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Everything posted by TheGameHHH

  1. OMG ... ass licker ... Anyway he dont do anything ... HE JUST DESERVE FOR THAT PLACE!! //end
  2. Anyway how are you guys today ?
  3. I dont care ;) Is fine he's gone with his crying face aka GodPower
  4. I dont :) I just like it this cryer gone for god! :)
  5. Hello :) I hope godpower gone for god! :)
  6. U wont be unbanned! NEVER :O And Done :) CYA!!
  7. Tottally aggre with u! Now i go on my PS3 :) SEE YOU LATER!
  8. And HolySmoke (GodPOwer bro) as i talk with him he dont care for MxC and he dont crying as GodPower for Unban xD
  9. Ohh HEllo xD How are you Today!? :P GDZIE JEST KRZYŻ! xD
  10. I hope they wont unban godpower :O
  11. Dont unban him! Hes desperate kid crying ... OMG then all come to ask for unban ... *7';/[
  12. I want to join clan too add me :P DarkSlayer is my bitch :)
  13. Okey when u find any in 2weeks count me in!
  14. Aha xD Anyway i dont see any sense to make him on signature ;P Anwyay I want to join clan too but i can play in 2 weeks ...
  15. Hahaha DS u suck xD Also why u have a man in ur avatar/signature ? U are in love with him ? :O
  16. 'kay i voted No :) We dont need useless spam!
  17. hELLO :) hehe funny ... one greek (idiot) i've played Battle Net (Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne) Kicked me from game because i was beating his ass up ... OMG -.- Anyway he was kicking all who was killing him and saying "If im lose i leave and u lose connection" OMG WHAT A IDIOT :P That's one more proove some Greeks are really idiot/noob ...
  18. Well I would like to see SRV LIKE THIS: Safe/Max armor: Safe 3 max 8 with 55% chance Safe/Max Weapon: Safe 3 max 15 with 66% chance
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