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Posts posted by Szakalaka

  1. Saying "made my day" means usually someone did something funny :)

    You should explain so i can laugh too :)


    I am working on party handling and proper buffing

  2. ya,  like i said before, its like L2robot, set next target, skills and watch movie or play with dual box ;D


    but for legit boters, its useless 


    It is not a clicker. It is a bot. Thats a MAJOR difference.


    And no it wont be free - i got everything i needed from several testers who have been given a key in return ;)

  3. The beta key is valid for 2 days its in packag. But fuckin windows10 got some issue, even when every config is fine it does not do anything. i spent 3h debugging that shit. AND IN MY VM TI WORKS on win 10 what he fuck nbfsgfhfsj;fhdsjk;ldfjddshnfjklsgfegbtbbtbh

  4. Every reports that autotarget does not work. I am diagnosing the issue.

    The funny part is i tried on my both computers and inside vm win10 and.. ti works....

  5. I cant send me to you either. Rip




    Run loader as admin, then client. if it says "new" it means it found one and loaded. With selected focus on lineage window press CTRL F1 to bring up the gui. Tell me if ti works or not and what OS are you using if something goes wrong


    Something wrong with win10. Gui loads but atotarget does not work. Fuck

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