list Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We are using Aion-Engine software now.
  7. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r150, this is the updates that have been done on our last changes: [150] Fix skills 823, 824 and 853 [149] Fix quest 4086 [148] Fix quests 2600, 2630, 2663, 2664, 11068, 11069 [147] Added NPC Poppy and fixed quest 2123 [146] Portal fix thanks indy and SM spirits fix [144] Alukina's Palace Entrance and Exit Fix [143] Brusthonin Monster Fix (Add and Remove) more will come later [142] Brusthonin Fix on NPC amount [141] More Gathering in Brusthonin [139] NPC Brusthonin 2.0 retail like enjoy [138] Fix some brusthonin quests [137] Beshmundir Temple quests [133] Some fix for Poeta npc [132] Npc trade list update [131] Goodslists and trade list update [129] Npc Shouts Poeta [128] Fix some inggison quests [126] Fix some beluslan quests [125] Leap effect implemented [124] Update portal templates [123] Retail like respawn time for eltnen + little fix with 210334 at verteron [121] Updated skills and fix water spirit [120] Fix Quest Beshmundie temple [119] Fix Portal - Fix npc_templates [118] Fix quests for beshmundir temple, chantra dredgion, haramel, silentera canyon... [117] Fix lots of heiron quests and Water Spirit fix [116] Anti Powerleveling system [114] Fix on ques LavirintosCall [113] Gelkmaros Npc Spawn retail like 85% done for NPC [112] Gelkmaros BindPoints Fixed (Retail like for gelkmaros) [111] Gelkmaros Fortress bindpoint Fix + added Return Scroll to Gelkmaros and inggi... [110] GeGelkmaros NPC Title ID + HP + Level Fix (part 2) [109] Air Line Fix [108] Gelkmaros Bind Point fix [107] Gelkmaros NPC Title ID + HP + Level Fix (part 1) [105] Pvp DP Reward Calculated from Player Level And Abyss RAnk [104] Fix of some Eltnen quests [102] Custom AP Lost Config [101] Craft 500p [100] Root Effect add some skillid [99] altgard abyss portal staticid and armsfusion titleid Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We will non-stop working with AL even if we are using AE software now.
  8. go and check both builds, later tell me AL is better than AE :)
  9. AE change his sources and start working on another sources, we hope you like it, thats the reason we will start our release numbers from 0 again; new features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r98, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: [98] Lot of important respawn time fixed for name & elites mobs, [97] Fix skill marabata barrier Thx messi [91] Altgard to Abyss gate fix [89] Fix double spanws Summer Event [88] Fix stats HP/XP/Level in npc_templates(mobs 216077 to 216090). add skills npc. [87] delete double drops,fix&add drop mobs(216077 to 216090). [86] Npc trade list update and goodslists update [85] Fix some npcs and a npcid from a spawn for quest Scout it Out [76] Fix double spawn of summer event ncc [75] portal heading fix. [74] Fix stats HP/XP in npc_templates. [73] fix & upgrade droplists. [72] Some NPCs and Portals fix. [71] First try on Inggison Shouts [70] Siege LegionEmblem [68] Udas temple fix + cosmetic [62] fix & upgrade droplists. [61] Fix stats HP/XP in npc_templates,add skills npc. [60] All bind points imported from old work (100% retail like) [58] Fix max lvl portal_templates. [57] Eltnen Fortress bind Point XYZ retail like [56] Sanctum Teleport map Retail like [48] player/legion rename [42] Small fix for players who use Art money and Cheat Engine (changing ID to ench... [41] AntiHack System for ArtMoney it will send to prison people who try doing that... [37] Fix Message viprates. [36] Gather fix z inggison gelkmaros [35] inggison gelkmaros Quest [34] Some more fix on Spawn [31] Implementation of EXP boost Effect [24] Implementation of Atk Speed Limit [13] Fix on EmotionType [12] Implementation of Windstream Engine Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We will non-stop working with AL even if we are using AE software now.
