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Everything posted by Szakalaka

  1. google it... there are many websites about connecting web with server
  2. use dager+active duel might and main weapon + passive p atak
  3. u rly had to undig year old topic to get some posts
  4. c4 rocks but i voted for gracia, reason is obvious - noone will DL c4 client
  5. c4 rocks but i voted for gracia, reason is obvious - noone will DL c4 client
  6. MA? no idea... it has stun resist and lowers MEN, maybe they are wearing smth else?
  7. MA? no idea... it has stun resist and lowers MEN, maybe they are wearing smth else?
  8. wtf.... i have whole database, around 7k tables and there are no lineage tables at all..... Edit: I found only forum logins + hashes, the same as bobi but 700 more :P Lineage database is on other machine with other ip so by www u wont find anything useful
  9. wtf.... i have whole database, around 7k tables and there are no lineage tables at all..... Edit: I found only forum logins + hashes, the same as bobi but 700 more :P Lineage database is on other machine with other ip so by www u wont find anything useful
  10. U are funny. Who is searching for exploits when u can hack 90% of servers... To topic: I agree spammers should be banned. Should. But there is no admin
  11. good duelist beat dager both in oly and open pvp
  12. drag a skill to macro and u will see "/useskill force blaster" for exapmle. After first command add force to make it /useskillforce force blaster and it will hit player without ctrl
  13. l2tracker but it hasnt english interface (full russian)
  14. impressive. Can you give a list of programs which u used to change map points and textures?
  15. maybe wrong section but i saw few posts up u talk about textures editing. I cant open any .utx file with unreal engine, any solution?
  16. its easy to make damage on screen.... edit systemmsg-e.dat here is everything what displays in systembox and can be displayed on screen
  17. place it in main directory, make sure it is closed when u upload it.. no other ideas
  18. Worked very very thx :D Packet is client sided 27 xx xx xx xx 30 4E 00 00 with character id as xx
  19. mmm let me check it... how did u find the id?
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