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Everything posted by mpj123

  1. ok... well if you got a key you could force the Gameserver ip... apart from that, not sure what you can do. Which server is that?
  2. theres some posted here and on my site.
  3. autofighter is revamped for 384, getting stuck is a thing of the past, it should pick all the drops though.
  4. for ingame: change the ip from l2.bat to, use the previous ip in L2.NET to connect. for OOG use the ip in the bat file
  5. There is alot going on behind the scenes that you do not know about, like Slothmo said, I am not the developer of L2.NET, more of a senior user and community manager... I try and address the complaints in person, many times I will talk to the devs and address such issues with fellow other advanced members to come up with solutions. I personally do not see users as customers as L2.NET is mostly free, in the long run, I have spent over 500$ towards L2.NET and its devs to help support the bot. I make videos whenever something is unclear, the latest is the L2.NET login guide, I made over 6 other videos explaining features and basic login features as well, and well over 20 written well documented guides. I can only help people so much, people have to help themselves beforehand. I remember when I started to bot with L2Walker, everything was so unfamiliar... but as you use it more and more, you become savy and can fend for yourself. Same with L2.NET, you just have to give it a chance and get away from old habits and expectations.
  6. erm, you just need to add the item to the DO NOT list you should add 20391 Potion of Energy Maintenance 20392 Potion of Vitality Replenishing to the do not list http://insane-gamers.com/showthread.php/6276-SOLVED-www.l2ex.pl
  7. k. 384 has loads of features coming out, buff tab, de-buff detections, autofighter unstuck detection, resting, cant see target detection. Definitely a huge jump.
  8. there shouldn't be a problem, but if there is, you can use the advanced login features as well as the override gameserver ip/port
  9. Slothmo released a beta (not to the public) with some kind of opcode fix, not sure if its going to fix the rpg-club issue though... I'm way too swamped with hw lately to care or check. Specially with the current garbage MXC has been throwing at me. I lost all taste to help anyone on MXC.
  10. hah, still bugged. GG mxc. And I cant even edit my post, god this is great.
  11. Dex bans people for no reason 90% of the time, some people in our forums got banned for having the same name in game.... and "banned by antibot" yea... OOOOK! anyways, if you have more then 1 ip in game, then sure... you could get banned, if they use HWID to ban you, sure that could also work.
  12. I dont have any images. and he did give credits, btw, if you wish to make an OOG client, simply use the close client feature.
  13. use v383! Also, to avoid getting banned for having an illegal program open, you can actually install the filter, then close manager.exe and the filter will still apply.
  14. what more do you guys want, he gave credits. Now quit flaming the poor guy already. Next person to flame gets a suspension.
  15. The GUI is very simple to use, people are just hard headed and dont want to learn a new GUI. Walker is complicated at first as well... but your learn its functions and learn to bot properly. Same thing goes with L2.NET. All you need to do is try for a day or two and you will be botting like a champ.
  16. sure L2W is easier to use, but the ban ratio for L2.NET compared to goodboy/l2walker... Much rather bot with confidence then with fear. But like I said in a previous post, I have ran 9 man bot partys with L2.NET's GUI without problems as well, so I have no idea what people are complaining about.
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