  10. Aion-Engine software.
  11. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r271, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: [271] fix for bind_point "Undirborg Observation Post" - Thanks Whitestar [269] LoginServer Fix : Added number of characters for the GameServer listed on the... [268] New Drop list + beshmundir one and some addon on droplist2 [263] Revert Npc_Walker system it was the cause of all those errors we have on mons... [262] Skill.java - dont send skill use observer if passive skill is on [261] Fix on Omega/Ragnarok Skill cast Seems we need /2 almost all Timer from clien... [256] Skill on omega (its not full just for testing) [255] - Fix Skill - Fix Portal Inggison Passage [251] Some portals and spawns fix [249] [skill engine] Dispel Debuff Mental Effect [248] [skill engine] Dispel Debuff Physical Effect [247] [skill engine] Fear Effect - improve duration calculation and fear resist [246] [skill engine] check for abyss skill, those can only be use in abyss or in ba... [245] [skill engine] onFly Effect Passive skills implemented [244] Little fix on balaur abyss gate ( 700478 ) [239] Poeta Gather Retail like 100% [235] [skill engine] onFly state only BuffEffect [234] fix dupe in private store - fix dupe in trade - fix private store [222] Fix Bind Id at ishalgen [219] coin reward implantation succes with 4 new quest coin mithril level 51 tomor... [217] fix item pak hack for untradable item to Legion/Account warehouse [216] provokerEffect temp patch -- need to investigate it [214] [skill engine] update DispelEffect.java to support dispel by effectType [212] [skill engine] fix some skill that can drain mp/hp like Backdraft I, Absorb V... [211] Fix on udas Exit template [210] Fix on Skill tree Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We will non-stop working with AL even if we are using AE software now.
  12. Be seriously, thats our hoster http://www.hetzner.de/en/ Please next time try to be more seriously.
  13. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r207, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: [207] Some Portal id fixes [206] Fix Dark Poeta: Tahabata Abyss Gate [205] many npc Height Fix [203] New Npc_templates [202] adding some missing AI state [201] Inggison Gather retail 90% Like [200] fix dupe in split item and warehouse [199] BrokerService.java - add null check on buyBrokerItem() - fix broker item dupe [198] SpellAtkDrainInstantEffect [196] disable equip change while in resting state [192] Added spawns for Silentera Canyon [191] Fix Alukina's Palace Portals [187] disabling using skill and fly while transforming, except Mauform and Abyss sk... [185] refactored changesex and plastic surgery [184] ws fix [182] Fix NPC from quest A Lost Daeva [181] Fix Quest Barring the Gate [179] Tribe Relation for General Aggros [178] Add Quest 10001 [177] Final Update of Skills fix/update [175] Fourth Part of Skills fix/update [174] Some NPC Update [173] Third Part of Skills fix/update [172] Second Part of Skills fix/update [170] Bon of Streight I fix , Abyss Shop Exploit fix thx Asanka [169] Fix Inggison Passage - Fix Gelkmaros Passage [168] First Part of Skills fix/update [167] Ambush Effect move to target first implementation it will be continued [164] Added Windstream work [163] Fix Kromede's Trial portal, shouldn't be for group [149] Some fixes for geodata and now shadow walk I are detected by elites [148] code cleanup [147] Initial import of Windstream [142] 2200 lines of NPCs Fixed [137] Third and last part of Goodslists update [135] Remove Egg Pet Of Inventori [134] Omega Walk Route [131] Fix On Udas temple Access Retail like (For elyos only for now asmo come soon) [130] Second Part of Goodslists update [129] First Part of Goodslists update [128] Added Quest Reset command and See command [126] cm_ping audit rule should not dc players by default Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We will non-stop working with AL even if we are using AE software now.
  14. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r125, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: [r121] fix quest 11012 [r112] ArmsfusionService fixed [r111] Quest Fix 4937 and 4938 [r105] 1300 lines of NPCs fixed [r104] AbstractHealEffect Fixed and CreatureController Fixed [r103] pack 3/56 new inggison quest (11010,11011,11012,11013,11014,11015,11016) [r101] Effect Fix AbstractHealEffect.... and some effect [r100] Exploit Fix on Warehouse [r97] Title Packet fix [r96] Password Key on Character [r94] Little fix on Omega [r93] Fix Some NPC from Beshmundir Temple [r92] Udas Temple Portals Fix [r88] Movie Add for quest 1023 and some portal fixes Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like Aion-Engine, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We will non-stop working with AL even if we are using AE software now.
