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Ghost Of Sparta

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Everything posted by Ghost Of Sparta

  1. Twice with my first acc(and perma),twice with the previous one(and hope for unban),none with this one :P <3 HS and Erol
  2. We were actually talking about ma old acc y-day,but I wasn't either told about this or given a final answer. I hope that everything will go well,if some of ya get ur ass helping at least <3 :P
  3. If you read what I said,I am premium and regular to the proest gfx websites and I know what the newbies need since I,myself started from zero without being taught a shit. I've helped many of our -today- ps users and about my skills,teaching and making,coyote is the one who can talk about them in a better way,I guess.
  4. Providing that my old account will be unbanned I am sure that I can fulfill all the requirements in order to become a part of this team. At first,I am one of the oldest that are still active here as I am member since 2008.In addition the most of the gfx'ers have showed me plenty of respect which means I am capable of handling this section.Furthermore,I have a huge variety of HQ and professional resources which would be shared with our community! Answering to your questions now: -=Some of my work(will show-off my latest)=- -=Portofolio=- I've made one in teh past but I was too busy to update it so I consider making a new one with DaRkSLaYeR(<3 bro :P)! Will show it once I will be finished with it. -=My design skills in any way=- I've been photoshopping about two years and last summer was my peak.I started following tuts and learned everything from zero. Now I've become a good graphics designer mostly experienced in signatures,large pieces and some projects I've been working on lately. I have also started using "Cinema4D" and "Adobe After Effects"! -=Further Information=- All you need to know is mentioned above. I think I am suitable for this position since few are the members that overcome my experience in here,and by saying that I mean that I've seen and done a lot! You have my msn but w/e--> st.jimmy77@hotmail.com Choose Jimmy and ensure your designed future :D
  5. I was @ 2009 list but nowhere nowadays -->Lame! I think I will make sucha topic too.
  6. You,msn,now! BTW,did you know that: I GOT BALLZ OF STEEL!
  7. Means that you are gonna meet your death!@
  8. Now unban them and: Erol--->Gold member Setekh--->Global Moderator
  9. Actually those lines in the low part of the banner would be fine only if you would have applied an "outer stroke"(borders' style) since they seem way random like that.
  10. It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum.And I am all outta gum!
  11. I don't have any proofs now but I don't think he will hesitate to confirm it :D
  12. Hello everybody!Ventic pm @ msn asap.
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