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Everything posted by Sick

  1. There's a thing called forum you know...
  2. i knew it wasn't his that's the reason i posted the link too.
  3. Well,one more disappointment,thanks for being honest though.
  4. http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=30851 is it yours?
  5. I'm looking for a c4d pack,i would appreciate it if it had some brown/dark green/light brown ones.Thanks in advance. ;D
  6. Instead of bragging,you should talk to the staff about it so that they can fix it,respect what other people are trying to do. @RandomDude I don't really wanna waste my time so do you think that this server has any future?
  7. It's way better than the current one so,yeah.
  8. Αν παίζεις πιο πολύ με normal hits και όχι με skills τότε Focus,αν παίζεις με skills τότε health.Subclasses : Counter Spirit,Barrier άν έχεις heavy βάλε haste αν έχεις light βάλε resist critical.Dyes : Αν έχεις heavy ανέβασε πιο πολύ το dex αν έχεις light το str/con.Τα dyes είναι βασισμένα στο gamestyle του καθενός δεν μπορείς να ζητάς συνέχεια help απο άλλους,μάθε τι κάνει το καθένα και βάζε τα μόνος σου.
  9. hahaha it seems awsome,i can't stop laughing at 0:40 I've seen all the 4 seasons of the mentalist.
  10. I've already downloaded it xD,anything else?
  11. Adobe Dreamweaver and CoffeCup
  12. I'm still looking for a high rate server. Up
  13. So true...I wish they would have stoped at Epilogue.
  14. Ok you convinced me,i'll give it a shot,even tho i was looking for a high rate server.Also i'm not talking bs,show me a server that remained open for more than a year,it wasn't an attack towards you or your server,it's just how the l2 community is nowdays.
  15. I won't be having internet connection for about a month or two so i'm looking for 3-4 good tv series,i want sitcoms(comedy) or crime related(watched csi and criminal minds)
  16. Didn't know that xD well anyway at least i got to try vayne,she's the next champion i'm getting
  17. Rip,φοβερός σε όλες οι ταινίες που έχει παίξει.
  18. This one is the best thing you can do with l2.ini to optimize the performance of your client.
  19. I bought talon and rengar the day before yesterday and now they're both free to play...QQ
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