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Everything posted by TheGameHHH

  1. ... but he passed away. Rest In Peace ! Marco Chandy† (05.02.1979 - 14.08.2010)
  2. Chandy Tell Maxtor to edit this! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=103135.0
  3. NP :) Nice to see you again as G mod :P
  4. He is :P i saw him 10 sec ago here watching this topic as Blue G Mod xD
  5. OO Chandy Once again G mod! GRATZ!
  6. new staff :) I hope ED as g mod ;]
  7. Not at all xD u see how PPL vote ;P I dont really know why some of them vote for Icarus ... This wpn look suck xD The Worst Bow i have ever seen ... That's my opinion
  8. nie lol tylko wole afryke niz polske :) no ale co ... i tak nie bedziesz mial vipa ;]
  9. ye but i should remove only yellow spikes and let this on the middle :P
  10. Im not vip and cant send u =( xD Anyway lets try ... xD Text: Brzoza Out Ring Color: Dark Inner Ring Color: Red Image If You Want: http://sp6.fotolog.com.br/photo/6/62/102/fran_el_gorila/1252098290723_f.jpg it would be nice if u can do it for FREE xD Soz i cant sending adena ;P
  11. okay :P btw send me ur adena ;O xD
  12. Ok but poll ask for Icarus or Freya Draco is too old ... =/ And he's suck atm
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