  15. We change from MAVEN to ANT thats the reason release numbers start again from 0. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r87, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: [r86] pack 2/56 new quest inggison (The Limits of Genius, Letter of Encouragement, Meiria's Friendly Suggestion) [r82] Fix Some NPC from Silentera Canyon [r79] Add Goodslist For Katin and Unos.. [r77] Fix Some NPC from Inggison [r75] Fix Some NPC from Gelkmaros [r66] Fix Quest Shoulder the Burden [r65] Fix Quest The Undead Orphanage [r64] Fix again Command Goevent (it is 0 by default as it is meant to be used by no... [r60] fix on waterspirit [r59] Firespirit doesnt go to level 55 max level is 52 due skill level 9 max go to ... [r58] Summon Stat fix [r57] Fix on Flight Zone (inggison) [r56] Omega Npc basic Stat Added NPCid: Omega [r55] Fix Command goevent [r54] this is new pack 1/56 of 5 quest inggison by number order (Wisplight Chat Tour,Kind Meiria,Oppressed! All Right, Ignored.,... [r51] Correction quest The Go-Between and Love's Messenger add script [r50] 33 NPC Fixes From Reshanta [r49] Effect Fix [r48] Fix Light Of Luck [r45] Inggison Fortress Some NPCS Stat fix Thanks Nagato [r44] Some state Fix [r43] First Inggison Walker Route in City Its not a cleaned version i still need wo... [r42] Add command Goevent ( for players ) and Startevent ( this will help gms to made events ) [r38] Gelkmaros Retail like for Fly allowed [r36] Force landing When not allowed to Fly [r35] Lots of NPC fix [r34] First Npc Walker at Gelkmaros (its not finish) [r33] Poeta, Ishalgen, Verteron, Altgard rw+interval fix [r32] -Fix Speed Hacker -Fix Pet Damage [r31] [2.0][/b] Boss Stats Fix [r30] Fixed Some NPC Skills from 2.0 [r29] Steel Rake 98% Door Static id and Anchor [r28] Reshanta respawn interval fix [r27] Fix gelkmaros Zone that i made before for Able Fly in certain zone [r26] License + Authors updated [r19] Player Search limit level set to lvl 10 [r17] Teleport Service Fix [r5] Brusthonin - Light of luck spawn added for 50 MiAion-Empirent/fenris Quest [r4] Fix summon stats waterspirit and windspirit [r3] Some more fix State on Npc template for sanctum [r2] Moved AE-Game From Maven Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like AE, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We will non-stop working with AL even if we are using AE software now.
  16. We like to inform you that Aion-Empire will use AE software now, we are going to start using the new private AE svn. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r106, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: [r105] Some more fix State on Npc template for sanctum [r103] Full Walker Route for Sanctum (need put Time for each Step now) [r101] Removed All old Route from NPC and Monsters Added First part as a test of San... [r100] Emotion Jump Added as Controller [r98] Tahabata Portal Fix [r95] Fix Quest 1005 [r94] Equip and powerup command! [r87] Fix Quest 3965 and 1019 [r83] Fix Quest 1044 [r77] Players Stats + Summon Stats XML fix [r68] Fix Elyos Stigma Quest [r65] Temp fix on Portal until we fix the Dialog ID for it + Activation of Welcome ... [r64] New Zone map + Quest Script [r63] Few new imports for geodata [r62] Haramel Drops Update [r61] Elyos Ascension Quest NPC fix [r55] Fixed the Summon Servant and Quest 1448 commit [r47] Fix Charge I and Quest 1448 [r45] Sanctum Spawn reworked this is real Spawn from retail server [r44] premium account expire patch [r41] Inggison retail Binding Point [r40] Theobomos retail Binding Point [r39] Heiron retail Binding Point [r38] Sanctum & Poeta retail Binding Point [r35] Abyss Spawns whit Dredion Build [r34] some Godslist from 2.0 Update [r33] Cube Expander Retail Like [r30] Verteron retail Binding Point [r29] //say command [r27] Fix for geodata loader z [r25] Eltnen retail Binding Point [r24] Retail like Spawns for NPCs in quest 3934 [r23] Some Stats Inggison mobs Update [r22] Neutral & GMOnline command [r20] Added PortalCooldown [r18] Teleport Location fix [r17] Welcome Message edited [r14] some fix for our npc_teampleate Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dont understand. We need to thank to proyects like AE, AU and AL, because without all of them our current server will not be possible; We will non-stop working with AL even if we are using AE software now.
