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Everything posted by Sick

  1. I won't lose my whole september trying to level up on a x35 l2j server which for sure is gonna close in the next year. Up!
  2. Please stop spamming i want a HIGH RATE server...
  3. Yes that would be better and more stable...
  4. I'm still looking for a pvp server with high enchant rates,easy farming,balanced economy,classes and 100+ people online.I'm currently playing at L2Clash/Dubai but Bow/Crossbow masters and tanks own the server,i don't like that. Not Interlude!!!
  5. Hip hop,Dubstep and rock(only Linkin' Park and Red Hot Chilli Peppers).
  6. I was wondering about that too but,anyway...
  7. I just noticed,this is the greek discussion board...
  8. Guys is there any way to learn what is riot going to put on sale tommorow?And when do the sales change 12.00 o'clock?
  9. Ofc i meant one of them...Either chant of revenge or Blazing/Freezing.
  10. Okay,this guide will be broken into three parts,Farming with a doombringer without any need of items +,Farming solo with a healer and the classic frenzy and zealot of a titan,so let's begin Part 1 : Farming without any items Many people have been in this position,not having any items,which results into not beeing able to farm. Gear needed, A D Grade Armor Set or any other d grade set A Health Rapier/Ancient Sword it doesn't matter which just get a health weapon Con dyes Chant of revenge / Song Of Vengeance / Freezing skin /Blazing skin (Note : Don't use enchanted skins)(Note 2: Of course you're going to use other buffs like improved,dances,songs,these are just the must have ones) Eye For Eye You don't have to but an active/passive reflect augment wouldn't be bad How to farm : All you have to do is visit a hard farm zone where the mobs hit with normal hits,use eye for eye while having everything i told you to have and the mob will go down really fast,you might go down too,but that's how it works. Part 2 : Farming solo with a healer There are two possible ways to do this,get a wolf which will do all the damage,use stigma and let the mob die by your reflect Gear needed : A Dynasty Robe Chant of revenge / Song Of Vengeance / Freezing skin /Blazing skin (Note : Don't use enchanted skins)(Note 2: Of course you're going to use other buffs like improved,dances,songs,these are just the must have ones) A Fenrir and items for the fenrir. (Note : Items can be bought from Woods the Pet Manager of Rune Active/Passive Reflect Augment Stigma How to farm : 1st Way : Lure your target with stigma and attack with the wolf,if he's buffed,has items and soulshots he will deal tons of damage 2nd Way : Once again you lure your target(s) with stigma and if he deals good damages he will die by your reflect.while you don't get any damage because you're healing yourself.(Note : You can lure more than one target with stigma and make huge trains) Part 3 : Farming with a titan Well this way is a way we all know,i'm not gonna get into it i'm only gonna suggest a change Instead of using Lava Saw/Feather Eye Blade/Vesper Slasher,try out a Dynasty Crusher or an Icarus Hammer with Rsk.Focus you will make much more damage,plus if you use an Icarus Hammer you can also add a shield which will block many incoming attacks. I know that many people know these stuff or that it's common sense but belive me i've been asked many times about these stuff in servers. Everything has been tested on L2Blackbird,but it's an idea which can be used in any other server.
  11. Elegia Heavy {PvP} Set +16 LvL 9 + Shield Elegia Light {PvP} Set +16 LvL 9 Shirt + Belt +16 PvP Defense Eternal Core Sword {PvP} +16 LvL 9 Recurve Thorne Crossbow {PvP} +16 LvL 9 Eternal Core Dual Sword {PvP} +16 LvL 9 Mamba Edge {PvP} +16 LvL 9 Mamba Edge Dual Daggers {PvP} +16 LvL 9 Blessed Zaken's +16 Elegia Earring +16 Necklace Of Valakas +16 Frintezza's Necklace +16 Ring Of Baium +16 Improved Ring Of Queen Ant +16 Soul Cloak Of Freya 35 Gold Einhasad 1,5K+ Cp Potions Price Via Donate : http://l2clash.com/donate.html - Around 25-30 Euro My Price : 5 Euro Payment Methods : Paypal/Paysafe Card
  12. Δεν νομίζω να γίνετε τίποτα φίλε,το captcha είναι απο τα καλύτερα antibots.
  13. Even that 6 accuracy points are importand,the 18 critical is not that importand,you can change your dyes/add master abillity focus instead of haste.
  14. Even that 6 accuracy points are importand,the 18 critical is not that importand,you can change your dyes/add master abillity focus instead of haste.
  15. Even that 6 accuracy points are importand,the 18 critical is not that importand,you can change your dyes/add master abillity focus instead of haste.
  16. coderx or coderxru i haven't used phx for a long time so i don't really remember but if you browse the board i gave you,you will find something for sure. Edit: Found it http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51932.0 it's coderx.ru
  17. coderx or coderxru i haven't used phx for a long time so i don't really remember but if you browse the board i gave you,you will find something for sure. Edit: Found it http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51932.0 it's coderx.ru
  18. coderx or coderxru i haven't used phx for a long time so i don't really remember but if you browse the board i gave you,you will find something for sure. Edit: Found it http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51932.0 it's coderx.ru
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