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xDrac last won the day on April 27 2016

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  1. This might sound harsh, but please don't take it offensively. The following irks me: The logos are too big The stroke is too much, 1px could have been okay (with a little lowered opacity) but this is way too much The text is "bad", it just doesn't look good, it blends in too much, generally speaking such text should always be white without textures or anything else. It must be easily readable and discernable. I would have also chosen another font but that's preference. The text needs to be much smaller, at least the "the story begins here" in proprtion to the "Ancient World". The character renders don't fit, they stand out way too much and you clearly see they are a much different style than the rest of the background is, at this point it would probably be better to remove then altogether. Please don't take this offensively, I take you are still quite new to these things and might not know about such things. Practice is always key, so keep it going :)
  2. New pre-alpha footage
  3. No problem at all :) its always just about practice and getting some experience and the things you make are already pretty good! :)
  4. Looks pretty good, I like it :) I tried to point out a few things I thought stood out to me a little: Nothing major, just my thoughts. Looks quite classy :)
  5. Restarted computer and it worked now.
  6. Yeah but that doesn't work because it says its in use :/ And now it says when I try to move it lol
  7. Thanks but Unlocker didnt work somehow, now I get this:
  8. Cut and paste didn't work. What do you mean with control panel?
  9. So.... how exactly do you delete this obnoxious font?
  10. http://xdrac.deviantart.com/art/Lineage-II-Design-Nostalgia-688013504
  11. http://xdrac.deviantart.com/art/Lineage-II-Design-Nostalgia-688013504
  12. http://xdrac.deviantart.com/art/Lineage-II-Sleek-558971527
  13. Honestly I think you learn best by doing and finding things out yourself, and if you want to do something specific and don't know how, then honestly googling it will fetch you the best results to replicate it.
  14. Did you make sure to hold SHIFT while resizing the render character? He looks a little squished together, if you know what I mean. Other than that I think it looks okay, but you could try and blend the render in a bit more. Maybe choose a soft brush and gently go over the render with a bright color (BG color) to make it look like he blends in more.
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