  17. We like to inform you that Aion-Empire has officially released 2.0 support, we are going to start using this new svn sources since we are into 2.0. New features have been added, in order to check the full list you can read this thread at our forum. Our current server revision is r36, upcoming updates can be found here, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: r36 correction timer r34 Removed sql. r31 [Quests] Xenophon's Weapon Quest Series. r30 Removed some npcs & added static portal r29 Update drop time. N r28 Fix of NPC's damage more retail like. Fix some bugged XP. For attack an Elite... r26 add quest _1044TestingFlightSkills (semi-work) r25 semi-work for quest 1043 : Balaur Conspiracy (need more info) r23 Cosmetic & clean r22 Some portal location fix r21 rift lv 55 r20 command neutral r15 Added flight teleport in brusthonin. r14 Added NPcs to Pandaemonium and changed Portals, also fixed quest 1031. r11 command GmOnline r10 Modify SQL. r9 inggison Quest r8 Secret off inggison quest add r7 timer r6 new config fortress r5 Missed Pet Bags StoAion-Empire on newPlayer Kinah Fix: setOwnerId missing on restore... r4 Added Poeta & Ishalgen geo base. r1 AL 2.0 release ! Source list can be found here Note: we will avoid to show non-importants updates that users dont need to know and dotn understand.
  18. Our current server revision is r304, upcoming updates can be found here or at our own webpage here, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: r304 DP stuff from r303 CS Release done r302 GS Release done r301 LS Release done r300 update scripts r299 Trunk is started the work on 1.0.1 r298 Files... S r297 [No log message] r296 [No log message] r295 [No log message] r294 [No log message] r293 onStartup() update r292 Using isDebugEnabled() boolean to avoid unnecesarry disk write if players logged in/out r291 cleaning.. r290 cleaning.. r289 DeadCode FIX r288 //addset admin command fix Source list can be found here
  19. NEW VOTE REWARDS SYSTEM WITH CREDITS!!! Choose the Character you want and then click vote button, you will receive 500 Kinah, 500 Abyss Points and 1 credit for each vote every 12 hours. Remember you must be offline for at least 1 min to receive Kinah You can spend your credits on buy V.I.P. membership 1 day of V.I.P. membership cost 30 credits When you obtain 30 credits, a buttin will appear so you will be able to buy your VIP account You will need a character to be able to vote, if you click the vote vote banner when there is no character, nothing will happen Every character from your account can vote 3 times every 12 hours, this means you can obtain 1.5k of kinah and abyss points on the same character every 12 hours You can vote at all votesites every 12 hours You should vote not only to obtain rewars, you should vote because more votes mean we will be into the top of the votesites and this will bring more ppl to our server, so please vote everyday you win kinah, abyss points, the posibility to have your V.I.P. account and help us to bring more players online for you!!! Note: in order to check your real abyss points and/or rank you will need to kill at least 1 mob who give you abyss points after you vote at our web. Remember to delete the in game mail after you read it, because if you have more than 50 mails, our mailbot will not be able to send you more mails, also mails will be deleted time to time ( 24h-72h ), so please be sure you take your rewards and delete your mail.
