using windows7 u can make more then dual box on dex network using a program "high-utils" or something like that.
open 2 sesions, open "high-utils" to hide those 2 application of L2, then u can open other 2 sesions.
bots work there only that we don;t know how
l2net team don't play there so no interes to spent time making l2net working on RPG
my advice: play fair or find another server to bot
the answer was given
since none of l2net dev team play on RPG they are not interested to make bots work for that server
so stop waiting for bots working.
mah Dariusse
ai pus tu acolo tutorial cum se intra cu L2net pe Dexternet dar ai si pus ditamai cerintele sa poata lumea citi
noi astia mai mici si amarati ce ne facem?
nu faci tu o pomana cu unu ca mine si dai un mesaj cu ce e scris acolo? 8)