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Posts posted by Szakalaka

  1. Though u were cool kid, you ended up a silly kid, sorry to say that.. when we talked at skype though u are nice guy and u just troller in maxcheaters

    but you don't even know how to troll, you're just silly.. everything has limit, your stupidy no.


    for me you dont really deserve even my troll.. thats how low you're. One of the reasons i removed you from skype in less than 24h and you continue talk alone for 3 days


    Also about this "Get back to your 1337 h3x and check it once again monkey", who exactly you call monkey? You're the money who cant split a jpg.


    I am not any kind of troll. You are tryin to be cool "enter the dragon" and yet do you realise you made a mistake in the code yourself? ... :) Its like trying to breathe fire and burning own mouth. And to skype, i went through our talk... I wouldnt be ashamed of single word... in contradiction to my fellow interlocutor.


    Have a nice day. Still waiting for what you promised sweetheart :)

  2. Hello. Could someone convert me jpg skybox into .dds format? I've got no idea how to do it manually


    OR SPLIT a jpg into 6 smaller jpgs?

    Well envermind now, google got image splitter xD

  3. You simply cannot play c3 knowing at the same time how older chronicles work. Thats against progression and discourages literally everyone. Since ages lineage is about botting 2-3 days for top gear and pvping 2-3 weeks until server dies. The RPG part has been completly put aside. I am strongly convinced that its impossible to ressurect such game

  4. Like someone wants to play c3. Get real, l2 has been dumbed down to trench level, noone will ever play on old style c3. Everyone will be like "where are my skills where are new items why its so empty here so much grinding server will die in 2 weeks no point etc". Just abandon the thoughts and thank me later


    When im reading "server dev section" my impression is - so many hands - so much wasted potential.

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