  20. Our current server revision is r288, upcoming updates can be found here or at our own webpage here, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: r288 //addset admin command fix. r287 Sorry... :S r286 ... r285 By By NIO server r284 Base packets class r283 Npc movement fix. AI clean. Now empty server use ~0% CPU and 430MB ram (32 bit java) r282 NullPointerException fix r281 World class cosmetic changes. r280 Drop exploit fix. r279 Mail expoit fix. r278 Rifts despawn fix t r277 Abyss shop AP/item exploit fix. r276 NpcSkills update. r275 warn cleaning. r274 Fix mania... r273 Fix duplicate :) r272 Fix previous. r271 DP stuff r270 Config for whisper minimum level. r269 Stigma auto learn config r268 Private Store FIX r267 Edited wiki page AdminCommandList through web user interface. r266 Edited wiki page AdminCommandList through web user interface. r265 Edited wiki page AdminCommandList through web user interface. r264 Created Admin Command page For Aion Lightning r263 Adma Stronghold Entrance NPC Staticid Fix r262 Day/Night Spawn Manager r261 Forget edit the state of Npc "Eremitia" = npcid = 798600 r260 Added Title ID + NPC level and HP for Cloiter of kaisinel r259 Full Spawn of Cloiter of Kaisinel r258 Fix Symbol of Mau r257 ... r256 HTML Welcome Message r255 Validation disabled till I find a good way to validate XHTMLs. r254 ... r253 They are XHTMLs.. r252 [No log message] r251 HTML Validation.. r250 More HTML Changes... r249 HTML Engine, based on l2j-free. r248 Cancel Skill Cast if Target goes out of skill range during the cast, r247 Initial base of HTML Engine r246 Config for logging. r245 ... r244 Cleanup.. r243 MagicCounterAttackEffect Source list can be found here
  21. New DropCalculator, check it at webpage, enjoy ;) About the DropCalculator: These drops are 100% like in-game, so now you will know for sure the drop rate of our mobs. There are some mobs that don't work on our server, these mobs will appear on the droplist. When looking for drops, you must be sure the mob exists and it is lootable in-game.
  22. We are using aion-lightning sources + a some little bit changes. We are now a part of aion-lightning datapack developers team. Our current server revision is r242, upcoming updates can be found here or at our own webpage here, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: r242 Impervious Veil, Barrier of Severance, unwavering devotion, and Remove Shock resists. r241 KnownList FIX: Don't need to add/remove twice objects. r240 SQL Update for last commit... r239 Abyss Points. r238 Broker Item disappears fix. Thx report jadms. r237 /trunk/AL-Game: * Some iterator -> for-each * Some StringBuilder -> TextBuilder * Some random cleaning.. r236 Skill remove refactoring. r235 Add offset MapRegion system. r234 Using audit filter for command /loc ... r233 MapRegion fix.. r232 ... r231 Using SingletonMap on aggrolist. r230 finalize after gc.. r229 r226 clean. r228 [Fix] Quest drop for Groups. r227 [Fix] SkillUseDesire. r226 fortress mage fix. r225 add abyss skills on rank change. r224 Bind Effect Fix. r223 [Fix] Exp bonus for groups. r222 Logging Changes: * Filter for unknown packets. r221 isActive() readded. r220 Warning cleanup... r219 Using Trove on static datas.. r218 ConcurrentHashMap - > FastMap... r217 BlockList optimization: Using jAion-Empireution and for-each instead of ConcurrentHashMap and Iterator.. r216 Moving too much if to switch.. r215 Enchant Supplements configs. r214 Abyss 3D MapRegion system. Better performance. r213 Temp FIX for quest item delete. r212 Switch on some config on default.. r211 Config for neighbours.. r210 Config changes... r209 Config for world sizes. r208 NullPointerException fix. If Buy list is missing. r207 Config changes. vol. X r206 Added to SVN Ignore: cache folder. r205 Ok, it was wrong idea... r204 Clear leaked objects and update after clear... r203 Config changes. r202 KnownList changes vol. 5 - no more disappearing bug... r201 KnownList changes vol. 4. r200 Knownlist changes vol. 3: Using SingletonMap.. r199 NB4L1 Utils: To manage possible empty maps.. r198 Knownlist changes vol. r197 Knownlist changes, vol1: knownlist FIX for disappearing monsters when you left the town and going to back.. r196 Some function changes - later could be useful. r195 FIX for TargetRangeProperty. r194 For last commit.. r193 Knownlist rework. Source list can be found here
