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Everything posted by xDrac

  1. Thank you and also thanks for the criticism :) You might have a point with the separation lines between the menu elements. In fact, I wasn't quite sure about them either that is still something I should review later on haha Well! I'm happy you think so then! It should be live rather sooner than later too
  2. Something simplistic and clean to use for my upcoming portfolio. Full view here <-
  3. You'll need the High Five client so you can already start getting it if you didn't do so already. Also, while in theory things might sound complicated to you, it's fairly easy to grasp once you are actually in-game. I know, because I can actually log in :P
  4. An in-depth preview at Luna's features.
  5. We estimate to have the beta ready to be launched at about 15th ~ 25th January (this month). The beta will not resemble the server in it's finished state. It will be more of a sneak-peak at what awaits you at launch, and of course means for you to help us find bugs etc.
  6. Wayyyyyyy to many things going on there at once. Your eyes don't even know where to look at with all these effects covering the original image. Where's the focal on your image? It isn't really there. You aren't drawing in the attention of the viewer to any certain area because everything is brightly covered in visual effects. So yeah, imo, it's rather bad too :( But don't fret, simply try again if you feel like it. And this time try not to overdo it. Think of how exactly you want to change the image and then do it. Just adding effects you think look cool will quickly clutter things up like it did on your image now.
  7. How is that Photoshop's fault? :D Anyways, looks alright. Better than your other recent stuff imo. But somehow it's always pretty much the same. And there's no text so it doesn't really feel "finished" to me yet. :P
  8. First come, first serve. If you want a custom made design, now is the time to request it before others do and I'll be busy again :) ____ Thanks :) Good thing you are finally banned :D
  9. What do you mean "given up early too"?
  10. Nope. There simply is no date yet. SOON™
  11. Yes, we will remove them, simply because they were lame copies of previous armors and we felt they weren't needed for the concept we are heading for. But you are wrong if you think everyone is going to look the same. I mean, obviously Lineage doesn't allow a whole lot of character customization as it is, but we will have people use all kinds of different gears and setups which will result in many, many different items and equipment being used. And therefore, there is going to be a LOT of variety, in both, looks and game play.
  12. Yes, they are replaced by rebirths.
  13. Make sure to hang around and join the wait for the test server on our forum.
  14. If you have ideas for features, events and the like, feel free to suggest them here.
  15. The reason why your (retarded) posts get removed is because they are a big load of nonsense. I am not a developer and Lineage 2 Dreams is not my server. I think you are mistaking me for someone else to be honest. So yeah, if you haven't got anything constructive and reasonable to say, just don't post.
  16. We hope to be able and bring up a test server sometime this month. Stay tuned on http://www.lineage2dreams.com/ or http://www.lineage2dreams.com/forums/
  17. We don't have a specific opening date just yet. But we will try to open as soon as possible. If you like, join up on our forum so you get to hear all the latest news first
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