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Everything posted by `NeverMore

  1. ontos to dokimasa twra dn pianei :s ...! Egw to eixa kanei prin poli kairo ... eixa topic edw... Pm Psomas2 kanei sell hacked chips...
  2. Doulevei exo kanei 1kkk chips alla molis kaneis update tin selida ta xaneis.... http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/197054_1604134188068_1377519962_31403539_8158056_n.jpg
  3. εχω την εντυπωση πως ειναι banned ;) οποτε πως να συνεχισει ... :D ωραιο collection παντως καποιος πρεπει να το κραταει ενημερωμενο
  4. εαν ειναι ολα κομπλε οπως λες τοτε γιατι δεν μπορεις να μπεις? :P ψαξε πιο καλα..... BTW : Ωραιος οδηγός φιλε μου.... Μπραβο...
  5. you bump some1's topic to solve your prob? then why we have help dev sections here?
  6. Here There are more infos than in the website lol ... :P
  7. oohhh f@ck you are right... my brain had stucked :P So lets say it is an expansion..! :P ;) I think this is the apropriate word :)
  8. www.l2topcrests.webs.com αυτο ειναι τρομερα δυσκολο στην χρηση του.... θελεις 3 ωρες να δεις 5 crest οποτε η ψηφος μου παει --------->>>> http://crestmaster.ucoz.com/
  9. Well i quess that this problem does not have to do with the server but with your pc ;) ..! Try to re-install it ... duuno what else to advise you ;) .. It is a program and u cannot install it ,so ? try a newest version dunno...!
  10. 3 simple steps 1) Go to com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2Pcinstance.java 2) Search for public void increasePvpKills() { // Add karma to attacker and increase its PK counter setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1); 3)after it,add this lines PS: Dont forgot to edit the id and the count before compile ;)
  11. 2 γνωμες ειναι παντα καλυτερεs απο 1 ....! :P ;)
  12. I Think you mean this <table width=125 border=0 bgcolor=444444>
  13. δν παιζει να βρεις κανενα φιλε μου...! κανε compile δικο σου...!
  14. You have to make this... :P i think noe1 will have this ;) it is private work .....
  15. Ase re ta exoune gamisei ola me ta atribute.... 8a psifiza dagwto ADV alla paizw se server(full char) poy skaw tosa liga dmg se necro pou 8a pa8eis plaka:P les kai einai Paladin eleos....
  16. Well This is a really nice idea + share :P ...! Thanks " vampir " for sharing it with us ...! About stealing ideas etc,my opinion is that only kids 10 years old will say sth like that :P ofc it is not so good to share some1's work for free but here this code it is " vampir's " code ( i mean it is written by vampri) so ...?
  17. Φιλε Spike57 καλυτερο θα ητανε για εμενα κατι με source αλλα αυτο θα σου κοστισει πολλα ...! BTW o "Flash™" ειναι trusted member και το πακ του πολυ καλο,ειμαι σιγουρος για αυτο :P :D
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