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Everything posted by TheGameHHH

  1. go eat ur gampa! and also give us some! Im blood tasty!
  2. btw Check MixMaster acc and his adena ... ;P I want steal all from his acc xD
  3. so he'll turn might ban hammer and hit u ^^
  4. Normal members cant send =(( Anyway GZ u are already Donator ^^ Also PPL please if u can send me adena i wanna Donator also xD After I get u take all back :) Regards xcD
  5. Heh :) so spam spam spam spam! :P
  6. admin xD anyway how are you ? :)
  7. 1 beer drunk kid xD hahaah lolz anyway im bored to talk so GN :LP
  8. its quite Good :) But i dont like the colours =/ Anyway ur sig remind me this song :)
  9. Assasina ? LOLz :) U drunk ? You must be really alone if u drunk again (Alone) right ? :)
  10. Yeah Poland is great :) Who care if PL cant compare with GR :) ANyway i cant watch this song ... ;) its not available
  11. hah xD soz its name day ... and i wrote b-day -.-' lmao im to confused today xD Anyway Happy Name day GZ!
  12. Well if u say I say also :) Im not drunk but i like to convo with u (troll) :) Im proud of being Polish and Live here :) Because there was a lot things in history that I must be proud! We save Europe from comunism and we never surrender ! Fight for Glory and honor (Like Spartans :)) Actually Polish is funny and politicans are assholes ... That's why Lot PPL leave Poland and go to GB, US and other countries for WORK! :) Anyway im still proud and i hope there will be in future politican that's help other PPL and care for NATIONAL not onlt own pocket ... HERE I remind u guys song made by Swedish band (SABATON) 40-1
  13. In Poland if someone doesnt understand what u saying ... They ask if u blame them and want to kick ur ass for real! xD
  14. hehe ty :) BUT REMEMBER!!! DONT TELL ANYONE!! xD
  15. BTW Chandy Look xD That's my point :) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=61596 Check this acc adena ( i cant see this but u can xD) and my point is ... Steal Adenas or take -1 Karma! Success Rate: 50% BUT PLEASE DONT TELL ANY! xD
  16. Aha kay ^^ So we must celebrate u're G Mod again xD
  17. I Like Ancient Greek on history! xD
  18. Haha That's MIRACLE!!!! U're G Mod now /Ignore Mode - Activated ! So that's REALLY MIRACLE U TALKING WITH ME !!! LMAO xD
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