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Everything posted by Trance

  1. Cat ai scos pana acu'?
  2. A rather stupid topic.
  3. Because you're following other people saying "I'm agree" or such responses. You really like being a slave, or acting like one? Check all connections that relate to the database or memory usage (by editing .bat file).
  4. Trance

    Drug Music

    I know, what about this? David Guetta asked Armin to make a remix on...
  5. There are no problems. For instance if you take Archer Class, you restrict both armors (Heavy and Robe) using "NOT" tags for Light. <mul val="0.1" order="0x30" stat="pDef"> <and> <using kind="Heavy,Magic"/> <not> <using kind="Light"/> </not> </and> </mul>
  6. delete this 2nd reply please: I did accidentally double post.
  7. I see the same mistake all over again! If several persons have made the same thing, it doesn't mean anyone stole your idea, it just means it was such an obviously great idea that more than one person came up with the same thing. Is very small and easy LOL. ------------ addaption - rework? 1st. Adaptation is not rework. Rework means when you used the same idea and coded in a different way. 2nd. Rework? Can you explain me where is your touch? because adaptation is not required to work on another chronicle. ------------ On topic: Better to make a passive skill for each class, in this way can be managed more easily and avoid writing crappy code. Your heavy idea: <mul val="0.1" order="0x30" stat="pDef"> <using kind="Heavy"/> </mul> And much more, e.g: for weapons: <mul val="0.5" order="0x30" stat="accCombat"> <and> <using kind="Ancient,Sword,Bow,Dual Fist,Blunt,Big Blunt,Big Sword,Pole,Dual Sword"/> <not> <using kind="Dagger,Dual Dagger"/> </not> </and> </mul> Anyone else HATE the idea of not using HEAVY armor on any class? You need to change your class to see the texture, crap. Penalties are much better.
  8. Rihanna? -_,-
  9. Cat boy.
  10. AlexKiss for president.
  11. I don't know, maybe, I use only L2JServer, but however show me.
  12. Try something more, like: if (scrollTemplate.isBlessed()) { if (item.getEnchantLevel() >= 10) { activeChar.sendMessage("Failed in Blessed Enchant. The enchant value of the item became decreased by 1."); item.setEnchantLevel(item.getEnchantLevel() - 1); item.updateDatabase(); activeChar.sendPacket(new EnchantResult(3, 0, 0)); } else if (item.getEnchantLevel() < 10) { activeChar.sendMessage("Failed in Blessed Enchant. The enchant value of the item became " + Config.ENCHANT_SAFE_MAX + "."); item.setEnchantLevel(Config.ENCHANT_SAFE_MAX); item.updateDatabase(); activeChar.sendPacket(new EnchantResult(3, 0, 0)); } }
  13. Trance

    Drug Music

  14. Trance

    Drug Music

  15. e pe dracu : ))
  16. Trance

    Drug Music

  17. ofc.
  18. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/207422_156042444533063_1919515070_n.jpg
  19. fb, fb, fb. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/552688_150310245106283_682452822_n.jpg
  20. Glasses are fashionable.
  21. In acea vreme chiar se asculta rap/hip-hop calumea.
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