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Everything posted by Sick

  1. Καλό,τα έχω ολα :P.Ξέρει κανείς για πόσο θα μήνουν;
  2. I get an Access denied error everytime i try to login with my game acc. Edit : Nvm i fixed it,my password was way to long.
  3. that's not my problem,i just cant find where to register
  4. well you didnt specify how you wanted to build him,rengar is better as an off tank in my opinion.If you still want to play ad just get a bloodthister and a maw of malmortius it's always useful since there's always at least one ap on the opponent team,remove the warmog's and the atma's.
  5. For some reason i can't register or login with my game account.
  6. boots(mercury's or tabi),bonetooth,frozen mallet,warmogs,atmas,trinity or bloodthirster.
  7. so what you actually sell is just a player's opinion about the server and site...
  8. I want it to be 1366x768,and i want it to include the following renders : Full metal jayce,Acolyte lee sin,bladecraft orianna,hextech anivia,pulsefire ezreal and use XCode014 as the text and make it kinda big if possible(not TOO big)
  9. Τελικά το έχει κανείς;Γιατί το θέλω και γώ.
  10. The site was a little laggy so i submitted twice,do you know if that's a problem?
  11. (LoL) - Lee Sin - There's always a way out One of my best Qs ^^
  12. it was a problem with my video player,it's fixed now.Lock it.
  13. Katarina και Fizz με ένα σωστό set up κόβεις άγρια.
  14. i think at least his passive should be nerfed a bit,it's a kinda unfair to have that big of an advantage in 1v1.
  15. Please give me some links too,up i want to see more.
  16. I'm looking for a program like fraps,but i want it be less laggy(fraps is really heavy)but still maintain a decent quality.Thanks in advance.
  17. if he finds you counter jungling him,early and mid game it's also a guaranteed kill.
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