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Everything posted by TheGameHHH

  1. Gay sig for right person (Sofaki) :)
  2. my nick ig Brzoza someone can help me with exp ? :)
  3. DS If i will join now Which items u got for meh ? :P
  4. This srv u playing current is on Beta ? So i'll join on Live :P
  5. Use //ban option ^_^ Its make world EASIER! :)
  6. Ohh ... and i can play now ... =// I will play all night because i will w8ing for Adamek (BOX) fight ... so i have like 10 h ... xD DAMN ... BTW Someone from here where are you playing so i'll join u ? :)
  7. Dual box ... exit 1 window and then play :O
  8. LoL? U are newbie ? :O Its awesome :O
  9. key b1tch xD When I log i want items xD
  10. Aha I didnt know that :P So All what I said also to u xD
  11. Yes that's the truth ^^ and the Truth hurts! :) Heh not really im looking on ur work on srv and i see u are the best :) And Im in Love with this sig xD
  12. OmG Sofaki ... When i see that sig i feel in love with you ! xD You are AWESOME creator! Now u proove u are the best on the whole MxC forum :P Also that's sad im not vip/donator and i cant buy signature =(( DAMN IT!!! Anyway Good Luck and Go go better Sofaki & Goddess !! :) REGARDS! :)) ANYWAY IF I CAN SEND U I WOULD TAKE -Human Saggitarius with Dynasty Set/Dynasty Bow Chaotic Mask with Brzoza text and Gray/Black shadows :P
  13. You can bump every 12 h ... MxC Supporter and dont know rules ... ahh ... -.-
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