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Everything posted by Fanky

  1. Fanky

    LF Fanky

    Ναι. μέχρι στιγμής είμαι αρκετά κομπλε και ευχαριστημένος,αν εξαιρέσουμε την φυσικη που αν γράψω βάση θα είμαι ευχαριστημένος :)
  2. Fanky

    LF Fanky

  3. Fanky


    it has nothing to do with being a dev or not. you can help forum with other ways..
  4. Fanky


    my friends; i got only 2 friends from here,and they are something more than e-friends. about 'while im trolling or what?' i wont even reply to this. about emo,at least when i was emoing I had some facts,I was suggesting few things for the forum's good.I was also trying to help this forum to get active by sharing a shitload of MINE guides,shares,codes and I was even helping everyday,in every single topic related l2j both in gr and eng section,check my stats. In the end,learn something.. don't make again such kind of topics if you are not helping the forum,nor the staff to make it better. friendly..
  5. Fanky


    http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;area=statistics;u=87232 of course you would be better,from jahkaral only tho. he's the most useless moderator,with immature behavior and without any actual knowledge,not that you got but ok. don't reply like 'dude i'm 2k elo player,im skilled lol player' and such shits. and yes,old ones are way better than most of them(I dont consider myself as old one). you never saw how mxc worked with them,so you can't compare the old ones with currents. so,back to your cave(gost) and have a good spam.
  6. Fanky


    you would be better?
  7. didnt read a single reply of this (...) but,may I know why you have to make a topic in announcement & news section and not in staff section? we really dont care if you would be more or less active than before,but your mates(staffers) does. friendly..
  8. ας μην κατεβαζεις ότι μαλακία βρισκεις την άλλη φορά,+ ένα καλό antivirus δεν βλάπτει κανέναν.
  9. there's no point if I show you how to do it better. just,i'll give you few advices; think again what your code wanna do,after that think which way seems better for you.after you do these steps,and your code is ready take a look in a similar code in order to see how another guy have coded the same thing in different way. after that,think if his way is better,or if some parts of his code can be replaced by some parts of your code,which may be badwritten at all. think,then practise.
  10. it can be done through better way,this way is retarted.
  11. που εισαι γρδ;
  12. >.>
  13. Fanky

    fringe final

    what finito said..same feeling.. I expected better end...whatever fringe was perfect,I wish there would be such series nowadays. I started person of intrest,its not bad at all. seems intresting
  14. Fanky

    fringe final

    its bad that it had only 5 seasons :/ whatever,downloading already
  15. fringe ep12/13 released.
  16. Fanky

    75 days to go

  17. σε βλέπω mad αγόρι μου. ξέρεις τι σημαίνει αυτό τουλάχιστον;
  18. δεν ξέρω τίποτα...
  19. ;
  20. :)
  21. γιατί άνοιξε το γπ; δεν ξέρεις τι να απαντήσεις ε; μαλάκα.
  22. ρε μαλάκα ρομεο,μια ζωή θα αντιγράφεις κάποιον;
  23. περσυ τα χριστουννα ειχα παραγγείλει ένα κινητό απο εκεί(δεν ήταν πρώτη παραγγελεία που έκανα,έχω κάνει κάμποσες και όλα οκ) και ήρθε μετά από 20~ ημέρες επειδή το παράγγειλα πάνω στις γιορτές(αργείες,κλπ). μην αγχώνεσαι..
  24. are we supposed to know what 'solo pvp zone' l2crimson got? jezus christ. give here a fully description.
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