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Ghost Of Sparta

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Everything posted by Ghost Of Sparta

  1. Nah.The worst is when the fuck part comes. My dog's ram is way too low.Not to mention it's i-net connection speed.You see,it's not a huge bulldog but a smaller one :D Anyway,will go to ma grand-parents for launch.See ya later!
  2. Just c'n'c'ing around. I said I'll post later. I don't see any rule that forbids that anywayz!
  3. Fux!He didn't even compile my dog's health needs. Now it can't shit.I don't want to know what it will shit once it gets fix'd.Bricks or a or China's Great Wall!?
  4. Sux. Generally,the style that goddess used on this logo sux asses and so does yours. The placement's not that good.<The animated one will own,I guess. Maybe,I'll give it a try later.
  5. He is actually making the sperm ejection boost x3 code for a better fuck experience!
  6. Haha,I've painted just once!I didn't say that. I am not a client modder anyway. I am just talking about the gfx part of the items.Part that you can't prove me wrong.Unless if you make that grey thingie animation and beat DA!
  7. yea don't bullshit me with the professionalism style. Ofc,texture will be rated.Who'd like a grey thingie?What animation could you add on it?Gettin' disorted?Please.. Okay,as you wish!
  8. Depends on the way you will animate it,and btw,I was setting an example -.-' Then I am right and sofaki was pointless. We are actually judging the graphic beauty of the weapons set.
  9. Yea,but the look of armor will have a special role. For example,who would choose somebody who made a grey thing as an armor to be the winner?NOBODY! I also know that things like SA's and such staff will be important.
  10. Happy birthday mate <3! I've never told you so but,you are one of the guys here that were always true to me.
  11. I want to be a judge. Since it will be graphic related I guess i have that damned sense of good looking :D
  12. Too easy. Topaz Clean 2 ftw. W/e,it's not bad at least.
  13. Necrophile :D Am fine bud! Will for sure turn to be bad, Till then let's make a wish Good morning nab selfish !
  14. Clean and spam again xD!Searchin' spam and destroy!LOL! Anyway,this tag reminds me sofia's newbie style.
  15. Like that it's way senseless.You should expand it,you know! Matim's idea was good but not so many people in here can do that :D
  16. BTw explain that Adamn(not a typo :D) story!Is there going to be a game based on that?
  17. Actually I got smth. I ain't dumb lol.Even the title was saying it's Adam and Eve's story! What I got is that Animus brings some memories back since it was not that stable and had some security issues incomplete! Anyway log @ msn whore.
  18. Can't get a shit of it but I've finished AC 1 and know what happen'd at ac :S
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