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Posts posted by Szakalaka

  1. Dont use GetProcAddress, use manual PE header parsing. FInd way around ZwProtectVirtualMemory hook. Do not change any byte in enigne.dll codesection after sg has been loaded (but u can do a lot before ;) ). Do not hook any engine.dll function.


    And thats it


    And to cooperation between SG and adr, thats well known since decades... :)

  2. I also realised i created my paypal for temporary stuff (with fake credentials), right now id like to fix it, and connect my real credit card with it. The name change seems a bit complex, some papers and shits i dont want to send. So, is it possible to send whole money (not that much) to second account which i would create with real credentials, then remove the fake? Or an 2 year account with only confirmed email do not have such functionalities? Damn im a fuckin caveman. Anyways, gotta ask coz its better to be safe than sorry ~~

  3. I dont say "how it works" I got it working. I just wonder how can i make user set it up - meaning "use potion at 50% hp," "set autoattack" etc. I dont know how to make proper GUI and thats the missing thing

  4. Hi ~~ I got question to u guys, how do you imagine controlling a bot when there is no GUI (graphical user interface, where u can select everything by "ticking" fields etc). Im too ass to create user interface damn. Any ideas?

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