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Everything posted by Mhoska

  1. same as proGuard and the russian one
  2. http://lameguard.com/index_en.html :)
  3. If this is l2jesios broker, you will have to do a lot of modf, in order to make it work for freya.
  4. topic locked, you did it twice dont do this again...
  5. You add a patch that modify Pcinstance way of seeing chars, take a good look of what you are doing when you are adding a patch :)
  6. Explain better, give more info what pack are you using, Instance? there are a lot of instance in ct2.3....
  7. show proofs of what you are saying, project isnt dead, we currently working in new stuff you got 24 hours to show me proofs of what you saying otherwise you will get banned.
  8. you can bump your post just once a day, this is just first warning.
  9. Method its not working 100% it can be easily avoided, also its a 2 string code at tops Topic Locked.
  10. Why, everything its ok there.
  11. This topic has been moved to [Request] Dev Help [L2J] En. [iurl]http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=253963.0[/iurl]
  12. Please show us proofs, or do a post on report section (with proofs)
  13. install mysql, install server db, register your gameserver, move the hexid to your gameserver folder, Open your ports go to your IPCONFIG file and change YOUR IP <gameserver address="***--Your IP---***" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="ipconfig.xsd"> Edit your l2.ini if this doesnt work, unistall mysql and just quit on opening a server even if its a lan, just quit.
  14. Ubuntu x64 its "da bomb", a lot of people said debian but in my personal opinion I like ubuntu better.
  15. I receive a lot of pms releated to this topic, send me proofs, because at the momment only a scammer vouch for you.
  16. so basically its the same as http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=250810.0 ??
  17. www.l2jhidden.com
  18. Read the rules, this isn't the right section, also learn some manners.
  19. Update Fixed Scheduler minor bug, related with Zombie's Event Fixed default buffer minor bug Fixed Nevit's Advent (should become paused in peace zones) Fixed Pablo's Box item Fixed Rune Jewelry Box - Talisman item Fixed unspawn Npc method minor bug Fixed AntiAfk method minor bug Fixed Nevit's Herald minor bug Fixed 10,000 SP scroll Fixed 500,000 SP scroll Fixed 1,000,000 SP scroll Fixed 5,000,000 SP scroll Fixed 100,000,000 SP scroll Fixes for Element Formulas (bit more retail-like) Fixed Freya's Cloak skill Fixed Zaken's Cloak skill Fixed Frintezza's Cloak skill Fixed Frintezza Instance according to Q10503_FrintezzaEmbroideredSoulCloak Fixed Freya Instance according to Q10502_FreyaEmbroideredSoulCloak Fixed Zaken Instance according to Q10501_ZakenEmbroideredSoulCloak Fixed Resist Earth minor bug Fixes for Element Formulas (bit more retail-like) Fixed Freya's Cloak skill Fixed Zaken's Cloak skill Fixed Frintezza's Cloak skill Fixed Frintezza Instance according to Q10503_FrintezzaEmbroideredSoulCloak Fixed Freya Instance according to Q10502_FreyaEmbroideredSoulCloak Fixed Zaken Instance according to Q10501_ZakenEmbroideredSoulCloak Fixed Resist Earth minor bug Working on Event Engine http://l2jhidden.com/showthread.php?11-Event-Engine
  20. You are so right.
  21. that just doesnt exist. xd
  22. I just dont know if you are selling something or you want to buy something
  23. then locked.
  24. Add the whole patch to Pastebin with java tag on it so I can read the code better.
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