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Posts posted by Szakalaka

  1. Wait did they attach a PDB ? xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


    Oh is it just a string in the data section

    By the way, it is a debug, not release build. My mind is blown


    These guys are sick T_T. Quantity =/= quality!


    So it is dsetup.dll which hooks the packet generation loop, entry.dll which hooks kernel32.ReadFile (this is vs old adr), msxml4.dll which does some funny thread scanning processes every ~~30 seconds, then a fuckin splash.dll which does some other things. Basically shitload of useless stuff


    Lol when i opened dsetup.dll i see exactly same code as l2jguard. This is such a bullshit man



    Look at this: Someone had a great fun pressing ctrl + v xDDDD



    Fun fact: This function starts at 0F285420, ends at 0F29A96A. Single string check takes 13 (decimal) bytes. So they copypasted 6720 strings. I fuckin lost faith in humanity this moment


    Nothing like a good laugh for a good day ^_^

  2. First of all, noone is goin to buy it for SUCH A HUGE price. Second - if someone wants to buy it to use it later, then he probably already have knowledge + skills to find it himself. If he does not, then bypassing his antibot made from existing chunks of detection code will be 5 minute works, ebcause he doesnt know anti-antis. So in my opinion, that will not sell at all.


    But i dont discourage you in any way, good luck

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