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Posts posted by Szakalaka

  1. "This person" used basic methods to find DLL entry point (observing DisableThreadLibraryCalls function which is called in the DllMain, not always but very often). Then he took step by step analysis of the code the dll executes, and everything was clear at that point


    Edit: Well but thats a rocket science ( i dont know, i just think that its hard looking at this person do it)

  2. well if u know a server l2java, it was pretty popular a while ago, with php u could augment your weapons without blacksmith mammon near, even if ur farming or in tvt event, additionally with phx u would get active/passive/chance like 1 in 5 ls instead of like 1 in 50 :D and im pretty sure it isnt an only server like that, just an example


    higher chance fr better aug with phx? in your dreams


    I thought all people who think that phx is a god's gift to mere mortals are extinct

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