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Everything posted by TheGameHHH

  1. Yah xD just playing Tech Wars on B-Net and we just Owned; P
  2. Okey im back :) Interpid what a fcking lier... When we spoke at MSN (when he was still banned) he watch WWE and all time when i log MSN he spam me with infos and other... :) Now when his back he say's he dont watch it :P Okey thats all what i want to say ... I dont really care if u watch it or no. I just want proove u are lier and HYPOCRITE! Always friendly :P And end it here :)
  3. Okey i must go ;) Peace noob... :) Later we will finish our convo!
  4. Sure ;) Summerslam u will watch for sure and u dont need to say u wont ^^ Here some facts 1. U want to see Nexus vs Team RAW 2. Probably Cena's Hellturn 3. Undertaker return. 4. Orton vs Sheamus (TheMiz cash money in the bank) I know u long time and u know that's the truth ^^
  5. All time i asked u... Interpid (yea i call u Interpid xD) want watch RAW with me ? Sure if u give me stream ... ALL :) Also u're idiot because u see noone like wrestling here and u act like all of them ;) But for real u watching it and u know all WWE news ... :) I remember when Im just log msn and u spam me with NEWS from WWE ... HYPOCRITE :)
  6. Okey u say it ^^ DONT WATCH IT!
  7. Hmm Who care if u enjoy it when u watch it? LoL and also we havent talk for 2months.. That dont change fact u're HYPOCRITE :)
  8. hahaha yes yes now .... :) Only guilty explain ... (IDK if this is correct in ENG i use google translator xD) So that's say's all ... HYPOCRITE :O
  9. i read my with no name mathematic book and im still alive ...
  10. u suck fatass! ye with her later: ) HYPOCRITE ! :O You really a idiot :O U watching WWE and also aggre with him ;O What a idiot ... ehhhhhhhhhh
  11. Hell Yeah ! I have info probably John Cena turn hell at SummerSlam! HELL YEAH! xD
  12. japanese ? Bear Grylls better :)
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9uHLeaIMsU&feature=related hahaha FUCKING GAY!!!!!!!! xD
  15. omg ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmE6I16kUmA OWNED!:P
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