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`NeverMore last won the day on April 24 2024

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  1. Apr 06, 2024 committed revision 1303 latest sunrise rev 1303 just got released with some of its improvments listed above Fixed bow and cross bug, when change weapon sometimes does not update the proper arrows Fixemultiple thread creation while trying to equip item when attacking Fixed resurrection in dominions Fixed visual auto condition for players Ability users to be able to modify quests without changing the java part Reworked vote system, now is fully configurable from VoteEngine.xml ( fully dunamic ) Implement buffer “protection” in case of wrong configs etc Fixed some possible auto attack condition after monster death Fixed extractable items not check stackable items properly Fixed flying issues Reworked doors, less calculations, less memory allocation More formulas configs Reworked character effect list Remove NPE checks no more needed Update geo engine (500mb less ram in geo, less objects creation, less cpu usage Reconstruct some maps – lists Implement all h5 cute trick skills Implemenet retail condition for agathions Introduce NpcAI settings Introduce npc ai task manager Introduce player flag manager Introduce Random animation manager Introduce respawn task maanger Reduce overheade by 300% Rework some parts of the core for less objects creations (less objects by 5.000.000 / second maybe more) Fixed queen ant nurses Fixed antharas bombers explode with wrong conditions Update drake assasins Better formula calculations for npcs Clean useless checks check more at https://www.l2jsunrise.com/
  2. working on new features and improvements, stay tuned
  3. speaking only of the website of l2jsrunsie is by far more valuable than anything you ve ever created mate, but well if it even worth replying to a guy like you, searching on your own on topsites for H5 servers 6 out of 10 of them are made out using sunrise, which replies to your concerns. thats not true, or at least its not true with the latest changes that took place a few months ago, where we moved the whole engine.jar to the main core
  4. L2JSunrise Professional Advanced H5 Emulator --》www.l2Jsunrise.com

  5. You missed some parts, Gold plan offers source access as well. Also, after expiration, all generated licenses keeps working lifetime.
  6. https://l2jsunrise.com/ your only choice when it comes to H5
  7. 1171 revision, just released [*] Fixed olympiad damage [*] Fixed door issues [*] Fixed Dark vortex wrong stats [*] Fixed some items does not consume item [*] Fixed change pet name [*] Fixed simultaneous herbs while casting skills [*] Fixed core minions spawn on ground [*] Fixed database saves when have lazy item update true [*] Code organize and clean ups [*] Implement config to allow Community buffer inside instances [*] Fixed geodata doors, no more invalid cannot see target [*] Fixed q663 missing html [*] Fixed beleth sample thanks to l2j [*] Fixed some agro calls thanks to l2j [*] Fixed Summons max buffs [*] Fixed wrong fame increate while inside goddard town church [*] Correct some raidboss positions [*] Implement “big fortress” retail features for doors mechanism [*] Reworked item drops positioning [*] Implement find random position in geo engine [*] Implement retail feature monster race [*] Moved Enchant data xmls in separate folder (data/xml/stats/enchanting) [*] Fixed some casting times [*] Reworked auto restart system now its cron like check AutoRestart.ini for details [*] Fixed some flooding actions from geoengine [*] Implement ai system in order to organize script functions [*] Improve z calculation when correcting from geo engine [*] Implement missing skills [*] Implement missing items [*] Implement agathion energy retail function [*] Implement missing effects [*] Improve npc social actions for high populated servers [*] Improve npc random movements for high populated servers [*] Improve zig zag for monsters while attacking [*] Config to edit zig zag activation [*] Fixed von hellman boss respawn if server not restart daily [*] Fixed territory wars battle time, did not update if server not restart daily [*] Fixed monsters broken movement – attacking animations [*] Fixed missing broadcast for pets causing broken animations [*] Fixed – update some functions to be thread safe [*] Fixed wrong enchant values for cross bows [*] Fixed Q00625 The finest ingredient, did not spawn yetis table properly [*] Fixed Q00382_KailsMagicCoin [*] Fixed geoengine height checks when attack [*] Fixed treasure chests [*] Implement Unlock skill [*] Fixed pailaka injured dragon used static variables [*] Fixed Q00382 not give rewards [*] Fixed Droplist of some monstersRemoved logs [*] Fixed events not working afk system [*] Removed duplicate classes [*] Implement missing skills [*] Implement sub stuck system, thank you Milton [*] Fixed exploit with alt click on debuffs [*] Fixed id factory not restore pet data [*] Fixed Wrold info for conquerable halls [*] Fixed Block debuff effect not working for some debuffs which are only offensive skills [*] Update java buffer [*] Fixed hard coded values [*] Change game timer controller, every 5 – 10 seconds is enough [*] Fixed hall of suffering twins not dying [*] Fixed geo engine now allow fly in gracia areas [*] Optimize some codes not to spam db connections [*] Drop now used codes [*] Remove duplicate codes [*] Rework location now will not create objects per action [*] Remove some den of evil mob functions causing cpu go crazy [*] More retail like npcs and drops [*] Fixed blessing of queen and gift of queen wrong times [*] Missing configs for auto farmer [*] Update community buffer, now supports enchanted buffs for premium users [*] Fixed castle walls [*] Better geodata checks for doors more to come, stay tuned If you are not already sunrise user, do not hesitate to register your account today! https://account.l2jsunrise.com/register
  8. Thanks for your kind words. We are working on an IL copy of sunrise, we will announce details by the end of the year
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