Hello, I have run the AI compiler that is inside L2NPC (C4), it compiles everything perfectly but the error is that it gets lost when you have to choose between .
When there is a situation like the following, an IsPointer() crash occurs
if (myself.sm.hp > myself.sm.max_hp * 0.4 && (myself.sm.alive != 0 && myself.p_state != 3))
if it were for example
if (myself.sm.hp > myself.sm.max_hp && (myself.sm.alive != 0 && myself.p_state != 3))
the error does not occur.
to avoid the error I have removed the following line of code, but it always puts the
wrong ones.
If anyone understands the issue, contact me and we will see how to solve it, I will send you the IDA base and extend to run the L2NPC compiler.
Skype: gustavoorellano@hotmail.com
Discord: Guytis#6760