  23. We are using aion-lightning sources since AU is now closed. We are now a part of aion-lightning datapack developers team. Our current server revision is r192, upcoming updates can be found here or at our own webpage here, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: r192 MySQL Update r191 POM XML 2.3.1 -> 2.3, that's works 2.3.1 not... Optimize ON. r190 POM XML 2.3.1 -> 2.3, that's works 2.3.1 not... Optimize ON. r189 POM XML 2.3.1 -> 2.3, that's works 2.3.1 not... Optimize ON. r188 POM XML 2.3.1 -> 2.3, that's works 2.3.1 not... Optimize ON. r187 oops r186 Maven Plugin updates r185 Maven Plugin updates r184 Maven Plugin updates r183 Maven Plugin updates r182 pom... r181 pom... r180 pom... r179 pom... r178 Posible trade exploit fix. Source list can be found here
  24. We are using aion-lightning sources since AU is now closed. We are now a part of aion-lightning datapack developers team. Our current server revision is r177, upcoming updates can be found here or at our own webpage here, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: r177 Asmodian Ascension fixed. r176 NPE fix. r175 Thx report: http://code.google.com/p/aionlightning/issues/detail?id=42 fixed. r174 http://code.google.com/p/aionlightning/issues/detail?id=32 Fixed. r173 Item Engine rework ;) Thx all bug report. r172 Using Trove for some staticdatas.. r171 I'll be mad if I have to wait for that when I test.. change on your own risk if u wanna other values.. r170 Lib update r169 Typo FIX.. r168 [No log message] r167 [No log message] r166 fix - Sorry double spawn r165 Added few npc for Quest @ reshanta (dredrion part on the crashed Dredgion) Added dredgion ship at his initial Spawn (need build his AI for able see him) Added Almost all Artefact inside/outside fortress (also need build the Fortress AI for the real Artefact Race Spawn) Fix on Staticid ID r164 Linux scripts update, r163 [No log message] r162 [No log message] r161 [No log message] r160 [No log message] r159 [No log message] r158 ... r157 Clean up, unused file.. r156 Little logging changes... r155 Little logging changes... r154 Little logging changes... r153 NPC state as Retail Fix on Nestor state instead 65 Almost all State need to be review with PS info => need Put real Height + Z of the NPC else the state wont work More Will come soon (this is only the first one for let you see what will be done as work after 2.0 is release >< sick already) r152 Boot time counter.. r151 [No log message] r150 [No log message] r149 Removed duplicated quests, added missing config, removed unused packages.. r148 clean up... r147 clean up... r146 clean up... r145 StringBuilder -> TextBuilder r144 clean up r143 ConcurrentHashMap -> FastMap... r142 [No log message] r141 Fix for flying under transform skills, thanks ViAl - http://www.aion-lightning.com/index.php?topic=175.0 r140 [No log message] r139 [No log message] r138 [No log message] r137 [No log message] r136 More Iterator cleaning.. r135 little cleaning.. r134 Some random item temp fixes.. Source list can be found here
  25. We are going to start using aion-lightning sources since AU is now closed. We are now a part of aion-lightning datapack developers team. Our current server revision is r103, upcoming updates can be found here or at our own webpage here, this are the updates that have been done on our last update: r133 clean up... r132 warn cleaning.. r131 Fix for new character items (not-equipments) r130 One more quest. r129 Quest 2651 2653 r128 Tahabata portal fix. r127 Abyss Shop Fix. r126 ... Yesterday r125 DP work, fix states, heading and other things. r124 Debug changes.. r123 Temp FIX for Item Buy/Sell... r122 ... Yesterday r121 Quests packs. r120 New domain.. r119 WH bug fix. r118 Remove Shock r117 ChangeMpConsumptionEffect r116 StringBuilder -> TextBuilder r115 DefaultDB --> InnoDB, charset UTF8 r114 clean up, english correction, typo fix.. r113 English correction.. r112 unused.. r111 SQL modification for prevent problems. r110 Optimization. r109 StringBuilder -> TextBuilder r108 More optimizations, Iterator -> Collection r107 Issue manager.. r106 Issue manager.. r105 Issue manager.. r104 Issue manager.. r103 Implant of Asmodae staticid on Teleport Statue http://www.aion-lightning.com/index.php?topic=482.0 Altgard-Morheim-Beluslan to Reshanta Access <> vis-versa r102 http://code.google.com/p/aionlightning/issues/detail?id=17 i17 fix. r101 New npc_templates.xml r100 Delete npc_template2.xml Source list can be found here
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