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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. i just didnt understand at all, i mean you want someone help you to add the check ip method to that votereward?
  2. L2MailReportInstance means that is an npc you gotta create a new npc and when it ask you for the type just add "L2MailReport" without the "
  3. i made him love events isnt that right? :$ tell em!
  4. L2AuctioneerInstance , L2AchievementsInstance create a npc and just when it ask for the type call him L2Actioneer and L2Achivements
  5. Could you explain me how to make 10 usd ? thru pm? :)
  6. you gotta wait a couple weeks, we'r currently working on that.
  7. its char_templates.
  8. i think he ment a base code.
  9. ?? read the whole code before you post something please.
  10. Dunno but me neither, i just report that to maxtor.
  11. http://static.quickmeme.com/media/social/qm.gif
  12. give us more info, we didnt attend to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry .....
  13. hahaha that rlly show your skills absolute. +1 on messy dumb codding 101.
  14. oh yeah hope you find that useful :)
  15. dont spam or you will get dekarmed.
  16. all done, ty both for reporting.
  17. Locked.
  18. Done, rq thru pm, Locked.
  19. Locked.
  20. Locked.
  21. Done.
  22. Mhoska


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