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Posts posted by Szakalaka

  1. Saying that something is "impossible" is very risky. Notice that you have to prove that for every possibility the idea fails, and what if there is something you dont know about? On the other hand, sayin that somthing is "possible"  is right when you point out even 1 example, and voila, proven ; O

  2. I'm really impressed by your ignorance, boy. Let me educate you on the basic principle behind any MMO. The client sends/receives packets and so does the server.  The graphics/sounds/etc.. are eye candy, external stuff. The principle behind any bot is to emulate the packets and that can be done without ever touching the game. You don't have to hook anything. Saying "packet data is useless" is a proof of your complete incompetence on the matter, as packet data is EVERYTHING that is going in. 


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