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Ghost Of Sparta

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Everything posted by Ghost Of Sparta

  1. Ρε πάτε καλά?Εμείς φταίμε που όταν θέλουμε δουλεία για σπίτι και έτσι παίρνουμε αλλοδαπούς?Τι να τον κάνω τον έλληνα που βαριέται και κοροϊδεύει?
  2. He is Ichigo from bleach and here's the render: !
  3. W/e Imma add you asap. Anyway,you ain't wrong.I just say that you could decrease it for start and once you get more clients you can make it higher.
  4. I really love your work mate and as a "designer" I can recommend ya to every single person here. Anyway,20 euros for a sig is way too much but it's your call :D Pm me with your real msn so we can get to know each other :D
  5. Αυτός πάει στην 2η κατηγορία των παιδιών που ανέφερα σε προηγούμενο ποστ.
  6. Hello everybody! PC lesson @ school ownz.
  7. In the afternoon you will have everything. Those banners,l2 servers' banners,forum's banner and a signature :P
  8. So you collaborated with dream? Nc one.
  9. It's NCSoft's newest client even it's not out yet(in fact korean client IS out)we managed to get a part of the armors! Rest are payable i guess.
  10. Fix render and text and it will be pro!
  11. Psychosocial?!?LOL I ain't psycho.I just loved the way Alucard behaves :P
  12. Add me at st.jimmy77@hotmail.com mate :D
  13. The most epic one i've seen is hellsing.The episodes' number's really low so QQ~
  14. Ενώ τα ζωάκια που σκοτώνεις είναι δικά σου ή του καθενώς?Σου το έχω ξαναπεί.Εύχομαι να μπορούσαν να αντισταθούν!
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