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Everything posted by darkwings

  1. can I add "NON RU"? :)
  2. empty server, but looks nice
  3. it's a copy of l2sx.com
  5. i really like your website. gl
  6. +1 I really don't think that a GOD low/mid rate will fail, if the staff knows how to promote it and manage it. There are some russian servers , but it is difficult to play with guys who don't speak your language. :( Come on DEVs , make a GOD+ low/mid rate!!
  7. 3k on? that's a joke. I've tested it and they have like 1.3k on. The counter on website is not real.
  8. I'm pretty sure the video is cinematic and the images are artwork not actual gameplay screens
  9. Is not the best chronicle, but honestly I can't stand any longer with this Interlude crap.When it was first on private servers, everyone said it's the worst chronicle ever and they rather play c4. Now every noob wants IL because it's fancy to want a previous chronicle. I want Hi5 not because it's any good, but because it brings up new things. I'm not a farm player and not even a PVP player...I'm one of the few who enjoys it because of the lore, graphics and community.
  10. 1. Wrong section since the server is alive 2. No info about the server beside the link For those who care... Server Chronicle : Freya Features: Why you should join? - No lagg. - Highly Sensetive Geodata. - Hellbound Quests Works 100%. - Bot Protection. - Balanced Classes. - 99% of skills balanced. - No rolebacks. - Easy and Retail farm. - Ingame Bug Report system. - Helpfull + Very Active Staff. Hardware CPU : Intel I7 4x 3,8 + turbo boost technologie Memmory (RAM) : 24 Gb Connection : 100 dedicated mb/s HDD : 40 SSD Gb Server Rates - Xp Rate x 18 - Sp Rate x 18 - Spoil Rate x 15 - Adena Rate x 50 - Max 85 Level - Augmentation Mid LS Skill Chance = 30% - Augmentation High LS Skill Chance = 50% - Augmentation Top LS Skill Chance = 70% Enchanting - Safe enchant +3 - Max enchant +20 - Normal scroll chance - 65 % - Attribute stone chance - 50 % Clan/Ally - Custom NPC for clan/ally system - Territory War System - All Castle/Fortress Working - Sieges weekly - No Clan/Ally Penalty Events - Team Vs. Team (TVT) event - CTF Capture the Flag - Hide And Seek - FootBall Event - Elpy's Event - Monster Race - Daily Gm Events - Champions Custom Drops - Special drop Event - PvP/Pk message - Olympiad 100 % working - Dualbox protection Custom NPCs - Gm Shop - General Helper NPC (AIO) - Global Gatekeeper - Buffer in Town - Luxury Bufer in Castle & Fortress - Wedding Manager Server Protections - Bot Protection - Packet Hack Protection - flood protections - Olympiad Protection - Buff delay protection - Spawn Protection = 30sec
  11. are you going to open a hi5 low rate also?
  12. this is 98% CZech , lol
  13. Warendo, please cut the bullshit. Every fcking stupid thing posted in czech is well attend to, and no one cares about the EN section. I gave you numerous example, I don't know why you insist defending a bunch of assholes who don't care about international community? Oh, wait, you are czech too so you couldn't care less. I've watched my clan fall apart 4-5 times since the server start because I've recruited international players, and they were not patient like me. And I've been patient, playing and hoping for things to change in almost 3 months. No spam or flame section... WTF are we members of a church club? I've assaulted Kadar with numerous PMs, trying to get exfire on the most valuable l2 ranking top, doing what Redman should have done. And the admin doesn't even have the decency to do one last thing, and recover his account. I'm starting to think he's retarded or an asshole or both. I've tried for 2 months to convince them to make a decent event. NOW they've implemented nexus engine which is the most simple and shitty I've seen and the rewards for the event are more crappy than the event itself. And I can go on and on but exfire took to much of my time and was not worth it. Enjoy playing on you CZECH server.
  14. I've just deleted the account on the exfire.eu forum because their english community doesn't exist and the staff Redman(the owner) claims not to know english. I will give it another shot to Steven7's server today, maybe I'll change my mind and stay on his server.
  15. To low rates for me. I've played on Cerberus 15x from start to it's end. One of the best server out there, but the rates are to low and the crowd it's to heavy. Don't insult my intelligence. I know what is hi5 and what is not and I don't get fooled by admins who write a long list of features from c3 till now. A handful o servers have hi5 features till now and I know about them all, unlike you obviously. Great fun settings Mr., but you lack the hi5 part on your server. I've just exit your server after reaching lvl 20 and checking out some hi5 features.
  16. High five max 30x
  17. there is also Agathion Bracelet-Knight which can be obatained from Aden in exchange for fame points
  18. Heavy on archers and daggers only on bugged servers. It's no discussion here, light should be worn on any decent server.
  19. The dyes reflect player style and should be in balance with the rest of the gear. I only use +4 INT dye on my shillien templar.
  20. Selfnet (later Vendetta) - Closed Cerberus 15x (wiped and made a new 7x) <= the best L2DC server
  21. Aden is fancy but Rune is powerful
  22. 5-6 times 2-3 x Hero StormScreamer 3 x Hero Shillien Templar
  23. I'm confused... You say skills are autolearn and after 2 more lines, you say no autolearn skills..
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