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Everything posted by xdem

  2. [L2 FileEdit CT2.4 v0.9] This is the editor I use and its working great but still cant open only the skillgrp only thats its problem or is my file problem But is working perfectly
  3. You dont need an sql for any jewel because the only diffrence among the jewels is the Icon nothing else Just the thing that various grades of jewels give diffrent mp and mdef bonus thats from the xml... So just put the icons in armorgrp and then, copy an xml and a sql from another jewel and change the ID and the bonuses!!
  4. Can you explain your problem a little more so we can help?
  5. Nai an den iparxoun Attribute Stones dn iparxei kai Attribute System toso diskolo e? Kai an nomizeis pos eine efkolo na kaneis afto pou les sta skills pare to server peta ton ston kado anakiklosis kai ise komple gt afto pou 9es na kaneis dn eine ena aplo config i 2-3 java line ala edit se ka9e skill
  6. ama evaze la9os addrese i 9a sindeotan me alo server, i 9a emene gia panta sto You are Currently logging in... apo tin stigmi pou vlepei to ping tou server tou simenei oti to patch eine ok ala kati fteei opos lew panta me tin ram i kapio la9os
  7. the screen in the photo shows the bloodsword effect wich comes up over the env.int and ignores it
  8. Mn valeis se kanena shop Stones... Toso diskolo?
  9. Ti prospa9ises re file afou eki eine i lisi... ama exeis H5 latests rev 9a pas sto xml tou tattoou kapou leei <set name="bodypart" val="chest" /> kai pas kai to kaneis underwear Ama ta items sou eine stin DB eine akoma pio efkolo psa3e tin IP tou tattoo kai 9a katalaveis ti xriazese
  10. Re file eleos me ta port sou... ton anigoun kai local ton server...
  11. ok just try logging in game and enchanting those things
  12. Eine kati pou sindeei ta npc apo tin navicat sto npc.sql iparxei kapia stili stin opia vazeis kati pou eine kai sto npcgrp tou patch kai episis 3ero oti an dn to kaneis afto vlepeis megala kounelia
  13. Excuse me but those Duals are enchanted... Pawn viwer as far as i know doesnt show enchants... Correct me if im wrong
  14. Auto eine to provlima file... xD pio efkola 9a sikona ton server sto iPhone mou para sto pc sou :$ Nai i ram eine to privlima dioti ti 1,4Gb trexei o server opote sou menei mono 0,4 ram gia tis ipolipes diergasies... 0,2++ gia ta windows kai sin ti programata exeis anixta... e xriazese parapano
  15. ama dn ginete oute etsi to kalitero pou mporeis na kaneis eine na kaneis unistall to sql kai tn navicat kai na ta ta 3anakatevaseis apo edo 9a sou protina: Recomended MySQL Server And Navicat Lite
  16. if an item hasnt itemname neither weapongrp, the client ignores it so you cant see nothing from the item its like it doesnt ezist thats what i meen before
  17. Nai pes omos oti prepei na to kanoun save se 111 alios 9a psaxnonte oloi kai dn 9a tous doulevei...
  18. o CORE ginete spawn apo ya scripts tou server ekanes la9os pou ton ekanes spawn... 9a exeis apira error
  19. Ta 3 atoma eine dual box? an nai psa3e sta config... Mipos iparxei provlima me to GameGuard? 9a se gelaso eine poli logoi pou mporoun na odigoun se tetio error....
  20. Iparxoun polla flood protector kai gia diafores doulies... Ti akrivos psaxneis na se voi9isoume?
  21. file perase ta SQL xirokinita na exeis to kefali sou isixo... Execute SQL file apo tin navical... poli aplo ala ligo xronovro prosexe min 3exaseis kana Table omos
  22. Does GameServer.bat print any errors? if it does send us the description... if it doesnt there must be something wrong with the IDs... On the new item have you edited at least ItemName-e? Download this WeaponGrp its clear retail and working: [Dowload WeaponGrp] And this is a file edit which can edit it: [L2 FileEdit CT2.4 v0.9]
  23. Excuse me but I have already readed your post about ten times and couldn't understand what you are looking for... Please give us more details like what you excactly want So: You have problem creating and adding an item to your server patch? Because you want i has to be created by itself?
  24. Yes but it need some edit at the chance... 80% chance when you are hitted = every ten times you have been hitted the skill will open at least seven times or more for sure... also the effect lasts for 1 minute so its a bad combination cause I guess that in 1 minute this skill will trigger itself more than 30 times making it stay forever... I suggest to Change the trigger to lunch ON_ATTACK and not by ON_ATTACKED, put the percentage to 20% some reuse about 6 minutes and a duration of 5-15 seconds //discuss and: <effect name="Buff" time="60" val="0" noicon="1" stackOrder="1" stackType="abnormal_item"> <mul order="0x30" stat="rExp" val="1.10" /> </effect> otherwise the buffslot of the player who haves the buff will get a lil buggy
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