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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. σωστη η μπανανα... Απο οσο ξερω δν ειναι δυνατο αυτο...
  2. Γουσταρω σπαμ.... Που το θυμιθικες αυτο το τοπικ ... χαχχ ειναι αρκετα παλιο και επισης εχει αλλαξει το WEBS.com αλλα οι βασικες λειτουργιες του ειναι ολες ιδιες...Οποτε ισως βοηθησει καποιον New σαν εσενα? IDk ..!
  3. Hello Mxc Again....I will share a CommunityBoard more beautiful + that includes my Informer when You Klik on Server Info's Dont know if it is good idea...Waiting for coments..( dont want silly comments) If Yes (mean it is good idea) i will make it Much Better...Lets say it is in (Beta) period The Best of all it is that it is just Html dev and doent need any core suport atm... Here are some screens: How To Install it ? 1)Go to C:\Desktop\FreyaServer\gameserver\config\General <---- open it with nodpad 2) Find this " Type of the Community board: " and make it from 1 to 2 like in pic 3)Replace the files into C:\Desktop\FreyaServer\gameserver\data\html\CommunityBoard Files Download Here ---> Download Credits : *NeverMore*
  4. Good Luck ... I will try it later... But i think u should change on menu(site) the language...make it english better
  5. nice to meet you Welcome to our forum, read the rules and have fun.
  6. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=209214.0
  7. 36600 Augument Manager 36601 PvP-Pk Manager 36602 Pk Protector 36603 Gm Shop 36604 Gatekeeper 36605 WareHouse Manager 36606 Npc Server Informer
  8. To δικο μου φυσικα... http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=203931.0
  9. εδω στο Mxc θα βρεις suport για l2j ....οποτε δν εχεις και πολλες επιλογες νομιζω
  10. Φιλε εαν θελεις να αποφυγεις attacks πιστεψε με πρεπει να βαλεις το χερι σου βαθια στην τσεπι σου...Εισαι διαθετιμενος να το κανεις αυτο ? ¨ Οσο αναφορα το πακ οπως ειπε και o FHB δν προκειτε να βρεις κατι αξιοπιστo και σωστο χωρις money..σου προτεινω ξεκινα compile και οτι προβλημα εχεις εδω ειμαστε να σε Help...Good Luck
  11. εννοεις να κλεινεις με αντικειμενα χόρους? τι chronicle εχεις? γινε πιο σαφης
  12. [GR] σποτ λεω οχι ποστ... σποτ = διαφημιστικο βιντεακι :D Anyway Παντως καλο θα ητανε...
  13. ok Understand [GR]Γιατι οχι να μην προστεθεί ενα νεο Rule σε ολα τα [GR] sections ωστε ολοι οι ελληνες να μην μιλανε με Greeklish...?εχω δει σε πολλα forum διαφορετικου ειδους να το κανουνε και μου αρεσε πολυ...!Οσο και αν με βολεβουν τα greeklish προσπαθω να τα σταματισω( με αφορμη και το σποτ του Κανακι) Νομιζω θα ειναι κατι καλο..
  14. Χμμ ξερω καλο πακ σε καλη τιμη και FULL FIX ..κανε μου ενα πμ...
  15. Λοιπον φιλε μου πρωτα πρωτα δεν μας λες καν τι Chronicle εχεις ... Αλλα οσο αναφορα το 1) αν καταλαβα καλα θελεις να βρεις το ιτεμ για να του αλαξεις ονομα? πηγενε μεσω System και κανε edit το itemname.dat ...
  16. Well Thanks for share...all Gm-shops from Freya should work on H5 too ^^ U just need to add some new items...I will update my npc;s soon to H5 when stayble rev appear... Gzz good work
  17. Hello Mxc.. I am Using l2j Freya compiled pack and want to add 1 java code... I had seen this java code on l2sexi and dont know if any other server have it.. I did not saw it here shared at all...So i want from some1 help me on how to create it or if it is shared just to post here the link ... The Java code i want takes place on an PvP Area,where in that area when a player got killed and press to village doesnt go to nearest vilage but spawns again to that pvp area but in different location each time(to avoid farming pvp/pk) For Example There are 2 players in PvP Area ( pvp area lets say it is priv isle warf) and the player 1 kills the player 2,(player 2 got killed on [px 24596 -24657 08956 loc]) then player 2 press To Village and it spawn again on "priv isle warf" but in different locations each time player 2 got killed... On l2sexi i think there was about 4 or 5 differnet locations where this system spawns you after death... Dont know if any1 understand what i am looking for.. If no i will try to explain it better.. Thanks in advance...
  18. That sounds good.. so any1 who want to add his topic must pm you and you will add it ?:S
  19. Well I think that Mxc need a cleaning of useless boards and make new etc ...for example a board Named Pragraming will be a nice idea for me... There we will request all it has to do with programs and share programs etc.. dont know..... Then all topic's that there are sticky(mean topics with collection shares) and the authors are inactive must be updated... for example this topic http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105735.0 If any moderator dont have the time to update this Topics the some1 have to do it ;) ..! Hope some1 take this topic into consideration...Thanks in advance
  20. Well my english is not to good...But i think it will be better if post here or pm me the typo mistakes to fix them...
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