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Everything posted by TheGameHHH

  1. okey i done Batman Arkham Asylum and w8ing for release Batman 2 :) The Final boss! and at the ending they mentione Harvey Dent aka two face and there is Bane on the river :O I W8ing like a crazy for release it on PS3!!
  2. i'll come for 2 things ;) weed and kick ur ass ;]
  3. So she betray u ... now she's near me and prepearing for job ... :)
  4. That's a shame ;O in hungary euro and in PL not :O fckling politicans -.-
  5. not really ;) I love that girl too so ... ? cant i have sigs with her ? please ................................ :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  6. Okey clever boy ... it must be hard to live in hungary :) Just tell me ur address so i'll send u some weed :)
  7. IDK how in hungary is but in Poland in every place u can get it ;O I think on ur age now u cant even take anything (weed/chick) because Hungary (I think so)
  8. Well not 5 sec :P 1. Take smth to piss :) 2. Piss in it :) 3. Pray Gods xD 4. Drink 5. Take money and go drink alcohol/weed/chicks! :P
  9. BB cat lover :) BTW u will take new cat/dog or any new animal ? :P
  10. Hell yeah! i voted Yes ... 2000 $ in 1 min?!?! and Bear Grylls drink piss and he still alive ... ;)
  11. The prize is 2000€ but to get it, you must drink your own piss, would you do it? Yes - 7 (43.8%) No - 8 (50%) I drink my piss everyday, sure - 0 (0%) I would do it for free - 1 (6.3%) Total Voters: 16 LoL nice poll :P Anyway GUYS Why u vote no?!?!?! FFS BEAR GRYLLS DRINK OWN PISS AND HE STILL ALIVE PFF ...
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